Men in tights?

love it, especially with calf length skirts on top, in monochromatic tone. but i do think that it looks better on asians for some reason @_@
Maybe I'm not "progressive" enough but I think it's such a terrible look. I don't see the appeal of it nor the reason behind it.
I love it and plan on trying it. And I think Givenchy did it best, it's still masculine looking.



Jak and Jil


WHERE does one get tights like those, btw?? If I'm not mistaken, that's Panos Yiapanis with BryanBoy.
I'm all for people dressing as they wish and not conforming to what's considered normal in society, but I don't personally care for this look one bit.
I haven't tried this look out yet, but in the last three or four days I have seen quite a few guys wearing this, tho all were either hot trendy Asian guys or hot bike messengers (which I am neither) and one not-so-hot bike messenger.
Personally i don't like this style,it's to weird to see men in tights.But everyone needs to feel free to wear what he likes.
Ok, so I actually tried this look out a few times in the summer and also during this winter. The beauty of it all is that, it goes well with cold and warm weather. In the summer I wore black stretchy leggings I shredded myself. Paired with ripped jean shorts or running shorts, the look can be super light and never too heavy. You just have to make sure the proportions are perfect. In winter, latex leggings, (shredded of course) paired with wool shorts, right above the knee; or pants rolled up above the ankles. Proportions play a huge role in the looks success. I was in front of the mirror for an hour trying to make it just right. I mainly stayed away from alot of color so I could avoid any 80's references lol
I haven't tried this look out yet, but in the last three or four days I have seen quite a few guys wearing this, tho all were either hot trendy Asian guys or hot bike messengers (which I am neither) and one not-so-hot bike messenger.
how did the trendy ones wear them? :o here it's just cyclists or if it's part of a sports uniform..

recently however it was pointed out to me that i am always in them :lol: and i didn't realize. but i only wear them indoors. i really like the ones Panos has too
I actually really like this. I feel like it's something that not many people would even consider as an option in men's fashion.
I think a monochromatic color scheme (at least with the shorts/pants and tights, maybe shoes too) is what is going to help a guy pull the look off. Anything else looks a bit choppy to me.
And my goodness, I really can't stand the denim shorts with tights or the destroyed/grunge look.
the thing is: it looks edgy and cool on the runways but then it doesn't translate well in the "real" outside world because the majority of guys dress too casual or too uptight, so when you're wearing stuff like this, which is outside of the box, it looks too weird and people won't get it even though you're confident with it; I feel you have to be a certain type of guy to pull that off
The only time I wear tights is for winter cycling or running. I would never wear them for any other reason...
Maybe I'm not "progressive" enough but I think it's such a terrible look. I don't see the appeal of it nor the reason behind it.

yeah exactly this. some of the looks in here are borderline ok and some people can maybe pull it off but generally speaking, nope.
In my opinion, Men in tights is a trend that will slowly flourish.
You gotta have confidence and swagg to complete the look.

I happen to be a fan of some of the looks and would love to try it; that is without being crucified by our judgmental society.:-/

I think how it's worn in that picture is a great way to ease people in with the look. It's not too radical and it isn't that much different from when people wear shorts. Then as people get used to it, it won't be that much different.

But can you please source that picture or else it will have to be removed:flower:

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