Kit Harington

He's just come over to the agency I work for. I'm interested to meet him, I like his work, what I've seen of it.
Thanks for the added pictures.

I hope he continues to get work. Season two of Game of Thrones started this week, filming for the next 6 months. It would be good if he could continue getting good work doing the off season.
Trailer for War Horse with Kit:

It's kind of funny, I mean, it's just a teensy bit cheesy, but it's a popular, acclaimed play so it's all good.
There's absolutely nothing funny or cheesey about War Horse at all. It's one of the best pieces of theatre produced in the last decade. I've seen it several times and cried buckets, it's sensational.
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:blink:Uh...I meant the trailer. I've never seen the play, but I hope to see the film coming out later this year.
I don't think this pic was posted yet:



It's from the blog of a girl named Simone who got to meet Emilia, Nikolaj and ours truly. She said about him:

Kit Harington is a charming British theatre actor, gradually adjusting to the “bizarre” world that is Hollywood.
wow, he's just got smoldering good looks. now all the girls will be jumping on the kit bandwagon! :lol::flower:

i'm on vacation in northern ireland and today walked past the large studio where they just started filming Game of Thrones. no sign of kit but i did see a large group of men with long hair and beards getting on a bus! :lol: they were obviously going to go film at a different location.
why is Richard not with them?! we have four GoT boys and no Richard???

anyways, Kit looks great

Honestly, placing Richard in this already overwhelmingly hot ensemble would make laptops, computers, and mobiles across the world implode. :rofl:
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Honestly, placing Richard in this already overwhelmingly hot ensemble would make laptops, computers, and mobiles across the world implode. :rofl:

Alfie needs to get out of the picture and then we're talking!:lol:

Kit! You have teeth! Smile with them!
^this one's for you then

untagged (but still on LQ)

another fan pic from comic-con

does anyone know where this is from? i guess some bts video, but which one, there are so many out there of GoT:lol: tumblr users: f*ckyeahkitharington, eeriewhisper, alwaysliveforthenight
Alfie needs to get out of the picture and then we're talking!:lol:

I have to say, I usually find him quite gross, especially on the show (there's something so sleazy about him:ninja:) but he doesn't look half bad in this picture. :innocent: Although I see where you're coming from. ^_^

Oh, Kit. You and your leather jacket belong together like peas and carrots. So hot. :blush:
new comic-con interview (a little spoilerish for season 2 though)

and i found that video i was looking for from when the cast was in that pub...if anyone's interested
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I effin hate raffles. I never win ish. But that's besides the point. Thank you alvedansen! Kit looks so cute in that video! Totally wore a similar outfit yesterday, white shirt and dark blue, grayish scarf. But he rocks better than I did. Also Samwell! :woot: So adorable. :crush:

Two other things: 1) I love that Finn (Tyrell) and Eugene (Lancel Lannister) come in rapid succession of one another because it made me think of Tangled :p and 2) These two gentlemen look MUCH hotter out of character. :p Particularly Finn. Wow, what a hottie.
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^i agree on the Finn part, but Eugene just doesn't do anything for me...i just can't that tragedy of a wig out of my head:lol: but i think Gethin Anthony (Renly Baratheon) looks much better with longer hair (like in the latest red carpet pics with the other guys) than with the short hair he has on the show...hopefully he can keep it that way in the second season. it's war after all, no time to get a haircut:lol:

Mtv interview from Comic-Con (sorry, not embeddable and believe it or not he manages to stay spoiler-free)

and koko bb, watch out, this might kill you:p

kitkitbits @ tumblr
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^hehe surprisingly for me, I like the first one best :)
Just started watching GOT and this guy definitely caught my attention. The whole cast is amazing but there's something about this one... Definitely my favourite in the show with the girl who plays the khalessi. Don't know her real name :ninja:

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