Kate Moss and Pete Doherty (Please read guidelines before posting)

SiennaInLondon said:
I mean most of the kids who were at all the legendary Libs gigs now can't stand Pete. They wouldn't let you play his music at their house parties even if you asked them. They would probably say, 'ugh sorry, it is disco night' or something.

Aha ha ha... F U N N Y
^erm clearly this is getting a bit immature. I really hope you guys aren't being serious.
And yeah MJ, she's actually quite right; most people don't like him in London - well, in England. But that really does only mean that it is more of him for you. :flower:
Alexandra8715 said:
ok it's just really hard to tell if people are being sarcastic on the internet :blush:

As a rule, do not take anything SiennaInLondon says on this thread serious, and then you'll avoid misunderstandings. ^_^
sorry mods, I posted that article and forgot to edit it to follow the TFS guidelines. if you don't mind I'll post it again (edited this time). if it's still considered offensive please delete :flower:
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The Real Kate Moss?

I love Simon Cowell. He’s a nasty b*tch but his candor is endlessly entertaining. And seriously…what’s so enjoyable about someone who says nice things about all people all the time? Simon is Simon because he’s mean but also because you thought it too.

Same goes for Piers Morgan, former UK tabloid editor, celebrity judge on America’s Got Talent - a thousand axes to grind, now trying to be a celebrity in his own right. And so he’s publishing his diary entries…and the one below about his encounter last October with Kate Moss and Pete Doherty is F*CKING HILARIOUS!

Take with a grain of salt? Sure, absolutely, entirely up to you. But there is something in his description that rings SO true, particularly the way he says Kate was curled up into a little ball, writhing and shaking and guzzling greedily from a bottle of champagne – I believe every word… read for yourself:

I've never quite got the Kate Moss thing. How this stroppy, pinch-faced little *edited* from Croydon ever made it to become the world's No. 1 supermodel is quite beyond me. But even that is not as incomprehensible as her obsession with that filthy, talentless *edited* Pete Doherty.
'Kate Moss? She's a paranoid drunk with spots'
So when I found I was at the same party as them tonight, I was intrigued. It was a stunningly glamorous masked ball in an extraordinary gothic villa in Twickenham, attended by the most beautiful crowd imaginable, and I spent a happy hour flitting around various themed rooms.
Then a jittery PR woman marched up and demanded: "Could you move? Kate and Pete want to come through here, but they're terrified of you."
"Kate and Pete who?" 'You know who." Of course, silly me. But why so 'terrified'? Perhaps they think I'm still editing the Mirror, which exposed Kate's *edited* problem last year.
A photographer told me they were in the karaoke room and I headed down there, sporting my Phantom-Of-The-Opera-style face mask, and found Kate, Pete and their ten-strong entourage sprawled across some leather sofas.
Kate was curled up into a little ball, writhing and shaking and guzzling greedily from a bottle of champagne. She looked tiny, pimply, wide-eyed, and had a nose like Danniella Westbrook's.
Pete was not much bigger, wearing black goggles and a coat in the hot room, and swaying from side to side as the entourage guffawed at every word he slurred.
This was supposed to be the personification of crazy, fun-loving, rock 'n' roll, A-list cool, but instead I observed a joyless, pathetic scene of self-absorbed artificiality.
Then, with wonderful irony, Itchycoo Park by the Small Faces - chorus: "It's all too beautiful" - started playing on the karaoke machine.
Pete grabbed the microphone and started singing. Well, when I say singing, I mean he began emitting a tuneless, whining noise more akin to a live lobster being brought to the boil.
I assumed it was a wind-up and laughed, but it wasn't. Kate flashed me an angry stare: there was a nonworshipper in the room.
Pete was shambling around *edited*. He looked dirty, sweaty and puffy-cheeked, and he was murdering the song with every agonising groan he made. Yet Kate and the entourage cooed and drooled *edited*.
Then Pete bumped into a wall and I laughed louder, provoking another ferocious stare from Kate, which made me laugh even louder. And if you laugh that loudly while wearing a mask then eventually you need air. I dropped the mask.
Kate saw my face and gasped in horror. "Oh f***king hell, what is he doing in 'ere?" she snarled in a rough South London twang. "Just get 'im out," she shrieked.
A security man ran to my side: "I'm sorry, Mr Morgan, but you must leave the party."
"Er, why?" "Because there have been complaints about you."
"But I haven't said or done anything, this is not a private room, and it's not their party, is it?"
"No, sir, but you're still going to have to leave."
I left the masked ball, frogmarched out, to the cheers and jeers of the entourage.
But I'm glad I've finally met Kate Moss, because at least now, when people ask me what she's really like, I can answer with some authority: "Well, just as I thought, she's a drunken, foul-mouthed, ill-mannered, paranoid Croydon girl with *edited* spots.
"And Pete's a filthy, talentless *edited* who can't sing."
As for me, well I learned once again that there is no greater truism than, "If you lie down with dogs, you get fleas."

