My interest in fashion has been funny. I've always dressed differently, but it all started in Grade 8, when I bought my first issue of Vogue. It had Angelina on the cover, so I bought it, but I was in love with the ad campaigns and rip so many out as inspiration. But then my mom accidentally threw the magazine out. So while I was in Grade 9, I was an avid reader of Vogue and I started dressing more stylish, instead of dressing like a typical 14 year old. In Grade 10, I transferred to a different high school where people were so judgmental and being young, I let their negative comments get to me, so I ended up conforming to their standard.
Last summer, my go to outfit was a pair of skinny jeans, tight top, and converse shoes and one day I got so sick of wearing same outfit that I decided I'm going to put in the effort and stop giving a crap what people think. That's when I went online and started reading fashion blogs like Fashion Toast and Style Bubble and I wanted to develop my own personal style. Now, this whole interest has evolved into something that is my life. I finally decided that I want my career to be in fashion and I will never let others opinions deter me from my love of fashion.