I'm not hot - says Jessica Alba

Well i completely agree with Jessica cos she really is not hot nor beautiful:yuk:
Yeah right, I don't believe this. SHe obviously knows she is hot. Her posture, her pose,...everything she does show that she KNOWS, and thinks she is hot, and that the general public thinks the same. Why would the society like to hear stars saying stuff like: "Oh, I'm not hot. Oh, I'm a stupid girl. Oh, I'm..." and think they are honest and humble??? Look at their actions more and see that their words mean almost nothing. My friend is a publicist. Everything stars say have to go through with publicist first. Hardly they ever be honest. Or they find a way to say it differently. Talking about rehearsing...over and over and over again....
^I think the blonde girl in that video "knows" she's beautiful. ha.
That's also what i think.She's hot and pretty but can't act...I like her though.
I like Jessica Alba she´s so beautiful, but seriously, I´m sure she knows how gorgeous she is!!!! So many gorgeous people tend to say in Inerviews that they don´t think they arer so beautiful or hot. All that I know is if you meet a person who´s really beautiful and hot and you think Oh he/ she is so gorgeous without even knowing, be sure they do know it!!!!!!!!
Jessica Alba is the biggest bi*tch in my opinion. I'm a little short on time so I can't find any direct quotes, but she basically denounces being Latina and seems to find it offensive when people call her hispanic/latina. She talks about how her grandfather worked so hard for her family not to be different and she thinks it's a shame that people still consider her hispanic. Such a shame that hasn't gotten more media coverage. Imagine if Halle Berry or the gorgeous Thandie Newton said something similar...they'd be up to their necks in media backlash.
She sounds like she has low self esteem. I can't even count the number of articles I have read which all somehow mentioned her weight and she is always quoted as talking about her weight/looks. Its annoying!
I think, she believes she is the hottest thing on earth, she makes statements like that to seem endearing, but really she comes off fake and snotty. I think she is attractive, but not in a stunning or unique way especially being part Latina, she looks underweight and sort of sickly now. Also her acting talent is limited.
She sounds like she has low self esteem. I can't even count the number of articles I have read which all somehow mentioned her weight and she is always quoted as talking about her weight/looks. Its annoying!
In Instyle mag, she went on and on about how she is paying for her cousins college tutition, it was so self-congratulatory:doh:
I read through this entire thread (there isn't very much of it:rolleyes:) and it made me wonder whether there is any right way for a celeb to approach this: Evangeline Lilly allegedly "wished" she was "not so beautiful" as opposed to Jessica Alba saying she "thinks she's not hot" and both are getting criticised for it. Honestly I don't know what to think. :unsure: Some people say Jessica was fishing for compliments and that could well be true. Then again, how would people like them avoid it when the media insist on asking questions like "What is your response to being voted the sexiest / most beautiful etc etc...."

Up for debate really.

p/s: I'm not a very big fan of Jessica either although I must say the girl can dance.

I think what would be most preferable is if celebs would just be silent on the issue of their beauty. Don't they have anything more fulfilling to talk about? They never say, "I'm not a good actress," or "I wish I weren't such a good actress." Someone might argue to that that acting is their career, of course they wouldn't say that. But in the case of some celebs, like Alba, isn't being "hot" more accurately their career? All of these comments by celebs is just self-obsessed bable.
has she looked at herself? if she doesn`t think she`s hott, then i don`t know who is anymore!

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