How Did You Get Interested In Fashion?

I think I started getting into fashion because of my grandma. she's very stylish, and i think that's where i get most of my inspiration from. & then from then i just gradually started looking at fashion magazines, and then about two or three years ago, i started looking at these fashion sites, and i joined two fashion sites, and recently i joined this one. :) now, i'm OBSESSED. hehe. i love fashion so much, it's life.
I didn't, I was born with it. I started sketching (I used to trace a barbie as an when I was in the 3rd grade and I made clothes and costumes out of grocery bags when I was even younger than that, like 6 or something. So I cant really pin point a "trigger".
Maybe my origins in fashion come from collecting and looking at sale papers of various fashion pieces. The earliest I could remember having interest in certain fashion items was in 1992 or so. The style was mostly ruffled and puffy-sleeved button-down shirts and blouses. Over the years, my feed to what fashion is at present around my way is through sale papers. Seeing fashion before my eyes then evolved into visiting various online shopping malls (just to look at fashion styles, not to purchase any). My interests have been mostly of women's fashion as I've never really thought of men's fashion much.

So what made me get into fashion? Well, I've had a certain preference as to what kinds of fashion are out there. This includes casual fashion as well as more dressy types. I'm mostly around a crowd which a T-shirt, jeans, and flip-flops are fairly normal. I don't go out to many places much. Most stylish part of Houston is Southwest Houston. That includes local places like West University Place, Rice Village, River Oaks, and the [Houston] Galleria. We're nobody's Beverly Hills or New York in regards to being absolute hotbeds of super-trendy and super-fabulous fashion.

One of the things I admit about why I'm not overly knowledgable about fashion is because I'll see a certain style most people (let alone just femmes) wear and wonder, "what is/are that/those?" I know some femmes around my way have started to adopt the cropped vest, but never really know who makes good ones or anything like that. I only know so much about certain fashion styles. I think of stuff like the country Western thing of 2005. Things like gaucho pants, tucking boots into jeans, and stuff became hot at this time. I later had my choice opinions of leggings under skirts. Part of understanding fashion to me is to never stop learning. Never stop gaining field experience. Always be in the know and always look around for what styles may be exhibited. (Not to make any sort of cheap plug) Being on also helped me to know of any certain trends as well as offer my own opinions on things. I've greatly loved certain styles. Most of you know I'm never afraid to show what styles I dislike.

It all began with some curiousity in fashion. Here's a fact about me- I usually have a knack for seeing what kind of footwear is being worn before really looking at a certain outfit. I feel that pairing shoes with a fairly decent outfit are what makes things shine. I can personally admit that I'm always looking for the right kind of shoes despite what other clothes someone is wearing. My curiousity in fashion has led me to slowly appreciate various other aspects in fashion as well as various looks. That's what has gotten me going. Thanks for asking.
My mum has certainly always been interested in certain, not to the level I am. She used to various accolades of magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Marie Claire etc. And I used to always flick through them, soaking in every pretty detail.

Then when we went to Switzerland when I was about 8 my auntie and my mum took me to St. Moritz as both were wishing to purchase a new LV handbag. Looking at all the couture shops, it was alike a lightbulb flickered inside of me and I insisted on dragging them into every shop and looking at every single item. :p

Since then my personal style has evolved; it was the most interesting and fascinating way of expressing myself and now, well, I adore fashion in all its context. ^_^
I started to model when I was 15 and by this time I also began buying all these fashion magazines and watching fashion tv. ^_^
I started working at a sunglasses store and because we had budgets i always liked selling the high fashion sunglasses as they are more expensive. I cant remember but stumbled onto this forum and saw the McQueen AW 2007 collection and ever since then ive been in love with fashion. I have always had this interest in fantasy whether it be games or books. Consequently, it the collection made me realize, doing something imaginative and something i love is like a dream job.
I think i have always had a certain interest in grandma is sewing her own clothes all the time and she wanted to be a fashion designer when she was younger (but she got married, had three kinds ect ect ect) and from a young age I was helping her to sew a lot and we were sewing dresses for my dolls together and I loved it. Quite from in early age I also refused to wear what my mum gave me and picked out my own clothes making all kinds of weird combination...I remember when I was about 7 how I noticed that special clothes and special combinations of clothe made me feel a certain way...So I think I was always interested in fashion, although my taste was of course very "special" as a child :)....but I always remember the special feeling when wearing something really good, and Ive still got that today. I think I got interested in designer and buying Vouge for the first time when I was around 13...since then my style has changed and developed all the time...and now I finally think it is really a style I feel comfortable in.
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There was never a specific moment for me.

I loved clothes when I was little, always came up with my own outfits; started buying fashion magazines for my weekly allowance when I was barely 10; then I seriously fell in love with fashion around the age of 14. Found tFS, read a biography on Diana Vreeland and the rest is history.

I can't imagine who I'd have been today had I not found fashion.
It's not merely an interest of mine: it's a part of who I am.
It wasn't until my junior year of college... I had eye surgery that fall and was forced to spend the semester at home, recovering. It was then that I really began to read and research fashion, and understand that applying a certain "aesthetic" to life was not only enjoyable - but in my case - inseparable from achieving a certain sort of happiness.

