Horror Movies?

Ooh I didn't know this thread existed! I LOVE scary films! I like the Asian version of The Grudge 1 & 2 and the Asian versions of the Ring 1 & 2, others I like are:
My Little Eye (2002)
The Hills Have Eyes (the recent remake)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre In The Beginning (recent)
Severance (Brit black comedy)
The Eye (Chinese)
The Descent (amazing!)
Hostel (a bit too violent for me though)
Saw 1, 2 & 3 (all the same really, but I still hid behind the sofa)
Some of my favourites...

Freaks (1932)
Psycho (1960)
The Birds (1963)
The Last House on the Left (1972)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
I Spit On Your Grave (1978)
Halloween (1978)
The Shining (1980)
Nightmare on Elm Street series (1984+)
The People Under the Stairs (1991)
Friday the 13th series (1980+)
Sometimes They Come Back (1991)
The Candyman (1992) - saw it when I was a young child and to this day still scared to say his name 5 times :lol::shock:
Scream (1996)
Final Destination (2000)
The Others (2001)
The Mothman Prophecies (2002)
Wrong Turn (2003)
Shaun of the Dead (2004) :heart:
Wolf Creek (2005)
Severance (2006)

I would have to say that Wolf Creek was one of the only recent movies that managed to terrify me. I know that many international people who have seen it don't find it scary at all, but perhaps because it is Australian it made it so much more real and disturbing (as in Australia we're used to mainly only seeing American horror films, so by default we are quite removed from any 'reality' American film tries to depict, if that makes sense?) It's raw, gritty and the tension is unbearable that by the end of it, admist conflicting emotions,
you feel almost relieved that the poor girl was finally put out of her misery![/sp]. The cinematography was incredible too—it really captured how isolating the outback can be. Even though it's been over a year since I saw it, I still often wonder what I would have done in their situation.

I haven't seen The Descent yet, I'll have to check it out...
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I love horror movies and at the moment I can't think of the best one but definitely the worst was the descent..has someone seen this?
Some of my favourites...

I would have to say that Wolf Creek was one of the only recent movies that managed to terrify me. I know that many international people who have seen it don't find it scary at all, but perhaps because it is Australian it made it so much more real and disturbing (as in Australia we're used to mainly only seeing American horror films, so by default we are quite removed from any 'reality' American film tries to depict, if that makes sense?) It's raw, gritty and the tension is unbearable that by the end of it, admist conflicting emotions,
you feel almost relieved that the poor girl was finally put out of her misery![/sp]. The cinematography was incredible too—it really captured how isolating the outback can be. Even though it's been over a year since I saw it, I still often wonder what I would have done in their situation
Agreed. Awesome movie.
I love horror, though I'm not fan of over the top gore. My favorites.

Bram Stoker's Dracula
The Ring
From Hell
Pumpkin Head
The Omen
The Exorcism of Emily Rose
The Others
Red Dragon
Rosemary's Baby
The Exorcist and The Ring are the movies that I once watched and will never ever watch again.
My favorite horror movies?:
1) Friday the 13th series

There are others but I can't think of them right now.

The Ring really scared me..prob because of the coming out of the TV stuff..also I used to have really long hair my self at that time..black..and the morning after seeing that film I woke up seeing my own hair on the pillow...freaked me out!! hahaha
I've watched more scary movies then I should considering how I scare easily. And I know I'll still probably watch more because I always end up curious about movies I've heard of and end up having to watch them or I'll watch them because they air around the time of Halloween.
I love Horror movies especially:
Scream 1,2 & 3
House of Wax
Wrong Turn 1 & 2
Urban Legend
I know what you did last summer
I still know what you did last summer
and I allways know what you did last summer
My favourites

Texas Chainsaw Massacre
The Exorcist
The Ring
Wolf Creek
The Omen
Rosemary's Baby
Halloween (John Carpenter)
I love watching horror movies in the theater. It's much more intense than watching them at home.

Texas Chainsaw Massacre (the remake) scared the crap out of me at the theater! I was shaking and wanted to leave the theater. It was amazing!
The ones that really scared me:

Jun-Oh (the japanese version)
Shutter (the thai version)
The Eye (the Hong Kong version)
Hills have Eyes II - it was just so bloody!
28 Days Later
Resident Evil I & II (sadly part III didn't live up to expectations)
Candyman (and no, I am not even going to try and say "Candyman" 5 times)

And oh, I feel that the Hong Kong film, Mr Vampire deserves a special mention. It was my favourite horror movie when I was a kid and I remembered being scared ****less, though I honestly can't remember the details now.
Forget horror movies!

All I really need is Unsolved Mysteries... that's the only thing on the television that could truly freak me out...
it's psychologically (do i spell it right?) scary. it's a story of an abandoned hospital..with you know...but you must see the ending!!
"The Exorcist"

"Evil Dead" (this one, I didn't see for a long long time!)

I am traumatized by those movies! :lol:

For me, there's a difference between some horrors. It depends on the atmosphere.. the tension, (that makes a shiver ran down my spine).. and the one that is just gross and makes my stomich turn upside down :sick:

"Hellraiser" (Clive Barker) has a good story and is scary.

"Braindead" is a sick and gross zombie- movie.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
The only things that I remember is.. Leatherface, a girl screaming (the whole time) and that sick old grandpa.. :sick:

I am not a hardcore horror-movie-fan.. but I do like, "Fright Night", "Halloween", "Friday the 13th", and "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

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