Jay Z Physically Attacked by Beyonce's Sister Solange

Beyonce is the ultimate businesswoman. I'm not at all surprised at how she handled herself walking out of the elevator and into the car without causing a scene in front of what I assume would have been a large pack of photographers.
I' love to hear a statement from them... they project this image of a happy couple that's kinda blown to pieces now imo. Not that couples don't have problems but it says a lot the way Beyonce just stood by doing nothing while her sister hit her husband.
^I thought the fact that Beyonce was so calm made her look cold and emotionless.

Also pics of them leaving, Solange looks miserable, and Beyonce is smiling. That kinda irked me :/

What would you have Beyonce do? Probably moreso than any other celebrity on the planet, Beyonce has managed her image with a fiercely protective and controlling grip. She knows that there are cameras in an elevator. She knows that there are hundreds of photographers right outside the hotel. She knows that a HUGE part of her brand is based around her seemingly flawless, put together, composed, unflappable, in-control image. And a large part of her appeal is tied to her perfect marriage with her iconic husband. SO... would you actually expect her to get physical in that elevator? Would you actually expect her to come out of the hotel, pissed-off and miserable or crying? If she were to do that, this story would be 100x bigger than it already is. It would've been all over the planet.

No. Beyonce maintained her composure. She put on what little smile she could manage. She got in the car. And I'm sure, once they were home - behind closed doors and away from the public - she let loose with her wrath. lol. But we will NEVER see or hear a single bit of it. She's far too savvy for that.

And to those expecting a statement? You're crazy. The next day she was all smiles at a basketball game, sitting courtside with her husband. That's as much of a statement as the public will get. And I applaud her for it.

As fascinating as this scene is, and obviously it is, it really is a perfect example where it just ain't any of our business. Period.
While everyone has been gushing about them this year and labeling them as the "ultimate power couple", I can't help but feel that now its all for publicity. I get that feeling that something isn't right and their appearances and acts of public affection are forced. There are SO many rumors about Jay-Z in their marriage, such as him having an affair with Rita Ora to him being extremely controlling.

As for the fight, there are MANY different possible theories. There are SO many rumors about what could have happened. Solange could have been defending her sister for something he did that was wrong or she could have snapped at something he said. She apparently snapped at Rachel Roy before the elevator ride.

Kind of sad to see the responses here. "it's funny". "he must have cheated". "it's none of our business." "we don't know what happened." "he could have done something wrong."

As if any of that justifies what Solange did. She punched him and kicked him in the chest and other parts of the body with her high, sharp heel. He was totally helpless too. Not physically. He could've probably snapped her in half if he wanted to. But as soon as he puts his finger on her he's a "WOMAN ABUSER WHO MUST BE EXECUTED". She knows it and she takes full advantage of it. The system is freaking messed up. No guy half his size would ever come up to him and assault him like that without expecting to get beaten up. A woman, though, that's ok. Now, we just need to get to the bottom of this to know what he did wrong - he obviously did SOMETHING - to deserve it, lol. :(
Just because we say it's not our business doesn't mean we think it's okay to hit someone like this. Of course it's not, and she shouldn't have hit him (or anybody else). It seems she really was out of herself and couldn't control. If they have issues in the family, they have to fix them themselves, and I think having everybody wondering what happened and starring at them won't help.
Just because we say it's not our business doesn't mean we think it's okay to hit someone like this. Of course it's not, and she shouldn't have hit him (or anybody else). It seems she really was out of herself and couldn't control. If they have issues in the family, they have to fix them themselves, and I think having everybody wondering what happened and starring at them won't help.

The thing is, this was battery and assault, which is a crime. So, it is in fact a public business. She should be charged and prosecuted. She won't be, but we all knew that. Besides, nobody says it's not our business when the genders are reversed.
The thing is, this was battery and assault, which is a crime. So, it is in fact a public business. She should be charged and prosecuted. She won't be, but we all knew that. Besides, nobody says it's not our business when the genders are reversed.

I understand what you mean. I agree, if it was otherwise Jay Z would be in big trouble right now. The fact that it's a woman hitting a man is as wrong as the other way. We are all concerned by violence, this is a serious topic and the way she acted was definitely wrong and very agressive. I just mean that the cause of this, what they were fighting about should stay private if that's a family matter. If they have problems maybe they want to keep them private, like everybody, even though they are famous. That doesn't mean what she did was acceptable. She should never have done this.
I agree that Solange's actions were quite terrible, but I feel you can't equate a man hitting a woman to a woman hitting a man. Sure it's all violence but it's not the same (maybe it should be considered the same, but that will happen if and when men and women are truly equal). If Jay-Z had walked into the lift and started hitting Solange like that, it would be seen as more unfair, disproportionate, vicious etc. It's like the only slight advantage that women have in this respect. But violence against women is the norm. People don't know how to react when a woman hits a man, because it's a less common and people look for explanations for it. He could press charges but many people would not press charges in this kind of family conflict situation, so he's hardly any different to the norm.

The Chris Brown situation was different in that he battered Rihanna to a pulp (obviously the photos of her face had a big impact on our perception of that incident) and threw her out of a car on to the street. It's just not the same as this incident, and don't forget there were many many women and men who looked for 'good reasons' as to why CB did that to Rihanna, so some people always think that if someone got a beating then they must have done something to earn it.

