Men in tights?! and leggings, etc...

I've seen ones they wear for athletic purposes but never just to "look good". I think it's just waaaay too feminine to wear them. I mean skinny jeans is one thing but way.
They just defeat any wisp of masculinity in any man.
A lot of the "meggings" go just below the knee and, when worn with a pair of shorts, actually look good. Otherwise, no way! There are certain parts of a man that don't look right with tights. I think you know what I'm talking about... :lol:

When meggings are ok:
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noooo just a straight up no
thats just one step way too far into the feminine zone
^ That IS in the feminine zone! That outfit would look terrible on a female, so what makes people think it's more acceptable on a man?
And look at the way he's standing, you think he could get any girlier?
^ noo.... i realize it IS in the feminine zone, and if you reread what i wrote i'm just expressing my opinion that its TOO feminine for a boy to pull off
I would never wear them, but I still think it looks ok and masculine when at the knee with shorts. This look was from Givenchy SS09:


pic: Givenchy
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I started wearing them for athletic purposes and think a a man can pull them off without looking "too feminine" or even loose his maleness.

Here are some pictures which show the look in a better way:



All pictures from
i was not keen of them at first in Givenchy ... but now I think it looks pretty cool.
i think there's this spanish fashion hottie who wears them, too. he's a blogger or something and stylist.

but the complete leggings ? not so sure right now.
for a party in london the silver/golden AA leggings are ok. for everyday life ? heu ...
with seuquins ? geez ! i said for the party !
are you gonna ride your bike ?
we said over the knee Etro !

fashion faux-pas ...
but that's forgivable (?) !
Personally I think that it works for a small handful of guys, the majority though could do without it...^_^
omg.... just saw this... and i like to think of myself as an open minded person, but this is too much.... i would prefer men in skirts than this.:huh: im seriously worried whats next!
omg.... just saw this... and i like to think of myself as an open minded person, but this is too much.... i would prefer men in skirts than this.:huh: im seriously worried whats next!

Don't give them any ideas..:p
omg.... just saw this... and i like to think of myself as an open minded person, but this is too much.... i would prefer men in skirts than this.:huh: im seriously worried whats next!

I guess it's a fine line, but some skinny jeans are just as tight as leggings. I actually think tights for men are less controversial than men in skirts and of course heels...
i've seen a ton of guys look quite good in very tight pants^
could just as well wear tights

panos yiapanis and patrick wolf


more Givenchy... a/w 09
(Yiapanis has worn the first ones)
bernhard wilhelm f/w 08.09

i love these materials..


the rest here
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