'Heroes' Co-stars Confirm Dating Rumours

:lol: I love how all the Gilmore fangirls are coming out here to post! :rofl: I'm behind all of you. :angel:

I rooted for Milo and Alexis all the way. I can't imagine another couple as perfect as they were; their on-screen chemistry was even more fantastic.

It's sort of weird though... Alexis comes off as shy, awkward and even though, she's really famous-she's not in the lime light. The complete opposite of Hayden, who comes off as flashy. :ermm:
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there is nothing wrong with hayden...but Milo is absolutely gorgeus and is way better with Alexis. and what about the age gap? isn´t 18 year old girl little too young for 30 year old man...i mean, 18 year old can be little child-ish.
^Seriously! I'm with you Jenna-Maria.
You can say whatever you want about girls being often more mature at 18 than most boys but the age gap is making cringe!

I'm 30, I would be perfect for him!:lol:
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I see it coming. The chemistry between them was so obvious. But I liked him much more with Alexis, they were really cute couple and Alexis is lovely girl.
I don´t get all the fuss about Hayden. I don´t like that girl, her style of posing in photos and everything. She´s really unattractive to me.
Why do most things that start as a rumor online usually come to be true..
I agree with you all about Milo and Alexis. They were really cute together, while Hayden somehow comes off too childish for him.
I don't think that the age differnce between the two is not that bad.
Maybe he's a childish 30 year old man and she's a mature girl who's 18?
But didn't say Alexis that Milo was not good to her? If that's true I'm glad he moved on although I like Hayden too and I don't want her to be hurt either. ^_^
But he's still sooo hot. No matter if he's mean or not. :innocent:
He seems to like young (looking) girls.
Alexis famous for her baby-face. And Hayden doesn't exactly look old either - she's 18.
I have nothing against Hayden but this relationship creeps the hell out of me. If the old rumours are true they've been dating since before her 18th birthday. To me it says a lot about Milo's personality - a lot of bad things, that is.
I think they've been in this relationship for a long time now because I met them in fall 06 and they seemed to be a bit chummy then.
Good! Only further proves that this terrible girl i know who claims to be dating him is a liar. hah.
Nobody posted THESE yet:




Looks it's daddy with his baby girl.


I'm going to get so much crap from the Halo lovers for saying this, a whole bunch of the standard lines like "Well I guess you would know since you know the girl so damn well" and "Who the hell are you to judge?", but I'm saying it anyways. I can't imagine that Hayden is any less attention-seeking than she comes across as on screen and in interviews. In everything I've seen her in, she tries too hard to act more intelligent and more mature than she is - like she fancies herself incredibly adored and admired for her poise and talent. And yeah, I am slightly aware of the fact that I'm not besties with her, and therefore don't have the right to judge; and yeah, I am just slightly aware that maybe she is a completely different person than what she comes across as, but you know what? You can't automatically say "well you don't actually know her, do you?" every time someone comments negatively on an aspect of her personality that she herself puts across in public. So whatever. I am going to get so bashed for saying this, but whatever.

Milo and Alexis = :heart:
Poor Milo's getting old and he's only wants to shag some young, dumb chick. And poor Hayden, she belives that he loves her. This relationship is such a mistake. Also, I think this "love" will not make any good for Heroes, because 70% of the people aren't happy to see that. (sorry for my bad english.:))
People need to make mistakes in their life to learn from them. ^_^
What's wrong about having a good time with someone who will probably hurt you in the future? That's life.
I don't think this relationship is gross.
Ashley Olsen was almost as young as she was when she had a 30 year old boyfriend and the complaining about it wasn't as big as this.
Poor Milo's getting old and he's only wants to shag some young, dumb chick. And poor Hayden, she belives that he loves her. This relationship is such a mistake. Also, I think this "love" will not make any good for Heroes, because 70% of the people aren't happy to see that. (sorry for my bad english.:))

i'm sorry i don't want to sound offensive but do you know them personally? it really sounds funny to me when people talk about celebrities and their relationships as if they are their friends .. making judgements about their appearance is one thing but this?! :rolleyes:
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