Solange has lost a little of my respect (I'm sure she cares) and the respect of others and now people think she's a bit cray. That's the price she's paid of this incident. I agree with happycanadian that Beyonce handled it as best she could given her status and other peoples expectations of her. Maybe the real reason for the altercation is totally different than we can imagine. They are a fascinating couple and we are all intrigued by their seemingly perfect lives, but it is indeed their own business. Many families have these kind of violent conflicts. Everyone usually covers it up, we can't expect them to offer us explanations.

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All those fake pregnancy rumours come to mind, now more than ever I think they were true...
Does Beyonce really needs to stay married to him? she's now way more famous than he is (to the general public). If he becomes vindictive, could he close that many doors for her or make it that difficult?

I think that violence is violence no matter who's inflicting it. If Solange was a bodybuilder and could have hurt him for real, would people still think it's not the same cause she's a woman? I hate that she now looks like a "crazy woman" because of the fact everyone else was calm... not defending her actions but that is such a macho thing to say imo, next thing people will start saying she had pms.
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I don't find the situation funny, but the reaction of the Internet was though (those memes and #WhatJayZsaidtoSolange actually cracked me up all day).
Like some of you said it earlier, I'm mostly intrigued by Beyonce's reaction. I was "happy" this morning to see that because their image seemed too "in control" to be genuine anymore. But seeing the video, and Beyonce just standing there, without even talking it seems (except at the end where I guess she's telling Jay Z to get out of the elevator to try and calm her sister), it's weird and I might add scary. I know she's in control, and doesn't like her privacy to be broken, but still, it's not as if Solange was only yelling at him, she hit him several times, pretty hard, and she seemed to be saying things to both him and Beyonce when the bodyguard was holding her. So yeah, really weird to me to see zero reaction from Beyonce.
I agree though that it's naive to think they'd ever release a statement about this. That bodyguard though, he might have things to say when he retires :innocent:
I´m not expecting a statement but I´d love to read what they´d say about it, just wishful thinking ^_^
I agree that Solange's actions were quite terrible, but I feel you can't equate a man hitting a woman to a woman hitting a man. Sure it's all violence but it's not the same (maybe it should be considered the same, but that will happen if and when men and women are truly equal). If Jay-Z had walked into the lift and started hitting Solange like that, it would be seen as more unfair, disproportionate, vicious etc. It's like the only slight advantage that women have in this respect. But violence against women is the norm. People don't know how to react when a woman hits a man, because it's a less common and people look for explanations for it. He could press charges but many people would not press charges in this kind of family conflict situation, so he's hardly any different to the norm.



Don't expect equality if you're not ready to play by equal rules yourself. Women on men violence is extremely prevalent and widely unreported, disrespected and ignored, precisely because of attitude like yours. Do men hurt less when they're being hit? Do men not emotionally damaged from being abused? If anything, there's even more of a shame and stigma to a man who's been abused by a woman precisely because people don't take it seriously.
^ Maybe that's why we don't hear about it as much. Domestic violence against women is definitely more publicized; there is even a piece of clothing named after it, a.k.a. "the wife-beater". :doh: But I can see why the reverse would be stigmatized. I do wonder how Jay-Z would feel about all this.

Don't expect equality if you're not ready to play by equal rules yourself. Women on men violence is extremely prevalent and widely unreported, disrespected and ignored, precisely because of attitude like yours. Do men hurt less when they're being hit? Do men not emotionally damaged from being abused? If anything, there's even more of a shame and stigma to a man who's been abused by a woman precisely because people don't take it seriously.

WOW.. i could only imagine fighting back like that in selfdefense, but there was no seen reason for that, no?
As if any of that justifies what Solange did. She punched him and kicked him in the chest and other parts of the body with her high, sharp heel. He was totally helpless too. Not physically. He could've probably snapped her in half if he wanted to. But as soon as he puts his finger on her he's a "WOMAN ABUSER WHO MUST BE EXECUTED". She knows it and she takes full advantage of it. The system is freaking messed up. No guy half his size would ever come up to him and assault him like that without expecting to get beaten up. A woman, though, that's ok. Now, we just need to get to the bottom of this to know what he did wrong - he obviously did SOMETHING - to deserve it, lol. :(

The thing is, this was battery and assault, which is a crime. So, it is in fact a public business. She should be charged and prosecuted. She won't be, but we all knew that. Besides, nobody says it's not our business when the genders are reversed.

I was not condoning violence against men or making light of it. My point was to say that people do say 'it's not our business' and 'she did something to deserve it' when men hit women, it happens all the time. You said 'the system is messed up'. It is, but it also doesn't effectively deal with violence done to women (which is more prevalent) so how could you possibly expect it to deal with domestic violence against men? I'm not saying it shouldn't be something to aim for, but this picture you are painting where women get away with violence and men don't is just wrong (IMO).

She should be charged with assault, I agree. But I doubt Jay-Z would want that kind of publicity. Both he and Beyonce are clearly fiercely protective of their brand/image, the court thing doesn't fit with that.

I really wonder how they'll handle this and all the negative publicity surrounding this incident. If I had to guess, they'll just keep silent.
yeah, i mean can we applaud the bodyguard for thinking in advance and pressing the emergency button while holding back Solange? Also, even if Jay-Z did do something it was clear that Solange was drunk. Nobody lashes out like that sober unless they are 1.) not mentally stable 2.) defending themselves from an attack. She doesn't seem like herself in that video and the stare in her eyes when she was coming out was a little disturbing.

I know Beyonce didnt do much, but could you blame her? It was her sister and her husband. If she would have held her back her Solange would have probably been offended and even if Jay-Z was in the wrong would Beyonce really attack him too in the elevator. Beyonce and her team are too calculated to allow her to be a culprit in a scandal

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