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gisele is versatile? definitely not in my dictionary. same goes for caroline trentini.
Just because you dislike them does not mean they are not versatile.
Your dictionary is your dictionary and that is my opinion.Not right or wrong, just my opinion.
To add to the list of most versatile models :
Vika Falileeva
Kate Moss
Shannan Click ( so underrated too !)
the synonym of versatile models is Linda - there's no doubt..but very close to her is Raquel..i dont understand why some of you guys put your favorite model in terms of "versatile" if she doesnt versatile??-its childish...i mean,my favorite model is snejana, but i know shes not versatile, come on ppl,you need to rethink before you say somethink stupid or absurd.. -.-''
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Natasha can be many thing but versatile is not one of them. Her face 75% of the times have the same expression, wish is not bad but shes just not versatile
TRUE. If anyone doubt about it compare the Chanel ads with this:Joan is indeed a versatile model but she can still use some work. The girl can do strong and dark to sexy to girl next door. People who are saying she isn't just don't want to admit that she is...
I wouldn't necessarily say the same expression, just the fact that you can still tell it's her. But isn't that the whole point of a model that can be versatile these days? That you can still take into acount that it is her??
And if you want proof of her versatility, I believe this editorial in her recent Vogue Spain guest editor/dedicated issue defines versatility in itself..
Also all of the campaigns she did this season are so different from each other in terms of name and aesthetic and I think she slayed each and every one of them. They all looked amazing.. And I am a Natasha fan but I also notice that some people always try and knock her no matter what it is..
She basicly has the same expression in all of that editorial photos.
i really like natasha but shes not versatile, people book her because they know what they will get. And people book girls like Raquel simply because they dont know what they will get.
And no, being versatile its not the fact that you can tell its her. its the fact you can change in every single work you do.