Betty is a sour woman, a woman whose looks were all you saw. She didn´t have to develop a character because she was so preety. But now she is a wife, with three kids, but with no other value than her looks. BEtty is a hostage to her own petty feelings and moods. The Carla thing is just a peek inside her dark soul.
Faye played it cool at the beggining but then she was too needy, too clingy. She played all her cards too soon, and Don got bored of her. But she said a truth about Don. "You only like the beggining of things" So true.
Megan seems to be worldly, cultivated, she is self assured, it looks like she can control her moods unlike Betty.
Joan is making a very difficult move. I think she means well, but she´s treating his husband like a fool. That´s going to bite her (ample) *** in no time.
Peggy needs a MAN in her life. Not kids, a MAN
Love Megan, hope Don doesn´t suck the life out of her...