Men in tights?! and leggings, etc...

Saw a guy wearing leopard print opaque tights with a knee length ripped jeans over it.
there was a conversation about this in the leggings (for women) thread...
there are several shops that sell these now. i notice it's already out in japan--you see guys wearing them on the street, under shorts and so on; and a guy told me it's starting to get picked up in the u.s., especially when it's worn with sports clothes

i would like to wear the 'full body' version (lol) under a whole bunch of clothes. it's perfect as thermals. more for function than fashion for me, in this case:p
kan-i-ta said:
Saw a guy wearing leopard print opaque tights with a knee length ripped jeans over it.

i've seen a guy wearing similar...except red and blue opaque tights.
of course, he was a fashion student. it's the law you dress mental :P
tifa said:
i've seen a guy wearing similar...except red and blue opaque tights.
of course, he was a fashion student. it's the law you dress mental :P

This guy was no fashion student, he was just slighly weird. (I'm a fashion student, and I don't dress mental:p )
kan-i-ta said:
This guy was no fashion student, he was just slighly weird. (I'm a fashion student, and I don't dress mental:p )

hehe. i just can't resist a fashion student dig, sorry...i miss the days where i could see the fashion students, there was always potential for great and awful outfits.
I think it could possibly work with uber tall and skinny guys worn under ripped up skinny jeans ?... A very tough look to pull off, I'd pass... Probably should be left to the Japanese rocker set, who can get away with anything and look great.
I have owned tights and leggings for a few years. I happen to own Reebok, Nike, Addidas and New Balance brand running / cylcing tights. I have one pair by Performance Bicycle and another by Avia. Some are cotton / poly and some are nylon / poly. I have Activskin brand tights (footed with and without fly and footless). I happen to own some basic colors in them: blue, black, brown. Other brands are general local stuff - various nylon color. I worn them to the gym 4 or 5 weeks already. Tonight I was in a class at the gym and a young latin women I know said hi. I told her I was back after out last week. She approached me and asked if I was wearing stockings. I nodded my head. I told her I wear them to keep my legs warm. I told her it helps prevent cramps. She asked if I get cramps. I told her I did. SHe said she did also. She said she probably will buy some too. I told her she should (buy them). She said ok. We had our workout tonight. We talked on the way out. Some just inquire but no actual negative comment.
I think it can work.




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Number (N)ine

Mihara Yasuhiro
On what occasion would tights like these be worn?


Clothing like this for men is worn in cycling, running, and basketball. ALso casually with shorts . I have seen longjohns with shorts in the fall and winter. I have seen running tights (footless) / leggings worn with baksetball shorts and sandals and with a full baksetball jersey and shorts with leggings and basketball shoes. Once at the mall last year. A guy and his girlfriend wear walking in the mall. He was a african american guy but his legs were darker than normal. I did a double take and he was wearing black footed tights with socks. Another instance was with shorts and leggings and sandals at the local Best Buy here in So California. I have worn mine to the gym and also to the store. I had a girl in an exercise class I know approach me after a conversation and she asked me if I was wearing stockings. I told her I was and that it was to keep my legs warm to prevent cramping during step class. I suggested it to her. She probably will wear em next week. No adverse comments. She just said she gets cramps and said ok. THat was the extent of it. Some women I think were curious but no comments.
Quite a lot of neu-rave club kiddies here in CPH wore them some months ago. It's over now, though. Although I must say, with the right frame and the right style, males can also pull them off. You just gotte be tall, extremely lean and under 25 with tons of self-confidence and an outfit ready for some clubbing extravaganza. It's for going out though - it would be a little weird wearing them too school. But then again. There isn't too much of a difference between heavy, textured leggings and a pair ultra-thin spandex-induced skin-tight Cheap Monday jeans, which are pretty comon in Scandinavia, among guys also. Sometimes you people have to be slightly less conservative and not care about what people think of you. :)
Opaque tights

Last wek me and my gf went out to dinner I wore black short shorts,a black turtle neck shirt black hue tights and aleather jacket. She wore a very short denin skirt,a black turtle neck shirt and black hue tights
Here are some ideas - My wardrobe

My warddrobe. More to come.

Just a few pictures


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  • avt_rik0915ca_large.jpg
    37.3 KB · Views: 182, American Apparel, Tights-for-men to name a few. Men legwear!!!!!!
NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! just wrong! been through that stage and looked a STATE!

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