Men's Vogue July/Aug 07: John Edwards by Annie Leibovitz


go red sox
Aug 10, 2005
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Can't seem to find a pic of the cover, but I saw it on the newstand today. :flower:

I only wish the mag's contents were as impressive as its cover subjects.

Here are the links to the Edwards article & slideshow
Intriguing choice, he looks quite dashing on the cover. I like that Men's Vogue tends to go with more serious cover choices than just actors or athletes, its refreshing especially given GQ's descent into lad magazine-esque covers.

Any word on editorial content?

I'm interested this months articles, they always have such choice articles in Men's Vogue. Almost as good as Vanity Fair, almost. Plus I'd like to know who those 10 brainy beauties are :blush:
OH i absoloutely love this!!!!!!!He is not only a man with great ideals but a very attractive one at that!(what?that helps,yes even in Politics....JFK anyone?!?!?! :p :lol: )

Great easy going,with sexy undertones cover.I like their covers choice aswell(so faar)its refreshing to see people from "different" media on the covers.
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I like that Men's Vogue tends to go with more serious cover choices than just actors or athletes, its refreshing especially given GQ's descent into lad magazine-esque covers.
Me too. Men's Vogue's very classy... and they have had great, inspiring people on the cover before.
the vogues are loving the Edwards right now. cant say i mind

He looks quite dashing on the cover :blush:
I do not like this cover whatsoever (I'd go into detail, but we're not allowed to discuss politics on tFS).
other interesting features include 2 pg spreads on golfer adam scott and museum director miguel zugaza; a story a about the new show 'the bronx is burning,' with daniel sunjata, oliver platt and john tuturro; and a menswear editorial about the new thom browne for brooks brother collection, modeled by actor alessandro nivola.
Am I the only soul that thinks this is terrible? It's so domestic and...cheesey.
well mens vogue covers are always boring and homely like their female counterpart us women's vogue.
Am I the only soul that thinks this is terrible? It's so domestic and...cheesey.

Nope...I agree as well. I flipped through the issue at the newstand to see if anything caught my eye, but I put it back down. I haven't purchased an issue since I discarded the one with Tiger Woods (I think) on the cover...Interesting people on the covers, but nothing interesting going on inside....:innocent:

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