It didn't happen right away of course - I had to go through everything in my closet (and admittedly throw most of it away) before I achieved a wardrobe I felt proud and exhilarated to wear. That interest in fashion has spawned into other interests, including interior design, cooking, and art.

This quote keeps me going on lazy days/ugly days/tired days, etc:

"Get dressed everyday a little bit nicer than you would have and see if it makes a difference in your day. See if you feel better. See if people treat you better."

Laura Bennett
My interest in fashion has been funny. I've always dressed differently, but it all started in Grade 8, when I bought my first issue of Vogue. It had Angelina on the cover, so I bought it, but I was in love with the ad campaigns and rip so many out as inspiration. But then my mom accidentally threw the magazine out. So while I was in Grade 9, I was an avid reader of Vogue and I started dressing more stylish, instead of dressing like a typical 14 year old. In Grade 10, I transferred to a different high school where people were so judgmental and being young, I let their negative comments get to me, so I ended up conforming to their standard.

Last summer, my go to outfit was a pair of skinny jeans, tight top, and converse shoes and one day I got so sick of wearing same outfit that I decided I'm going to put in the effort and stop giving a crap what people think. That's when I went online and started reading fashion blogs like Fashion Toast and Style Bubble and I wanted to develop my own personal style. Now, this whole interest has evolved into something that is my life. I finally decided that I want my career to be in fashion and I will never let others opinions deter me from my love of fashion.
I don't really know a turning point for me.
But I remember in school hating looking like everyone else, thats not to say I was super fashionable at that point. Just... didn't want to wear same old ****.
I fell in love with fashion through magazines really... so its good I am studying Journalism. And I would love to get into fashion and lifestyle journalism.
My mom always dressed different from other people, I guess it rubbed off on me. Besides that I always remember being a shopping wh*re. hah
Both of my parents dressed well; my father was a banker and wore YSL and Dior when they were still designed by Yves and Christian. I had my coming-of-age fashion magazine moment, too (a Harpers Bazaar when it was still good, at age 12). The images transformed me and created an escape for someone whose taste wasn't as conventional.

I think you just kind of know.....somehow it just IS important to you. :lol:
This is the spark:
i started getting concerned back in private school grade 10 highschool.

It was regarding the free uniform day. A day students seems to loooove so much for some reason. They tried so hard, even payed much (of course it had some cause like charity). But i felt their passion.

But when that day came most people wore nothing special.

I totally didn't get that. WHY?

I felt i had to do something, and that's where my connection of clothes started. But it stayed dormant for quite the long time.

Only in the past half year, can i say i got into fashion for real.
Looking back, I realized it was all instinctual, like raiding my mom's closets, writing down my outfits that I planned in a planner, searching for that perfect shade of something. But I clearly remember my mother bribing me with an outfit to take a sewing class, and me jumping at the offer when I was 14. Then, when I was 19 I "discovered" UK Vogue and all hell broke loose.
I have always loved clothes and playing dress up when I was younger. As a little girl I had subscription to those teeny bopper type magazines (lol), and when I was in private school...I always looked forward to the day in the quarter when we could wear whatever we wanted.
I remember my first major purchase was in 6th grade...I went to South Africa with my family and splurged about $150 on a gold sequined cowboy was so gorgeous and I still love it to this day.
My last two years in high school...I went to public school. And the mall became a necessity every DAY.I was obsessed and my classmates always commented on my style.
By my freshman year in college, I wasn't only interested in clothers and shopping but fashion. I wanted to know EVERYTHING about the industry from models to designers. I finally realized my junior year in college that I wanted to pursue fashion as a career.
Now I'm the go to girl for all things fashion for my friends and family!:)
i spent my 1st 18 years on a farm in a tiny vermont town (aka fashion dead zone). when i went to college in boston i went into a high-end consignment store (wearing some tragic old navy outfit and thinking it was just a thrift store). i was initially stunned that used clothing could cost $100s until i saw a mindblowing 80s issey miyake winter coat. i hadn't even heard of miyake at that point, but i knew as soon as i saw that coat (and ponied up a lot of cash for it, in spite of previously never having paid more than $3 for a piece of clothing) my life had changed and since then i have become consumed with avant-garde fashion. now my closets and walls are strewn with avant-garde fashion and my photographer and other friends ask me to be a stlyist. i had no fashion role models in my life at all, so i think it was instinctual for me, i just needed to discover it somehow (which i did with that miyake coat).
From a young age my parents tell me I used to insist on dressing myself and would often go out in the oddest combinations. I remember becoming interested in developing a personal style in my teenage years, which was somewhat androgynous and very different to all the other girls at school (we had a uniform but I would dress differently on casual days, dances, etc). I used to wear a lot of my dad and stepdad's clothes like shirts, trousers, overcoats, jumpers, hats etc. A few months after I turned 18 I became more interested in dressing to accentuate my curves and so on. I started buying fashion magazines and getting inspired from them. I used to sketch outfits that I wished someone would bring out and then get annoyed when someone did.

These days I get a lot of favourable comments from my friends about my personal style or even, "only YOU could wear that and get away with it."

Even though I don't always follow fashion it remains an interest for me; certainly it provides a bit of an escape from my career, which is fairly intense but fortunately one where I can express a certain degree of creativity in my outfits.

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