Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey Divorce

rainglow said:
I think it was this outfit that did it:

(from her thread in star style)

I can just see her walking down the stairs in their house and Nick saying " That's IT!!! I just can't take the public humiliation anymore!!!" :lol:

hahaha that outfit killed me, she looks like dolly parton...but 10 times worse.

It was obviously coming anyway, 3 years isn't to bad for a couple in the spotlight anyway, though for the last year they were barely "a couple" anyway.
I don't know what to say. No more cheesy Christmas specials, no more searching their fingers to see if their rings are on or off. No more body language expert analysis. This is a sad, sad day.
I hate their personalities, I hate the music they sing and the show they created, I hate her creepy father and her talentless sister, and the ongoing games with the press, I hate their sense of style (or lack their of) and Jessica's lack of intelligence...but I must admit, this news sort of saddens me. I honestly thought they would last and I really respected her decision to wait until marriage (in a moral way, not a religious way)
I certainly won't miss the music - sweet Jesus, their duet cover of "Take my Breath Away" almost made my ears bleed and my cat throw itself off the balcony :doh:
On E they just said that Nick is devastated but he is getting his own comedy on the WB in which he plays a baseball player who just got married.
I think its funny that Jessica talks about how she hates the paparrazi and how she doesn't get privacy but the she and Nick decided to announce their split to a weekly tabloid mag - Us Weekly instead of making a general public announcement.
how ironic:rolleyes:Papa Simpson wants the whole world to grieve with him...he just lost 1/2 of his cash cow
I have a feeling Nick and Jessica will get back together. Remember people, they announced a separation, not a divorce.
eurofashionjunki said:
I have a feeling Nick and Jessica will get back together. Remember people, they announced a separation, not a divorce.

Yeah, so did Brad Pitt and Jennifer Ansiton...:innocent:
rainglow said:
I certainly won't miss the music - sweet Jesus, their duet cover of "Take my Breath Away" almost made my ears bleed and my cat throw itself off the balcony :doh:

:lol: :lol: :lol:
rainglow said:
I certainly won't miss the music - sweet Jesus, their duet cover of "Take my Breath Away" almost made my ears bleed and my cat throw itself off the balcony :doh:

:lol: jessica CANNOT sing in my opinion. she is the playboy bunny of music, no actual talent.

she just puts on a sickenly sweet 'cutesy' voice, breathes heavily and opens her mouth wide. at least we know how she got her break ;)
I thought Ted this morning had a really interesting take on the split
Yep, you heard it last week and prolly
choked on your turkey dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Lachey are no longer. It's sad, I know. Hope is a nice thing, and who needs more bad family news at this time of the damn year?
But don't cry all over yer candied yams just yet. Ya see, there is nothing remotely sudden about this split. Obviously. I was hearing about this back last spring from insiders on Newlyweds--that J. 'n' N. were planning on separating then, but they had professional obligations to fulfill first.

Shame, really. I actually like them both. One of the least full-of-themselves duos I've met out here in Tinseltown. Too bad. Think they can work it out? Me neither.
Now, let's bypass all the more recent rag-reports that predicted this bustup and go back even further than last spring. Something was most telling...
I mean way way back, as in years past. Tiger Beat magazine offices. 1999. A young and hardly Britney Spears-level success Jess-babe sits in the lobby of the teen-mag HQ alongside her pop, Joe Simpson. (Oh, and as long as we're mentioning Missus Kevin Federline, doll-cup, you might want to ring up your hubby--I think he's got somethin' to tell you). Joe pushes. He tells the editors that his daughter will be famous. He says they are never gonna give up until this sensational fact occurs. He reminds the editors that Jessica is a rare commodity, i.e., a wholesome virgin. The gals on the Beat are stunned by the dad's personal declaration.

And in the end, Jess did certainly become a goofy bombshell of a star. But perhaps it wasn't entirely because of Pop's pure-style push. Maybe more do to with Jess' marriage?
I'd say so. And that's why, if you ask moi, these two were kinda doomed from day one of the in-house TV show. I mean, after ya get famous off your wedding, there's really only two options: Make a baby. Or break it off.

And in the end, Jess did certainly become a goofy bombshell of a star. But perhaps it wasn't entirely because of Pop's pure-style push. Maybe more do to with Jess' marriage?
I'd say so. And that's why, if you ask moi, these two were kinda doomed from day one of the in-house TV show. I mean, after ya get famous off your wedding, there's really only two options: Make a baby. Or break it off.

All we can do now is hope. Jess-babe, please don't spend every non-hungover sec boozing it up with Johnny Knoxville or that Ashlee sista of yours. Or Bam. Or Steve-O.
Oy, can ya believe that lineup?
As for you Nick-hon, I'll pay ya to give up on the whole music-makin' thang and find some new biz angle to go at. Actually, wait. I won't pony up anything until you also learn how to walk into a bar without giving every chick in the joint yer horny, droolin' glance.
Actually, wait again. Now that they're single, Nick and Jess can do whatever they damn want. Just be safe, kids, 'kay?
Tess said: seems like no marriage in Hollywood last!

Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward have lasted :flower::flower::flower:.

oolie coco said:
When I used to watch Newlyweds I thouht Jessica was a better catch than Nick.

Yes, Nick is BY FAR smarter than Jessica.
But he always seemed like a condescending, chauvinistic pig who would turn into a horny neanderthal whenever other women were around.
Jessica, while dumb, was also really sweet and loyal (DURING THE SHOW) and would always try to do things for Nick whenever she could.

I don't know why people always take the man's side in these divorces.....

Oh my God! I so agree with you. I didn't dare watch that horrid show, but judging from other appearances, articles and interviews, Jessica seems to be dumb as a rock, but Nick seems to be a womanizing letch!

Jennika said:
...As for you Nick-hon, I'll pay ya to give up on the whole music-makin' thang and find some new biz angle to go at. Actually, wait. I won't pony up anything until you also learn how to walk into a bar without giving every chick in the joint yer horny, droolin' glance...

I think they are both trash. Anyway, I read somewhere yesterday that they got married without a pre nup, and now she's hiring a big time lawyer in order to secure her assets. The fight is about to get juicy...
Jennika said:

Shame, really. I actually like them both. One of the least full-of-themselves duos I've met out here in Tinseltown.
I can't believe he said Jessica is not full of herself. He has met her and I still don't believe it. Well, I guess he did say one of the LEAST.^_^

On E they just said that Nick is devastated but he is getting his own comedy on the WB in which he plays a baseball player who just got married.
OMG.:shock: His so-called "career" is going down the tubes fast. Pretty soon he will be an even more microscopic blip on the radar. Poor thing....
A few days ago on jjb they were saying something about rumors of Nick beating Jessica... which btw I hardly believe... something about Joe trying to create a story to make Nick look real bad so that Jessica comes off as the victim. Did anyone see or hear about that?

Anyhow, hopefully it's all false (i mean Joe trying to sell the story... cause i wouldn't believe Nick hit her even if she came out of their house with a black eye).
I found Newlyweds entertaining but I always thought Nick had too much upstairs to be with such an airhead for long! She's strangely undomesticated and too thick to realise that its really not cool to show off your stupidity on TV! Her constant burping and ****ing on camera made me sick! She didn't appreciate him at all, I mean she thought he was weird everytime he wanted to do something for himself instead of "hire" somebody. She was pathetic!

I hope Nick gets together with Britney. I think They'll make a good couple! :rolleyes:
I find it interesting that everyone is dissing Jessica and everyone seems to be on Nick's "side".
I read that Jessica made most of the money out of the couple so I hope Nick doesnt try and take a huge lot of it.:innocent:

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