I don't doubt that she paid her dues in a different way. Just not neccesarily to fashion. And this is just how fashion changes. The DUES system will be based on your notoriety rather than your talent (or based on your talent in other venues).
I don't have anything really against celebrities going into fashion. But it's like if Serena Williams wanted to start playing hockey, and got on the women's national team without anyone actually seeing her skate. Maybe she could be a fantastic hockey player, with time, but it's still jumping the que because she's well known. Not that that would ever happen (um... didn't some basketball player give baseball a go without really having to prove their skill?

Anyway. If people are fine with it.... well, no it still sucks. I don't want to have to look at a show and think "well, at least it's not as BAD as I thought it would be". Everything is so "business" now. Music is so commercial, magazines for the most part are so commercial, now fashion shows are commercial. I don't mean commercial as in a lot of people like them/will buy them. I mean that its MORE about the bottom line than about the design, or the art. It's about making something that people are already going to like, rather than making something and taking what comes. If that makes sense.
Like someone's "signature" here says. It doesn't take money to have fashion, it takes understanding. That's what I fear we're going to lose. The understanding.
EDIT: People are wondering what she's wearing and who it's by, NOT because it looks good, but because SHE's wearing it, and they want to imitate. Is THAT what fashion should be about?