How do you get that perfect runway face..

Glad you found something that worked nonnie:) I think its important, Kristina, that if you have a rosacea type thing try to heal/solve that problem because make up could even irritate it further! Although, i'm sure you're finding solutions now, visit your dermotologist they can help you with all of your skin issues.
Sweets said:
Glad you found something that worked nonnie:) I think its important, Kristina, that if you have a rosacea type thing try to heal/solve that problem because make up could even irritate it further! Although, i'm sure you're finding solutions now, visit your dermotologist they can help you with all of your skin issues.

I wish I could go to a dermotologist, but the insurance in Sweden doesn't cover that so I have to pay that myself if I want to go. So I have no idea about what to do about the rosacea.
La Roche de Posay, does some great products for Rosacea and they are not vey expensive.
I´m pretty sure you´ll have no difficulty finding those products in Sweden and they are ussually sold in pharmacies and para-pharmacies. :)
i think that no one on earth should own that green cover up unless they are a professional artist. its irrelevant, and disastorous when not used properly.
Lipgloss&Cigs said:
i think that no one on earth should own that green cover up unless they are a professional artist. its irrelevant, and disastorous when not used properly.
I use green concealor sometimes and I really think it tones down the red. I'd use it more if I wasn't so lazy.
If you like a perfect skin, then NEVER wear foundation or pressed powder. And don't overwash your face! Eat organic food, drink water, and exercise. But if you want to wear makeup, not eat organic food your whole life, and still have pretty skin, then there is a remedy from Korea that can help. My mom has the skin of a 25 years old when she's near 50 and it's because she's been drinking this herbal thing. (She's Asian too so her skin is natural pretty while I'm only half so I had an overproducing oil gland! Damn it!) It takes time to make and you need to drink it everyday. But the result is stunning. It clears my face in 1 week and refresh my body. Now my skin is 98% flawless.(I have dark circle) If anyone interests, I will ask her for a recipee and post it!
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Ok. So sorry it took me a long time. Hard to get it out of my mother (she was so secretive of it!!! :)) Ok. Be warned that you should check for anything that you are allergic to. Plus, it's very hard to drink. To start, you should drink only once a day, then you can drink more if you want to.

This recipe includes:

-Bitter Melon
-Green Apple
-Green Bell

You cut them into small pieces and put them into a juicer seperately: first Green apple, then celery, ect. Then after you got all 5 juices, you mix them all together. The color will look green after you are all finished. Bitter melong can be found at Asian market. Try it for like one or two weeks (daily) and you will see the different. Keep in mind this doesn't mean you can max out on high-sodium food ok? Good luck! PM me if you have more question!!!
I use green concealor sometimes and I really think it tones down the red. I'd use it more if I wasn't so lazy.

I had mild but persistent acne forever and went on accutane for it (nothing else did it). While I was on it my skin broke out like madly worse than it ever had in my live and looked horrible (though it's now clear). I used green tone concealer during that time since I have a LOT of redness and it was so terrible to cover up. i could post a pic as example but it's so embarrassing. I won't do that. It didn't look green but all the texture of the bumps still showed. There really is nothing you can do to hide texture of bumps. Thank god that's over!
I had mild but persistent acne forever and went on accutane for it (nothing else did it). While I was on it my skin broke out like madly worse than it ever had in my live and looked horrible (though it's now clear). I used green tone concealer during that time since I have a LOT of redness and it was so terrible to cover up. i could post a pic as example but it's so embarrassing. I won't do that. It didn't look green but all the texture of the bumps still showed. There really is nothing you can do to hide texture of bumps. Thank god that's over!
Glad to hear that it turned out great. My skin used to look horrible, and I went on Accutane as well. It really did wonders for my skin. Though I'm curious do you know what brands makes green tone concealers or green tone Moisturizer? Because I've never been able to find it. :unsure:
Jade Maybelline and Nivea definitely have green concealers, tinetush.
A friend of mine uses both of them and she's very content.
Laurette, Really.? Thank you. I've asked in many beauty shops and nobody knows what I'm talking about. And many of those places stock both Maybeline and Nivea.. Oh well, Now I'll take a look myself. :flower:

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