Do you live in fashion Siberia?

Aww, MulletProof! ^_^ Yes, indeed, it would seem the lack of fashion stimulation in my present surroundings has brought me back! :lol:
So, not directly related to the thread, but is it possible for 'hardcore' fashion people (if you're reading this, you're probably my definition of the phrase) to connect with more casual 'fashionistas'? (Fans of Juicy Couture and Betsy Johnson above all else, no offense intended.) I'm a snob, I'll own up to it, but it's really disheartening when you try to talk to someone about, say, some Parisian house's newest collection and you find out your conversation partner only has a vague idea of the house's aesthetic/fragrance campaign/reputation.
^That's what I talked about in my last post. I mentioned Balenciaga to a girl and she thought it was a type of pastry :lol: Can you believe the silly b*tch?
Sometimes on these forums I feel like I am fashion Siberia. I am usually pretty knowledgable about fashion but phew, in here, I have no idea what to offer. And everyone seems way ahead of the curve.

I feel like the fashionista ilaughead is talking about, not that I am into Juicy Couture or Betsey Johnson, I can hold my own talking about J.Mendel's resort collection and how much I love it. So I would say it is possible. I love fashion. But I also love decor and planning my wedding, and adding to my library (though the Boy say that has to stop because I am taking up too much floor space). And sometimes, I wish I had the money to buy those new Loubies (hah! like I can even buy used loubies!) and pay for the Venetian mirror I won in an auction on Ebay but I can't.

Just because we are part time fashionistas doesn't mean we love it any less. Sometimes, we love too many things. ;)
Oh, and to keep to the post (and not talk about my insecurities... ;) ), I won't consider myself in fashion Siberia exactly. Just um... staid. The girl from Sea of Shoes lives in the same town as me after all. A lot of pearls (seriously, around here, they wear pearls to the gym!) a lot of polos. I get a lot of:

"What is that on your head?" (or name some other body part)
"Well, it is a fascinator"
"Oh. What is that?"

I mentioned Balenciaga to a girl and she thought it was a type of pastry :lol: Can you believe the silly b*tch?

Well not everyone know big fashion houses... I wouldn't call someone a silly b*tch for not being that into fashion.
And if someone didn't know about fashion, I would be delighted to introduce them to magazines and books which they might not have previously considered, because it might open up a whole new world for them. Who knows how creative they could turn out to be, or what joy they could get out of it? In turn, there's probably plenty they could teach me about life. Everyone has their own special interests, and stories to share.
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^ That's true ... I always appreciate it when friends introduce me to new things I like.

There's also considerably more to life than fashion. I'd be surprised if Jane Goodall could carry on a conversation about fashion for very long ... what an incredibly worthwhile person who has truly lived her passion.
After living in chic Europe for so many years, I find myself in a similar situation in the US now. Where I am, it is Real Housewives, dyed blonde hair on every head, labels, bling...or else overt hipsterism. I stick out like a sore thumb with my vintage skirts and Victorian hair and frequently get comments like "why are you so dressed up?", but I take peace in the fact that there are a handful of like-minds scattered here and there. But, despite looking different, what is suprising is that I get compliments from the most unlikely of characters - like gruff old biker dudes. :blink: ^_^

I saw "vintage skirts and victorian hair" and thought wait, that sounds IS:woot:! Utopia, it's so good to have you back! :flower:
^Well I guess I should rephrase what I meant, because of course I know fashion isn't the most important thing in the world (or even close! :lol:) and everyone has different interests, priorities, etc.

How about, is it possible for 'hardcore' fashion people to connect with 'casual' fashion people while still talking about fashion?

And Dramatique, you might be hardercore than you think! I'm out-fashioned every time I get on by tons of members with encyclopedic knowledge of runway playlists, obscure designers, models in general, collections shown before 2006, etc.:ninja:
Fashion is so not only about the Paris collections or latest trends, and there's no reason we can't discuss fashion with people with different interests; after all, fashion is basically just color and shape. My dad knows nothing at all about fashion but has an eye for color, and we have fascinating conversations about clothes. I find it much more exciting to think like a designer as opposed to a consumer; I'll bet some of the greatest designers care little for stuff down other catwalks or whether a neighborhood is stylish, although it's important to keep our eyes open for style, beauty and culture, especially where we least expect it.

My sister and I have a fun challenge where we walk into the most cringeworthily unfashionable stores we can find in the boonies and select items to wear stylishly. It's loads of fun, challenges fixed ideas, and we've gotten amazing compliments...some of our outfits are still talked about several years on!

That said, it's quite another thing to have to live in fashion Siberia when you style isn't welcomed for one reason or another.
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Technically, I don't. I live right in the heart of Boston, close to Newbury Street. But I feel like the best dressed women are all tourists. I feel like there isn't much variety in what Bostonians wear. It's either preppy, polished work clothes or t-shirt, jeans, sneakers. :(
Are you kidding? I live in a small town in takes a minimum of 30 minutes to get to the nearest mall, outlet, store etc.. it's the ultimate in fashion Siberia!
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^ damn it, you edited out the best part of your comment, I was going to agree on it, cause that's possibly the biggest advantage when living in fashion siberia. :lol:
^ damn it, you edited out the best part of your comment, I was going to agree on it, cause that's possibly the biggest advantage when living in fashion siberia. :lol:

:lol: Sorry, I don't know why I did that. I said that one advantage of living in fashion Siberia is that it doesn't take much to be the best looking.
I deffinantly live in a fashion sibera. I think I mention "Hermes" to someone, and they asked: What's an "hermeees"? Not only do people in my city not know fashion or anything related to it, but in my high school, people think Abercrombie is "designer"... Sometimes it makes me crazy.
^ I have no idea why now, but once I said "Hermes" to a guy at work, and he corrected my pronunciation :lol: From right to wrong, of course ... :innocent:
I had to write there..Nobody lives in the bigger fashion Siberia than I do. Young people around my age adores FAKE Louis Vuitton and Gucci bags and D&G belts. When you read red lips for example EVERYBODY stare at you,they're whispering..Girls classify to Barbie (fake stuffs,playboy basebal cap,light blue jeans, a lot of solarium and blond hair) to Rock or Metal or whatsoever with ,heavy' music (black jeans or sweat pants,red or black hair, no make up,bands t-shirts etc..)to skate girls,techno style,no chic,no elegant..almost everyone looks cheap:( Sometimes I wish to monsieur Lagerfeld were there:angry::heart:
Oh how can I relate to people in this thread! :cry:
At the moment I live in the southern state where no one, and I mean practically no one cares about fashion.
The best I see around is Abercrombie & Fitch and every fourth girl carrying a fake (or sometimes authentic) Coach or L&V bag :rolleyes:

recently one girl overheard me talking about the latest Chanel collection and was like "What's Chanel?"
I was speechless :o I literally didn't know what to say. I thought everyone knew Chanel?
So I just blankly stared at her and uttered "Uh....a brand?"

a lot of people always ask me where I bought those shoes/blazer/jeans/blouse/jacket/shirt and most of the time my answer is "Online!"
Our mailman is my best friend, his arrival is always a little holiday for me :D
but Im moving to a big city in few months for college so hooray!

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