the trench was supposed to be part of her clothing line ... but i haven't heard much about it ..... it might show up (or something like it) a little later.......
+ yeah, the prices did go up some ... oh well.
my 'world tour messenger' should be arriving on wed. not sure why i opted for the huge one... but i was afraid the smaller on would be too small.... for what, i'm not sure...but.... i dunno.
the other prints will be available at the end of the month/early june ... + the red is listed on the site, but it's not available till june (as it says on the site)
anyways....i'm not so sure anyone really said that the bags are super special ...... (did i miss that? i don't know, i haven't read this thread through in a while!) .. no one really said gwen was the next coco or yves..........she's doing something she's done for more than 1/2 her life already, and making some money while she's at it. if being a singer gives her less credibility at making some fun bags and clothing (we're not talking like high-end designer stuff,'s nylon handbags, graphic tee-shirts, some pants, and jackets), then oh well, at least she's making her money...
haha it's all good, though. people will like them, people will hate them, and some people will be neutral about them .... like everything in the world....if everyone loved the bags, that'd suck, cos they'd be instantly sold out .... + i couldn't get mine.
Love angel music baby.. Four words said to appear frequently in no doubt songs..
..... the words actually came from the lesportsac creative team + gwen ... they aren't from ND songs (i'm not sure angel is in ANY nd song..) ... she used to call her dog + her fans "lamb/lambs" .. it was a term of endearment ..... when gwen did the bags, they decided it would stand for love angel music baby, instead of just being LAMB + not have anything to explain it... kinda lame + surely not innovative at all ..... haha. oh well.