iOffer Bags,, etc. #6 (Posting Requires Reading Rules in Post #1)

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DIY update

Hey all.

So I've been carrying my NBF Aqua-turned-jet black work with RH for a few weeks now, and I've really been abusing her! (Whee-tchu, crack that whip, Betty!):woot:

Now I've only ever conditioned my NBF spy bag and none of the Bals. So what I'm about to reveal MAY only be as a result of non-conditioning.

The color has been stayfast. It's great. Remember, I did three coats of the Fiebings penetrating and a single finish coat of Tarrago self-shine, with 1-2 full days at least of drying in between coats.

I started noticing a week or so ago little tiny "scales" at the back bottom of the purse. I guess this is the part that hits my passenger seat when I fling the bag into my car.

Upon closer inspection, it's as if she has a sunburn and her "skin" is peeling. But the peeling bits (and they are tiny) peel off to reveal the saturated black leather underneath.

So I'm not worried about it. She is not the most "veiny bal" I have (and you all know how I LOVE those veiny bals!) but she's getting more smooshy with use. I'm not going to condition her for awhile. I'll see how the peeling progresses.

I've christened her Joan Jett. It fits. It suits her. I feel she is like a really awesome moto leather jacket, warts and all.

I'll post pics later.
candycandy seeing those perfect handles is getting me so excited!! i hope my PT has those. what great buys. i love the clutch too, now i want one? :p
Erm, what about Argent?

I miiight be interested in Galet...but would definitely prefer Argent. I'm not sure what style I would get in Galet.
Hi S,
Yes we could do Galet.:)
We;ve seen Galet and it's a brownish grey.
It's very nice.
But we woud need the girls for that.
How many what it?

So Lets make a GALET LIST:

I've been browsing the Balenciaga section at tPF and love galet, tempete, and argent! I saw an argent reveal and want one with GSH BAD. I was actually contemplating buying one from Mrs (?) BuyandSell after seeing your HG. Truly lovely btw, I don't think I've said yet.

How exactly does the list-thingy work? It's a prepay? I know I've only been around for like 20+ lists but my bad :rolleyes::blush:. I'm just not sure I want to spend so much on a rep before it's even made that I'm not that into, kwim?

Thanks BBS for the shout out a few pages back!

bagalicious: I cannot believe that you want another Gray in Galet.
I guess your Gris Fonce Work is not enough for you. If I had a Galet,
Noix and some type of Brown I would be set for Bal colors. I even love
the Saddle Brown of 2008. The saddle brown is the Midday bag in this photo.
I would love a Saddle/Caramel/Autumne Work. I would also love an Olive Green Part Time w/GSH.

Picture Courtesy of Purse Forum


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sanitizedfashion, lists are there to collate interest for T&D so that they can see if it's worth their while to produce the bags. I don't thing being on the list means you MUST prepay once they announce the color, though it'd be highly prefered because if you put yourself on lists all the time and back out then they may not sell as many bags as they want and they may stop listening to our lists:) Generally once the lists are out its then up to you what style you want and whether you want to prepay or wait for the guys to list it on their ioffer page, but if you really want a particular hw, style and color, I suggest you prepay as it may sell out before reaching ioffer:)


I wish they would do olive also...

I think so far only MissDaisyChain and I were interested in the A Wang Brady Clutch. Is there anyone else who has reconsidered and wants to ask Jacky to make it?
Coco- I would get a galet GSH something..maybe a day or a wk.
If the color is different enough to my gray i will get a rh city.
Candy- congrats on the outremer
Thanks for all the GSH day love ladies.
thank you gals!

i could add my name to Galet list if you need numbers, even if i already have 2 gray bags...too similar, sorry :)
btw, i'd be happy if they would make galet for all of you here that wants some type of gray... :)

for me, i'd love to have an OLIVE or NOIX bag the most!
who is in touch with them for the new colours? i still don't know if they said they will make one of the other colours we asked for....
Well, here we go! This is totally selfish, but I love Olive. And I think it would look awesome with GGH (and a DIY thanks to Bagalicious).

Can I just start a list? Is there a point person who compiles all the lists, or is it the one who starts it? Someone pls. let me know.

SMKelly (with RH or GGH)B)
jacky or catty's contact info?


I just bought an auth LV speedy 30 and want to buy a strap for it. I don't want to cheapen my real bag with an obviously fake strap, but I also don't want to spend another couple hundred on a real strap. After reading this site, it seems like Jacky or Catty are the best out there. Could anyone please PM me their contact addresses? Thanks in advance.
baga - great mod shots as usual! you wear GSH very well :) GSH makes the day look very different, in a good way of course!!!

lovedbychanel - agree with baga - you look great with the modshots :)

candycandy - GREAT haul!!!! outremer looks soooo lovely :flower:

so i got my ps1 medium from jacky today :woot: i say go for it whoever was thinking about it. i don't have an auth to compare but saw/carried it twice at barneys and the leather is very very close. the only difference i noticed is that the auth is a tad lighter. jacky's rep feels a bit heavier (but still isn't a heavy bag). and i think auth only comes with 1 strap but jacky's comes with 2.

blair warner - hope you got or will be getting yours soon and can give us another review :flower:
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Well, here we go! This is totally selfish, but I love Olive. And I think it would look awesome with GGH (and a DIY thanks to Bagalicious).

Can I just start a list? Is there a point person who compiles all the lists, or is it the one who starts it? Someone pls. let me know.

SMKelly (with RH or GGH)B)

A list has already been made for olive about two weeks ago. It was quite long actually. I believe it was sent to T&D, but no news yet...
I've been browsing the Balenciaga section at tPF and love galet, tempete, and argent! I saw an argent reveal and want one with GSH BAD. I was actually contemplating buying one from Mrs (?) BuyandSell after seeing your HG. Truly lovely btw, I don't think I've said yet.

How exactly does the list-thingy work? It's a prepay? I know I've only been around for like 20+ lists but my bad :rolleyes::blush:. I'm just not sure I want to spend so much on a rep before it's even made that I'm not that into, kwim?

Thanks BBS for the shout out a few pages back!

I think I saw the same reveal! Was it a GSH City? I was DROOLING and just kicking myself for not even considering argent when T&D did it! :doh: And you're welcome!!!! I hope your Chanel from Catty is superb! I'm guessing it hasn't arrived yet?

I'm not in love with galet. I had a grey NBF and it was very nice...but it's definitely not a must have color for me. I REALLY prefer noix. What about sandstone? The boys have done that color before so it shouldn't be hard to do again and there seems to be a lot of interest!

I'm going to make a new list because I believe the list before was for a few different colors in the sandstone/noix color family. Is it ok if I make a list for JUST sandstone since it seems more likely that they'd be willing to do that color?

Pics from tpf.



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^ agree with you babybluestar, sandstone would be plan b for me as noix is the ultimate. :cry:
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