Kendra Spears


oh! darling
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score
Checked Ford Models and she's not up yet.


Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Girl On Top w/ Ian Bauman live blogging!

Summer always brings some great fresh young girls to the city, and some of our favorites HAVE to be the new crop at Ford. Honestly, they’re AMAZING. They certainly know how to wrangle them in. Nineteen-year-old Portland cutie Kendra is on her way to the top. VERY special this one. So 90’s supermodel. Make sure to keep Sana on your radar too. And we love the fact that little Estonian Elis has a pension for listening to American country music! But seriously, keep a lookout. MAKE THAT MONEY GIRLS.

Who can supply me with a last name (or a merge/delete) :rofl: ?

I'm quite intrigued since she's been called "So 90s supermodel."
She's a looker, no doubt about that, but is she special enough to make it?
Kendra Spears. She was the "MySpace" contestant in this year's Ford Supermodel contest. Nice girl, very personable, but her looks are fairly unspectacular.


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With work she could be like a mini Cindy Crawford but I'm not sure on her yet. Her name bothers me...
With work she could be like a mini Cindy Crawford but I'm not sure on her yet.

In reference to the very first picture, yes? :lol:

Thanks for the name change, whoever it was.... :flower:
^^^I knew she looked familiar! I don't care if she doesn't have an exotic beauty, she can ride the simply pretty girl wave :heart:
She's quite beautiful. Those LA polaroids don't do her justice, she looks much better with the new, sleek hair. Only thing that bugs me is the asymmetry of her eyes.



Here's an interview she did for The Today show that I found on her myspace

Kendra Spears -- MySpace Representative

DF: How old are you and where are you from?
KS: I'm 19 years old and I'm from Seattle.
DF: Are you in school?
KS: I am going to Portland State University, studying sociology. I'm a senior, so I have just a little bit left.
DF: You're a senior and you're only 19?
KS: I graduated high school with my associate's degree through a dual-credit program.
DF: So when you get out of school, is modeling what you want to do full time?
KS: Most definitely. I would like, at the same time, to finish off my bachelor's degree while also modeling full time.
DF: What about modeling appeals to you?
KS: Everything. I love any form of art. Photography, design, any kind of art. You throw it all together and you get modeling.
DF: Is it tough to balance the model part of this with your schoolwork?
KS: It's not really hard, because I consider it a hobby right now. All my free time can be devoted to this, and I don't feel stressed out.
DF: So if all your free time is devoted to this, do how you have time for fun?
KS: This is fun to me. Other than this, I like hanging out, do a lot of outdoor sports.
DF: That's what the Great Northwest is known for, right?
KS: Exactly. I like bike riding, I do some rock climbing, hiking a lot, running, basketball.*I dabble in everything.
DF: What's on your iPod right now?
KS: Oh, man. I don't have an iPod, first of all.
DF: You don't have an iPod?
KS: I know, isn't that ridiculous?
DF: Last week, I interviewed Madeleine Albright, the former secretary of state, and she has an iPod.
KS: Everyone has an iPod except me! So if anyone wants to get me one... But if I had one, my playlist would include a mix of Incubus (Morning View) and Hawthorne Heights.
DF: How would you celebrate if you won this contest?
KS: Well, I would start by moving here to New York, which would be a celebration in itself. Other than that, it would just be a huge party for me!
DF: I have to say, it's unusual to see a modeling contestant with braces. How do you feel about representing for people with braces?
KS: Getting braces was probably the best decision, especially for my modeling career. I don't think they should hold me back, and I'm very thankful to Ford for allowing me to be in the contest with braces. It's a great opportunity to show girls that you don't have to be shy or self-conscious about having braces. You're helping yourself, so it's a good thing.
DF: Lastly, any special plans while you're in New York?
KS: I don't think we have a lot of time, but if I were to have special plans, I would probably hang out in the West Village and Central Park. Just walk around and see the place.
Bradford Gregory, Nymag, Myspace
That's exciting, it will be interesting to see how many shows she books, I'm definitely rooting for her.
She´s the face of the argentine brand Akiabara SS08-09 ad campaign. I don´t have pics yet...
She's done a bunch of shows already in NY.

Staerk backstage

sonny v
She needs a last name change. Please. I don't want to be reminded of one pop star everytime I read her name. :rofl:

The reference to Cindy Crawford is very spot on though. Her look is very 90 supermodel-ish.

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