
I really want this photo from IKEA! It would look great in my room, but the nearest IKEA warehouse is 7 hours drive from where I live.


Image: ikea.com
My apartment is full of ikea stuff haha. I love going there. But I always buy so many things that I don't really need when I'm at ikea
I really want this photo from IKEA! It would look great in my room, but the nearest IKEA warehouse is 7 hours drive from where I live.

Image: ikea.com

you should be able to purchase online if you really want it, no?
oh i want that zebra photo too!! im moving houses and need to wait for my dad to come so he can take me to ikea..which will be like mid august...
Ah lobelia blogspot/blogger doesn't let you do a direct link to pictures
You have to upload them elsewhere
(like tinypic.com) and then post back here

Aah, ok, sorry, I'm such a n00b. Ok, here the picture is, for the third time! This is how I'm going to put the lamps like.

source - my own pic
just picked up this cute little nightstand. it seems pretty sturdy - all solid pine stained dark grey.


^ that's a nice stand. My mum loves going to Ikea for furniture shopping and usually when I tag along I tend to pick up a couple pieces of my own, like a rug or portrait. But the highlight of my visit was the Swedish restaurant, soooo good. Their open shrimp sandwiches are drool-worthy, but that's getting off topic :lol:
I wish there was a way to order online and have it shipped over here since the nearest Ikea from here is about an hour away.
I'm off to Ikea again... I redecorated my living room, so I need a chair and a table, and maybe that amazing zebra photo for my hall ^_^



We're also thinking about getting a smaller sofa, and I really would kill for one in blue. I just love blue, so calming.



...but then we'd have to get rid of our current cream/beige leather sofa, what a nightmare :ninja:
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We just moved into a bigger apartment and I decied to get my bedroom in Ikea. It's still in the boxes, because I'd like to wait for my walls being painted and stuff like that. So far I have the bed, the drawer, the nighstande and the bed light. :D I still need few accessories, like bedlinen, cushions, lights etc. Can't wait for everything to be done!:woot:
Pictures, if anyone is interested::p


I'm still waiting for the closet. We went to Ikea in Graz and Klagenfrut and it was out of stock in Graz and one broken in Klagenfurt so I have to wait 3 weeks or so.


I know it's ALL white, but I'm sure it won't be too romantic, though, my biggest wish is to have a betthimmel-I don't know what's the english word:blush:, here it is:

aww. Why does Lithuania not have IKEA? ;( Some of the IKEA furniture is actually made in Lithuania.
Has anybody purchased that SUNNAN solar powered lamp? I've read about the lamps, but tried locating them online today to be sure they'd be in stock at my closest IKEA and can't find it online!

My eyes are so terrible, so to be able to carry a lamp around with me in the apartment would be awesome. :woot:
I made a trip to Ikea today....it's heavenly in there every time..:lol:

bought a few cute things..
I couldn't help myself with this beautiful stuffed Kangaroo they had.. she's so soft and and reminds me of home..and she even has a little joey !:heart:

Though i love the Hemnes bed side table now that i've managed to put it together, may I just say it was by far the single most difficult Ikea DIY piece i have ever assembled. :lol: Granted i am not particularly talented at construction of any sort but nor am I completely stupid (i don't think ?) and this took me over an hour and was terrible.. the screws didn't fit, the holes in the wood cracked, the drawer wouldn't run in and out smoothly.. etc. i did my best and it looks good now but if I had known how much trouble it was i would never have bought it..:innocent:

i love everything else..:heart:





All images Ikea.ca
what's the brown thing, adorefaith? a fur rug?
and the white one above it, i'm assuming is a towel.. it's just so... textured -i have never seen anything like it. :mellow:

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