Horror Movies?

I love horror films! I'm watching The Orphanage right now. My favourites are:

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Carrie (1976)
28 days later...(2002)
Se7en (1995)
Jaws (1975)
The Cell (2000)
Silence of the Lambs (1991)
Red Dragon (2002)
Battle Royal (2000)
Rosemary's Baby (1968)
Misery (1990)
Evil Dead (1981)
The Shining (1980)
Let the Right One In (2008)
Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
Alien (1979)
Psycho (1960)
The Descent (2005)

The scariest ones for me were The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, The Shining, 28 Days Later, Silence of the Lambs, and Carrie.
I finally got around to watching Hostel a few weeks ago and it is the only movie that I've ever watched that I had to turn it off and take a break from watching it before I could finish. So gross! I hate the Halloween and Friday the 13th films too. They are nothing but gore.
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I saw The Texas Chain Saw Masscare (1974) last week and I still think about it, not because I'm scared but more because I found it to be a great movie.
I believe it's my favourite horror movie at the moment.

Besides that I like:
Rosemary's Baby (even though I've never found it scary)
The Ring (american version)
30 Days of Night
The Shining

I own on dvd My Bloody Valentine 3d and Drag Me to Hell which I better go watch now:D
Has anyone seen The Human Centipede? I haven't but i may want to. From what i've read it seems like it may be a horror comedy. Is it?
^ I haven't seen it, but the only good horror-comedy film I've ever seen was Shaun of the Dead.
ahaha...i saw the human centipede trailer and wow, the dutch are demented lol ill probably see it on dvd...dunno if i have the balls to see it in theatre :)
I really like the good old expressionist Horror movies like Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, Golem, Orlacs but for today standards they are of cause not scary ;)

Has anyone seen The Human Centipede? I haven't but i may want to. From what i've read it seems like it may be a horror comedy. Is it?

Definitely not! It is crap (couldn’t resist^^). It’s one of those horror movies which takes itself seriously, but as a result fails on many levels. The story is incorrect, there are a lot of illegitimate plot parts, it didn’t have a big budget and there is only one decent actor in it (the bad guy).

the only good horror-comedy film I've ever seen was Shaun of the Dead.

Zombieland was decent imho.

I can also live with gore horror movies as long as They don't take themself seriously. Dead Snow (it has Nazi zomies, which are even more evil then normal zombies) comes to my mind or maybe 2LDK. But I see all of those movies more as a comedy.

Really scary horror movies today are difficult. Most American productions rely on fast audio/visual effects and build up 0 atmosphere. Japananese directors did some good ones (and of cause they have bad Hollywood remakes) The Ring, Grudge, Dark Water and of cause the sick torture & gore classics by Takashi Miike.
The Grudge sacred the bejeesus out of me, and I haven't been scared of much else since. I think the Haunting in Conneticut was quite freaky though. The Nightmare on Elm Street (old one) made me laugh more then anything. I wonder if the new one will be any scarier... does anyone know?
^the grudge was quite scary for me.. :shock: but i have to say that it doesn't take so much to scare me :blush:
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^the grudge was quite scary for me.. :shock: but i have to say that it doesn't take so much to scare me :blush:

I'm the opposite. Takes a lot to scare me. But the movie The Grudge was based on, a Japanese film titled Ju-On, gave me some serious chills. It is better than Grudge. So is its sequel, Ju-On 2. No gore or blood at all, but much better than American horror movies in general.
Wear diapers when you see these movies. :D
For you SAW fanatics (like me), i'm hoping that in SAW VII (coming in October and supposedly the last in the series) Jill will give birth to John's baby (thru artificial insemination) and will name him John, Jr. Then he will grow up to carry on his father's legacy. So in about 30 years they will start a whole new series of SAW's. Son of Saw or something. And we can have that to look forward to when we get old.
Any thoughts?
I haven't seen Zombieland or Return of the Living Dead, I think Shaun of the Dead is one of the only comedy-horror films I've seen.

I fell asleep while watching Nosferatu lol and Dr. Caligari was probably really scary when it came out, but I didn't find it scary at all. It was good though.

Has anyone seen [Rec] ? thoughts? I want to watch it, but I can't seem to find it online :(
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The Scream mask haunted my childhood as well, still does actually. I love watching the movies though!
Can't wait for Scream 4 either.. very curious about the story lines!

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