Miu Miu - The Campaign Archive

aaah i absolutely love those ads with kim basinger and camilla belle! i've only seen a few of them HQ.
does anyone have the 1st one from the 2nd row, or the 2nd one from the 1st row?
(from testinos collage)
Okay wait nevermind! I only want the 1st one on the 2nd row please :)
And in a month or so Lindsay Lohans face is going to somewhere on this thread....:(:(:(:(:(:(
Testino Fan thanx for all the great post even though its driving me crazy that the pics are so small.:woot: :rolleyes:
i love the lindvall ones. so great.
i saw them while looking at italian vogue archieves today.
This is quite possibly my favorite thread on here. I used to love Miu Miu ads, I hope they get back to using well, non-Lindsays.
Its interesting how a lot of people were so suprised by the choice of Lindsay for miu miu, but they've shot so many celebs... hmm.

I love the ads though. Especially anything shot by inez and vinoodh.
Thank you so much for posting the ad's, they are all beautiful. I have to say my favorites are of Maggie and Camille. Two of my favorite actresses too. <3
^ what was Miuccia thinking? Lindsay looks so cheap .

I think it's already been established that Miuccia never chooses who to star in her ad campaigns because she deems it too shallow. But she does work with her creative director to choose a 'personality' for her ads and runway shows. Lindsay is a personality, lol. :lol::innocent:

Ps. what did people think overall of Lindsay's Miu Miu campaign? Hit or miss?
Without taking lindsay's personal life and personal style into consideration, I loved the ads.

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