Model Trends Over The Years

Yes, please!
I was pretty shocked with seeing 15 and younger models walking the runway with their breasts showing. Even the one with 13 did it. And I don't even know if that is legal..

OMG :shock:
Really?? Why? Were they naked or wearing some see-through clothes??
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See-through clothes. I think they wouldn't be THAT crazy, to put her naked there. Although... It's pretty much the same thing.
The "legal aged" trend is starting to grow. First Saskia de Brauw and Aymeline Valade, and this season we had Julia Frauche, Kati Nescher, Marie Piovesan, Nadja Bender...
What's the reason of the current 'strong brunettes' trend? Does somebody have any idea? Is it just a backlash from the blondes overload from the last decade? Is it fitting the current dark atmosphere in the world? Or is there another reason?

Beautiful blondes like Frida Aasen, Ymre Stiekema, etcetera aren't doing well on the runway. O.k., some shows, but it could have been better. And Daphne Groeneveld has almost disappeared from the runway, while she was almost everywhere a couple of seasons ago (too blonde?).
There's still more blondes than brunettes on the runway. But I'm glad models like Aymeline and Kati Nescher are becoming "trends". First, I love the pale skin/dark hair combination. It's strong and ethereal at the same time. And second... finally some brunettes!
Is anyone else hating this "newbie trend" that seems to be sweeping the runway the last few seasons:unsure:

I honestly don't get it:doh:.. Every time I watch a runway show nowadays, it's just litered with bland newbies & even though I appreciate that they're all beautiful in their own ways, imo they all look alike:rolleyes:.. Seriously, u name one girl, I could literally name 1-4 that looks just like her:huh:.

Imo very few have features or whatever that would make them stand out & all I see are runways filled with blips & fillers who're gonna disappear in a couple of seasons:ninja:.
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I don't really think the 'newbie trend' is something that is that new but I do think it has gotten really bad lately and I agree with you, I am sick of the constant influx or new girls that all look the same or similar and burn out after 1 or 2 seasons. I think the reason behind this is the industry's obsession with new and trying to find the next big thing, they just keep moving from one new girl to the next.. it's ridiculous

There's still more blondes than brunettes on the runway. But I'm glad models like Aymeline and Kati Nescher are becoming "trends". First, I love the pale skin/dark hair combination. It's strong and ethereal at the same time. And second... finally some brunettes!

I disagree, there are definitely more brunettes on the runway (this season, at least). I don't really think this is a trend though, and I don't think it will last into next season. (next season being Spring)

I also don't think you can blame the brunette trend on why certain blonde models aren't doing very well, maybe yes for newbies, but if you look at the blonde models who have been around a couple of seasons and aren't doing well there are usually other factors to take into account too. :innocent: Anyway, maybe this is a discussion more for the model casting thread. :lol:
Yes, we see more brunettes but not as much as blondies... or at least from what I see. It's definitely not a trend. Even in the 90's there was much more brunettes.
Trends i've noticed:

1) Newcomers dominating blue chip shows.
2) Brunettes dominating.
3) A rise in older models (Aymeline, Kati, Arizona, Iris, Saskia, etc)
Is anyone else hating this "newbie trend" that seems to be sweeping the runway the last few seasons:unsure:

I honestly don't get it:doh:.. Every time I watch a runway show nowadays, it's just litered with bland newbies & even though I appreciate that they're all beautiful in their own ways, imo they all look alike:rolleyes:.. Seriously, u name one girl, I could literally name 1-4 that looks just like her:huh:.

Imo very few have features or whatever that would make them stand out & all I see are runways filled with blips & fillers who're gonna disappear in a couple of seasons:ninja:.
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This. And it's like the exact same group of new girls doing the exact same shows together (like Ava, Kati, Cora, Maud, Marie, Magda, Nadja, Katryn, Mackenzie, Kate, etc) with the same few older girls sprinkled in (like Daria S, Hanne Gaby, Kasia, Bette, Melissa, and Julia N.) The casting this season felt like it was nearly identical for every show.

It used to seem like there were only about 5-6 newbies that really made an impact in a season, but this season I can't even keep track of all the sought-after new girls, there are so many.
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There's still more blondes than brunettes on the runway. But I'm glad models like Aymeline and Kati Nescher are becoming "trends". First, I love the pale skin/dark hair combination. It's strong and ethereal at the same time. And second... finally some brunettes!

No way. 80% of the girls i've seen at shows this season are brunette. The only active blondes from this season I can really think of are Aline Weber, Daria Strokous, Emily Baker, Anabela Belikova, and Julia Frauche.
Plus the leader Julia N and Hanne of course!
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And isn't Nadja Bender a blonde too? Dark blonde IS blonde too. And I remember another two or three blond newbies. And Tanya's comeback.

And the only brunettes that I'm really seeing making some success next season are Kati, Aymeline, Franziska Muller and Magda (talking about newbies, of course). And I'm not even believing that much in Franziska or Magda...
No way. 80% of the girls i've seen at shows this season are brunette. The only active blondes from this season I can really think of are Aline Weber, Daria Strokous, Emily Baker, Anabela Belikova, and Julia Frauche.

she did close to nothing :lol:
Could some of you guys tell me what is the current trend of female models for high fashion?I follow careers of many,many models,and try to make the connection between them,but there is so much of the diversity ...Is it the light hair-light eyes combo,or is there something else?What is it that makes agencies want to hire some model?
I guess agencies want diversity.. always. It spreads your chances haha.
I think this is a micro-movement that has solidified recently: they are mostly dark haired, but with a refined, or at least alternative, appeal (with features such as pronounced nose and forehead, the space of their eyes, etc).

The girls below had been pushed by Balenciaga:

Erjona Ala

Laura Kampman

artandcommerceproduction, facebook/balenciaga

Kremi Otashliyska


And then there is Franziska Müller and Lula Osterdahl:


Franziska and Lula seem to have a particular look that Céline wanted for this season, as they both appeared in the latest Resort lookbook.


See, I don't think they are alike but I do find a connection between them. Or maybe I'm looking too closely :lol:
oh no they look alike to me :lol: I thought it was the same girl in the Celine shots :shock:

right now we are going back to the newbie domination trend. Marie, Katryn, Elza, Karlina, Magda are all dominating, and I think the Dutch models are rising as well.
I do think WilhelmF is right about that micro-movement. Dark haired/alternative looking girls have been dominating print and runway lately. I think other examples that fiit those characteristics you're saying (pronounced nose and forehead, the space of their eyes...) are Sojourner, Marie and Magda; the 3 of them are having such great momentums!
Models with a narrow, pointed face seems to be the new trend.
Franzi, Elena, Marie, Lula etc and it would also explain the sudden revival of Iris Egbers's career when she walked Gucci, Bottega and Versace this season.

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