How Much Water Do You Drink Per Day?

i don't go less than 8 glasses daily. the most i had in a day before was like 22 glasses. i had to pee almost every 30 min:lol:
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Eight eight-ounce glasses of water a day?

When I was younger I remember seeing skin commercials and hearing things about the need to drink eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day for the health of your skin...Everyone knows that water is good but in your experience is it necessary to drink this much for your skin?

If you ever tried this and stuck with it, did you notice a difference?
I try and do two Nalgenes, which is the same amount, and I think it's a good rule of thumb. If you eat a lot of salty foods or if you do a lot of physical activity, naturally you want to have more. You don't necessarily need the 64 in glass form, because a lot of foods have water in them, but because I drink a lot of soda I try and get 64 pure water ounces. I know when I do, my skin thanks me for it big-time as it looks clear even without using any treatments.
Maybe not that exact amount. But it is necessary to drink enough water. Go by your own body cues. Start with the 8 glasses and if you're going to the bathroom every hour on the hour or more. Then you don't need that much. But if you go to the bathroom only once or twice per day and it's dark. Then you need to drink more. You need more on some days and less on others.

But staying hydrated makes a big difference in your skin. Your cells need water to maintain their shape, to help flush toxins and to get nutrients. When you're dehydrated you'll have darker circles under your eyes, you'll get wrinkles that you never knew you had, acne will get worse (If there's no water to flush out the toxins they get forced out through your pores) and your skin will look really dull.
my nutrition professor said we should drink 3.7 liters a day :shock:

I think I do pretty well.. I drink about 2-2.5 a day
my nutrition professor said we should drink 3.7 liters a day :shock:

I think I do pretty well.. I drink about 2-2.5 a day

3.7 litres of water a day isn't necessary...people have died drinking 4 litres of water on diets. you should be getting water from food and other drinks so that seems a crazy amount. enough to stay hydrated is the correct amount but you should judge that on your diet/amount of physical activity. i don't like to buy into all of this flush out the toxins thing. it works to a certain extent but it's not a magical cure.
^i agree. i don't think you need quite that much really. i've heard more recently to defunct that long-time rule,that 3 or 4 glasses is enough for the body. and i think it really depends on one's level of activity as well. if you're working out daily or training for some kind of athletic event you need the water that you disperse when sweating. but typical routines a couple of you said,we get water from other sources as well when we eat and drink other things.
I drink at least 2 litres of water a day, personally it does effect my skin but it's also for general well being. If I don't drink enough water I get headaches & feel sluggish.
3.7 litres of water a day isn't necessary...people have died drinking 4 litres of water on diets. you should be getting water from food and other drinks so that seems a crazy amount. enough to stay hydrated is the correct amount but you should judge that on your diet/amount of physical activity. i don't like to buy into all of this flush out the toxins thing. it works to a certain extent but it's not a magical cure.
Plus it wears your kidneys down...and they don't grow back, you know.

You should drink so much water that your urine is see-through, only very lightly coloured...yum. But that is the best way to measure it. Some people need more than others. I'm comfortable with 1-1.5 litres a day, depending on what I'm doing.

Btw... It has never been proven scientifically that drinking lots of water does anything to your skin. But it does make you feel full and may prevent you from eating too much sugary stuff. Sugar is bad for the skin, it ages it prematurely.
According to freakonomics (I read this a few months ago), drinking 8 glasses of water hasn't been proven to benefit your body in any way- but I think my body as a whole has changed drastically since I started drinking 2 liters of water a day (most of my water comes from green tea though, so that might explain certain things). I am 100% acne/pimple free... My eye bags have shrunk *edited*
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It didn't. I even convinced my GP and dermatologist to do some tests, and you know what - nothing had changed. I wasn't into unhealthy fizzy drinks anyway, I just increased my water intake from approximately 1l to 2,5l. The key thing is just to drink as much as your body needs (you'll feel the thirst). No need to drink liters of water just because "they say it's good".
The actual amount needed is an individual thing, just like how much protein a person needs depends on their size. Some people claim it does nothing for the skin, but it makes a difference for me if I'm not drinking enough.
my nutrition professor said we should drink 3.7 liters a day :shock:

I think I do pretty well.. I drink about 2-2.5 a day

:shock: Woah oh oh, I drink around 3L per day and I thought that was heaps! :blink:

I used to not need to drink this much water, but over a few weeks I started drinking more and more water each day and now I get thirsty sooner.

My skin has always been very clear and I didn't notice a difference, but I do think that by drinking water regularly and getting enough sleep contributes to having clearer skin.
^Yeah sleeps helps alot.Too bad I don't get any cause I look like this for a 17 yr old -->:ninja:
I could try to drink more water, I do drink a fair amount of soda too but I really cut back on that a couple years ago. And I agree about the sleep thing, I definitely notice a negative change in my skin after a bout with insomnia.
I'm suddenly really thirsty!

I have about 2 litres a day, obviously more if I'm doing sport
^ Okay reading your post just made me very thirsty... :shock: I'm gonna get a cup of water now

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