Men in tights?! and leggings, etc...

I guess it's a fine line, but some skinny jeans are just as tight as leggings.
Exactly. My friend was telling me how he was out with another friend who got asked if he was wearing leggings as his jeans were so tight.
I can see how leggings under shorts would work well for mountain bikers, who generally wear loose shorts to distinguish themselves from the spandex-clad "roadies." The leggings would offer warmth in cooler temps and some protection from scratches.

Otherwise... no.
another thread : Men in tights

House of the Very~ s/s '10


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I :heart: my skinny jeans and all but i don't like them so tight that they cut off the blood circulation to my legs so this trends sounds just........NO!!!! :ninja:
I :heart: my skinny jeans and all but i don't like them so tight that they cut off the blood circulation to my legs so this trends sounds just........NO!!!! :ninja:

I totally agree with you about the very tight skinny jeans.

But would you think people (including me) would wear them for sprorts if they would cut off the blood circulation? Surely not. :innocent:
What is it that the moment a man goes anywhere near what is perceived as traditionally feminine things the world starts spinning in the other direction. It may not look good, and personally looking at the pictures in this thread and the skirts thread I can see nothing that would persuade me to don skirts or tights, but I don't see why it is fine for women to just open the male wardrobe, put anything on she chooses no one thinks she's a crossdresser or pervert.

If men in tights and skirts is so aweful to you to the point of revulsion and feeling the need to reach for the nearest bucket, then perhaps you may consider that a woman in trousers/pants may be creating the exact same reaction in men. What happened to true femininity that was so evident before women put trousers on. So much for equality.

Be fair, look and comment on these trends for what they are. Being dedicated followers of fashion you should be open to new ideas. Fashion has always challenged the boundaries imposed by society and long may it continue to do so.

Anyway, men as a whole have better leg definition than women so the jealousy card is being played.
Anyway, men as a whole have better leg definition than women so the jealousy card is being played.

You have got to be kidding, do you actually really believe women are jealous of men leg definition?:blink: Most women would recoil in horror if they woke up on day with a men's type of legs. What is there to be jealous about?:doh:

I like my men to look like men, i do not like to see them wear delicate clothes, plus fashion conscious men ,to me are a total turn off.

Men in tights to me are not aesthetically pleasing, the same way i'm willing to accept that men may not find sexy a woman in trousers, no one is forbidding a men to wear tights or a women to wear trousers. But we have the right to comment in a fashion forum if we think a certain trend is totally ridiculous.
not for me... i like them on skinny denims but tights are for superheros and dancers or sportmen...well actually the idea is kinda nice after all... hehe
I want to make some too :zorro:
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What is it that the moment a man goes anywhere near what is perceived as traditionally feminine things the world starts spinning in the other direction. It may not look good, and personally looking at the pictures in this thread and the skirts thread I can see nothing that would persuade me to don skirts or tights, but I don't see why it is fine for women to just open the male wardrobe, put anything on she chooses no one thinks she's a crossdresser or pervert.

If men in tights and skirts is so aweful to you to the point of revulsion and feeling the need to reach for the nearest bucket, then perhaps you may consider that a woman in trousers/pants may be creating the exact same reaction in men. What happened to true femininity that was so evident before women put trousers on. So much for equality.

Be fair, look and comment on these trends for what they are. Being dedicated followers of fashion you should be open to new ideas. Fashion has always challenged the boundaries imposed by society and long may it continue to do so.

Totally agree.

Anyway, men as a whole have better leg definition than women so the jealousy card is being played.

I don't see a point why the jealousy card should be played. In my opinion neither women nor men have a "better" leg definition. They have a different leg defition which with their own kind of "beauty".

I think the main problem with men wearing tights is that most people are not used to see the original shape of a male body in public.

But if you really want to talk about jealousy: I think the point is that if men become more fashion conscious, women might get afraid of loosing the "leadership" in fashion ...
i like this last part ^ :-)

it also means developing more choices and we'll eventually come across the question that women are asked.. which is dressing for yourself or dressing for the opposite sex/other people

i think male fashion at the moment feels more like it is dressing for other people.
^I like when men wear thights, but only if they wear thigts, and not bycicle pants. And also, I think it looks better when thinner men wear it.
You have got to be kidding, do you actually really believe women are jealous of men leg definition?:blink: Most women would recoil in horror if they woke up on day with a men's type of legs. What is there to be jealous about?:doh:

I already said I don't see any reason for being jelous.

But this article shows an interesting thing about women's legs: nearly half of British women hate their legs. :rolleyes:
Found this while searching. About 1910 when the photo was taken. This was back around the Jack La Lane days with black tights and tshirt or body suit. I personally own some tights and leggings. I think the utility of them are coming back in play. Even before 1910, men worn them during dark ages but were a little different then. Also, in colonial times, men worn stockings with pants, not socks as thought. Temperatures were very cold then due to open land and no heaters escept for maybe some type of oil lamp. During the time of when dance started to be enjoyed, Men dressed up for dance performances, women were not in dance. Men worn tights then. 1900s this was the start of more times to come. Look at the English. They still wear tights today. Long johns came from that much later.

Home » Image galleries » Photographers » Harris + Ewing
Men in Tights: 1910

Submitted by Dave on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 5:08am.
BTW, leggings for men are big in Japan. There was an article somewhere. The leggings are worn with knee or longer length shorts. It is quite fashionable. Just think of it being worn as if they are thermals. After all, there is not much difference and not to mention they dont itch.

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