Heidi Montag: Addicted to Plastic Surgery

i wonder what she'd look like when she reaches 27 or 30. poor girl :(
i liked her simple look before. it's sad, how can someone like her have
absolutely 0% confidence when it comes to her body.
Watching the Hills, it is after all, my secret shame show, the transformation of Heidi over the last few years is sad to say the least.

I think her new look is quite awful. I don't know what kind of audience she wants with this look? besides Playboy...

Also how can people blame Lauren? Lauren basically stopped talking to Heidi once Spencer came onto the scene.

Heidi is a big girl and can make her own decisions - Spencer says so!!!
Like many of her contemporaries who believe anything can be fixed by a make-over, she decided to deal with her self-esteem issues the laziest way possible. Instead of putting all that money into a further education so she could gain some intellectual clout, into learning a set of skills or into getting involved in a gratifying project, (things that would have improved her sense of self-worth and as a bonus would have made her a less useless member of society, but have the downside of requiring will, time and effort), she just took the short-cut of a few nip and tuck. If you think about it, the way she chose to spend her money mirrors the way she earned it.
For the record I have nothing against plastic surgery (I have defended its use in the past), as long as the people who use it understand it's not going to make you a better or more worthwhile person, and that improving the outside doesn't mean you can stop working on the inside, something that obviously totally escape Heidi.

The age of instant gratification and fast-food world we live in has come to a really scary state when things like this happen. It's very quickly becoming the norm as well. A mentality now widely accepted by the celeb world, it will soon trickle down to the normal people.

Anyone else appalled at the doctor that did the procedures? Forget the husband. I think that the doctor is incredibly irresponsible .... but with the world in the state it is in today, with so much carelessness, nothing seems noble or sacred anymore.
Heidi is not now and has never been insecure.

That's a little naive. Do you know the inner most thoughts of Heidi? The expression is never judge a book by its cover,just because things look fine doesn't mean that they are.
I don't think Spencer is the source of the problem either...she was long insecure before she met him and I don't think there is any evidence of Spencer encouraging her to get such drastic plastic surgery...

That's what I think...

And why would he WANT her to be so "appealing" to men in that almost p*rn*gr*ph*c fashion?
I read the People article yesterday and I'm still absolutely stunned how someone can have such low self esteem and go through such drastic measures to "fix" herself, instead of annoyance I think I feel more pity for her. Does ANYONE think she looks better???
Doesn't the fact that Heidi married Spencer say a lot about her. The plastic surgeries are just another symptom of her many problems.
That's a little naive. Do you know the inner most thoughts of Heidi? The expression is never judge a book by its cover,just because things look fine doesn't mean that they are.

I'm assuming no one else who has commented on Heidi knows her innermost thoughts either. I'm working with what I see just like everyone else who has formed an opinion on Heidi.

The way she has presented herself in the past does not reek of insecurity, in fact she seemed to have a very high opinion of herself much like Paris Hilton. People who are crippled by insecurity aren't on the beach every weekend posing in a bikini. She has shown no shame in any aspect of how she approaches fame. She makes ridiculous contradictory statements (i.e claiming to be a hardcore Christian while posing for Playboy and being materialistic). So I don't get why people believe everything that comes out of her mouth and read so much into her publicity stunts. I don't see some girl crying out for help. I see a vain, attention-hungry woman who wanted to look prettier.

She pretty much spelled out in her "novel" that talking about your plastic surgery is a great way to get attention. Her plastic surgery was done to coincide with the release of her album. It is a well-coordinated PR stunt. I can't believe how many people are wasting their sympathies on this woman.

This is another of their silly plans to sell her story to the media. Tabloids would love to interview her and hear her story all over again.

Sadly, it works! At this point they don't care if people hate them, pity them, they just look for attention. And they have it.

They would do ANYTHING to people talk about them.

I don't feel sorry for her. This as all her stories annoy me :ninja:
omg... she is my age.... actually she's a year younger than me.... how on earth can she do something like thi to herself.... to lose everyhting she was.

doesnt she get it? people dislike her now.... i used to like her natural years back...

too bad too bad....
And again I can't wait for the candids :lol:
Homegirl's gonna be all over LA showin the paps her people cover
Heidi is tres distinguée she aint your average chic girl she is putting othe h* to shame
I wonder if there will be a major Heidi backlash... or if people will just accept it...
I feel so sad for her, watching her when she's so fresh and cute on Laguna and the early seasons of The Hills is kind of heartbreaking when you look at her now.
^ She wasn't ever on Laguna Beach, only The Hills. I don't feel sorry for her at all, I think her fake appearance matches her fake personality.
Well, to be fair, if I saw the current Heidi down the street, I'd think she was very pretty. It's only because we all know she got many things done that makes her image a little repulsive. She was quite attractive before all the surgery, but I wouldn't consider her VERY pretty. Come on, we all judge celebrities and their looks. Many a times I've heard people say (about actresses) that "She doesn't fit the part in the film because she's not gorgeous enough like the character is supposed to be" or whatever. So I think in the entertainment industry, looks are pretty important. Especially if you don't have that much talent. Now, I wont' even start on the "hot" actresses that do not know how to act.
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ok, will do, but i think it's understandable....it's all this 'new heidi' pics and interview and no candids, what else can we talk about

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