Horror Movies?


Apr 18, 2004
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Hey everyone I was curious about which horror movies have scared you the most. Plus I wanna check out some new ones and maybe someone has a list of some good ones to watch.

Here are ones that scared me
Final Destination-both of them
Jeppers Creepers-both of them...but the second was the scariest
Red Dragon
Texas Chainsaw massacre
Wrong Turn

What are some that scared you?
Dawn of the Dead
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Resident Evil
Dawn of the Dead was one of the best movies this year, IMO. It had lots of little humorous moments to cut the tension...it was so perfect for what it was: a scary and hilarious horror flick. It was nice to see a horror movie not being pretentious, not trying to be oscar-worthy or dramatic. That movie is so fun.

I saw the Ring for the second time today and I'm still scared. That little girl scares the bejeezus out of me.
House of the Haunted Hill (is this the name!? all of a sudden I can't seem to remember correctly :lol: )
The Ring
Texas Chainsaw massacre
Final Destination
I know there are a lot more, but I can't think of any for now! :wacko:
The Blair Witch Project :doh:

and once I watched a horror Japanese movie, I cant remember the title but it did scared the hell out of me :cry:
hey, I didnt know we had another thread on this.

A administrator can combine them! thanks
Texas Chainsaw M.

Old Boris Karloff Films.

The Blob- Back in the day.....
The Ring
The Shining
Child's Play 1
Scream 3
Far from home
The Darkness
The Others
Darkness Falls..

the list is endless
They scared me and made me laugh

The Freddy Krueger movies (I didn't like one, Dream warriors I think it was)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Jason Goes to Hell
Evil Dead 1, 2 and 3... number 3 to laugh mainly :wink:
The Company of Wolves
Event Horizon
House 1, 2 and 3 (really weird movies and funny in their spooky way)
The Guardian
The Children Under the Stairs
The Shining (both original and the two part version)
Pet Cemetary
House on Hounted Hill
Bad Taste
Den Sidste Time (Danish movie, REALLY creepy)

I've seen so many and they are all special to me! most for just being really funny horror b-movies, like house 2, it's like an acid trip with a really weird plot and "horror" that is so typical for a bad b-movie, just love it! Some are good, some horrible, a bad horror movie is a good thing :wink: There's also nothing as good as a trippy splatter movie directed by Peter Jackson B) (Bad Taste and Braindead, some other but haven't seen them)
28 days later
the exorcist (couldn't sleep for two weeks!)
dawn of the dead
i know a few that really killed me in the sleep department. but i have to say "The Grudge" which is coming out looks like it's going to scare the crap out of me. It's all, ring girl + crawling down stairs on all fours = :|
Poltergiest (sp?)
It scared the poop out of me when i was little. (i had a walk-in closet like Carolyn's)
And The Exorcist
but just the part with the creepy old lady sitting on the bed :shock:
The Shining (original with Jack Nicholson)
Poltergeist (Made me scared of my closet)
Event Horizon
The first horror i can remember that scared the crap outta me is "A nightmare on Elm street. i had nightmares for weeks.

An American Werewolf in London(the sight of the werewolf only)
The thing
Jeepers creepers 1 ( i had night mare for days as a grown woman :lol: )
Jeepers creepers 2( fear for the kids)
28 days later (creepy)
The ring
Wrong turn
Texas chainsaw massacre ( more sick than afraid)
Event horizon

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