Movies You Loved as a Child



Free Willy <3



The Sound of Music

The Goonies

My absolute favourites were Aladdin and Lion King. I remember wathing especially Aladdin every day.
-Little Rascals
-Mary Poppins

My sister and I used to watch Watership Down ALL the time.:blush:
And OMG I just found it on youtube! Damn, how cool is that?
i loved all disney movies, they were so much better back then. also the pagemaster i loved and alot of movie with the olsens
Oh good thread my fav in no particular order was :heart:

1. The goonies

2. Home alone

3. Matilda

4. Baby's day out

5. Ghost busters

6. Three men and a little baby

7. The Parent Trap

8. ET

Cant think of anymore ! im sure i liked more:flower:
Oh what a great post :D

I loved...

A little princess
All the Disney Princess movies i.e Beauty and the beast, Sleeping beauty
Three men and a little lady :D
Soo many :)
It has got to be the parent trap, i swear i watched it a million times!!
Occasionaly i do still watch it...haha! And of course all the olsen films!
Fantasia but it scared me
The aristocats (I still love this so much)
Oh good thread my fav in no particular order was :heart:

1. The goonies

2. Home alone

3. Matilda

4. Baby's day out

5. Ghost busters

6. Three men and a little baby

7. The Parent Trap

8. ET

Cant think of anymore ! im sure i liked more:flower:

i still love three men and a baby :heart:
I'll never forget Home Alone and Home Alone 2 - Lost in New York

Yes! :woot: Actually just the second for me... I love the part when he and his mom reunite, it's so sweet! :cry::ninja:

I totally forgot to mention in my last post: The Jungle Book (live action AND animated versions. :innocent::lol:)
The Babysitters Club (it introduced me to peanut butter + banana sandwich)
The Swan Princess
Little Women
Sleeping Beauty
Wow, i have a billion.
Every single Disney movie!!! I remember my mum and dad having to buy me some of them like 2 or 3 times because i used to watch them every single day. It was quite ridiculous really. I had loads and even though some didnt work, i refused to throw them away. I have them all in the attic
Home Alone. I loved that film although once it went to number 3 i HATED it!!!
Free Willy
Little Rascals- I loved darla and alfalfa[sp?]
The Little Princess, always did make me cry my heart out and always will lol
Spice World...yeah...i know!!! lol

And just something to get a lot of people shocked.
Never in my life have i seen Sound Of Music. People's jaws drop when i say that lol. I only saw Dirty Dancing for the first time 3 weeks before Christmas.

Im sure there will be more for me to add to this!!!
And just something to get a lot of people shocked.
Never in my life have i seen Sound Of Music. People's jaws drop when i say that lol. I only saw Dirty Dancing for the first time 3 weeks before Christmas.
Im sure there will be more for me to add to this!!!

:lol: If it makes you feel better, I have shocked many people by the fact that I absolutely hated both Dirty Dancing and the Sound of Music! :lol:
I actually find The Sound of Music overrated :ninja: The music is nice, but I've never finished the movie and I tried watching it 3 times :doh:
The Lion King
Toy Story
Batman (with George Clooney)
Dunston Checks In

.. and there's many many more. I still have all of them, my little brother watches them now. :heart:

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