The book is called Don't You Know Who I Am? Insider Diaries Of Fame, Power And Naked Ambition by Piers Morgan, clearly a must read.

Thanks Emily!

from laineygossip.com
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Good to hear the insight of someone who isn't going to suck up to them just because they're meant to be really 'cool'. I don't think i'm as intrigued with the Moss-Doherty thing as I was before. I think a lot of people are starting to become disillusioned with the myth of the two crazily in love young talented and beautiful people and realise that they're both a bit contrived and self-absorbed.
i am in stitchess laughing- that is truely hillarious. I actually really like Kate's look and fashion style but she is one of those "icons" who is really only interesting becasue she never gives interviews so there is a mystery about her as a person - then when you get little snippets of what that person/personality behind the face is actually like it ends up being a disappointment
that's why I really wanted to post the article. I love Kate's style and legacy too... but I get worried about all the hero worship surrounding her and pete and the glossy ideals people get about their lifestyle. sometimes it's good to get a reality check like that
Same goes for Piers Morgan, former UK tabloid editor, celebrity judge on America’s Got Talent

yea i agree Jennika - not that either kate or pete give a flying f*ck what anyone thinks and i'm not even saying this from a moral standpoint but i do think she is skating on very thin ice at the moment... after the NME's and all that... it was defo a step too far for him to pick up a spoon (!) and head for the jacks... i mean thats as chavvy as it gets. As for the person who siad most people in London hate him, i would have to say that the feeling is kinda the same here in Dublin... a mate of mine used to be a huge libertines fan but now he just thinks Pete is a waster and Babyshambles are crap and basically just exist because of all the publicity around pete. Which i personally agree with! ps cheers for posting that article- gave me a good laugh on an otherwise boring tuesday afternoon :)
Pete grabbed the microphone and started singing. Well, when I say singing, I mean he began emitting a tuneless, whining noise more akin to a live lobster being brought to the boil.

Hahaha, I can so picture that
Thanks for the article Jennika! I'm a fan of Kate's, but I can't stand Pete and I laughed all the way through!

"...Then Pete bumped into a wall" LOL!!!
kitten_77 said:
i am in stitchess laughing- that is truely hillarious. I actually really like Kate's look and fashion style but she is one of those "icons" who is really only interesting becasue she never gives interviews so there is a mystery about her as a person - then when you get little snippets of what that person/personality behind the face is actually like it ends up being a disappointment

Maybe that's why Kate doesn't do interviews...she knows she really isn't that interesting...LOL

It's still smart though...I wish there was actors today that took that more Garbo approach...it would make them look less desperate...
Thank you, Jennika! I just read that on Lainey's site and had to come here. I think Kate is beautiful in professional pictures, but I couldn't stop laughing out loud at the descriptions, every scathing word was so perfectly chosen :lol:

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