Hye Rim Park

funkalicious said:

WOAH! Whose that guy? He's hot!

Her cyworld.

love the messy, large sized hair! hot! hehe:woot:
and love her in gucci! she has a nice body! haha:D
telicious said:
Does anyone know where the Vogue Italia editorial was shot??
That beach they're on looks heavenly :)
I just checked her site, it was shot in LA back in January. :flower: And thanks coolio for the link to the scans. Haven't seen them in HQ yet!

From modelresource ca
"Um... I'm Hye Park and I'm 21 years old. I'm from Utah. I'm originally from Korea. I moved to Utah when I was 13. And then I went to the casting in Utah. It was like a scouting agency and they introduced me to Trump. I moved here and I started modelling."

And she started a movement...

As I walked up to Trump Models' office on 5th Avenue, Johnny Rivers' ditty Secret Agent Man bounced around in my head. I had just passed a Victoria's Secret storefront with an Asian mannequin and the bastardization of a golden oldie began ("Secret... Aaaaasian Mannequin...").

Two years ago it was very rare to see Asians represented in North American fashion. Sure, Naomi Campbell is half Chinese, and Devon Aoki is half Japanese, but two years ago Japan's Ai Tominaga was about the only truly Asian face to be seen.

Enter Hye Park into the studio of Steven Meisel. Explains Park: "It was a casting, and they were shooting Italian Vogue for three days, and it was the last day, and there was Caroline [Trentini], Lily [Donaldson] and other models. They were trying to find an Asian model. There was another Korean model and me, and we went there and he saw us. And they decided to use me. I didn't even know they were shooting. I thought it was just a casting. They put us in makeup, and it was like 'what's going on?'"

"Before I got into this business I didn't really know who's who, you know? I knew the models, but not really the photographers. But then my agency told me he was a big photographer."

To say Meisel is a big photographer is to say Kate Moss has issues. Meisel owns the cover of Italian Vogue, and Italian Vogue is the de facto industry bible.

Newly anointed Hye Park was suddenly an it-girl, being cast for top designer shows, shooting influential editorials and becoming a buzzword unto herself. "I did all the shows that I really wanted to do but I didn't expect to do so well, because Asian models don't usually work the runway. I didn't expect to be in really great designer shows."

Hye Park In the eight days following our interview Park would appear in 29 designer shows in New York. What might be more impressive is that names like Du Juan, Han, Anne Watanabe, Julianna Imai and Miyuki would also make multiple forays down the catwalk. Nearly every show would feature at least one Asian face and for New York that's a big deal.

It's a first step, says Park, but there is more to be done. "I just want to be a model and show all the people that have thoughts of Asians – I just want to change their thoughts. I also want to show other Asian models that they can do all the things I've done - and they can do more than I've done. I want to see things get more open, so more of them can come."

"When I came here I just wanted to be a top Asian model. I wanted to make all the people change their thinking about Asian models. I did that. Now I'm trying to not be 'just an Asian model.'"
oxymoron said:
I just checked her site, it was shot in LA back in January. :flower: And thanks coolio for the link to the scans. Haven't seen them in HQ yet!

From modelresource ca


"I did all the shows that I really wanted to do but I didn't expect to do so well, because Asian models don't usually work the runway. I didn't expect to be in really great designer shows."

Nearly every show would feature at least one Asian face and for New York that's a big deal.

It's a first step, says Park, but there is more to be done. "I just want to be a model and show all the people that have thoughts of Asians – I just want to change their thoughts. I also want to show other Asian models that they can do all the things I've done - and they can do more than I've done. I want to see things get more open, so more of them can come."

"When I came here I just wanted to be a top Asian model. I wanted to make all the people change their thinking about Asian models. I did that."

"Now I'm trying to not be 'just an Asian model." - thats funny, hehe

~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~

Thanks oxymoron!
Im so happy for her!!:D and i think (my opinion) that she is probably the best asian model, like full asain ^_^
(not half, because then i think Devon Aoki and hye draws!:p ).
and I dont like Ai Tominaga much :innocent:

in hye's cyworld:

Look same nose and lips! haha, they're so cute! Goregous! :>
vivian said:
Thanks oxymoron!
Im so happy for her!!:D and i think (my opinion) that she is probably the best asian model, like full asain ^_^
(not half, because then i think Devon Aoki and hye draws!:p ).
and I dont like Ai Tominaga much :innocent:

I like Du Juan best myself. :flower: Thank you Oxymoron for the article. Hye seems like a very smart and well put together young women.
hey, does anyone know why she removed all her photos on her website??! i loved looking at those!! she only has her editorial and fashion show pictures left :(
telicious said:
hey, does anyone know why she removed all her photos on her website??! i loved looking at those!! she only has her editorial and fashion show pictures left :(

Maybe she came across tfs and noticed we were looking at her photos :lol:
The more personal photos may have been made friends only?
yourbestfriend said:
Maybe she came across tfs and noticed we were looking at her photos :lol:

marjorieayap said:
how do you navigate around cyworld if you dont know korean??
To look at the pictures, click the 3rd to last tab to access the photo albulms. I assume thats what you want to look at if you cant read Corean.
can someone translate what's on her cyworld?
i think it says something about her being in germany until the 18th?

she's so lucky if she's there to watch those world cup games!!! :D
telicious said:
can someone translate what's on her cyworld?
i think it says something about her being in germany until the 18th?

she's so lucky if she's there to watch those world cup games!!! :D
Nah, unless I'm reading it wrong, she's in Germany for a Hugo Boss show. I think its tomorrow (?). I'm pretty sure she's going to Paris for couture week, and the 18th is when she's going back to Korea.
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Was bored, and was flipping through old Vogue.

Hye w/Peter Som

scanned by me

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