This is such a cute thread! It brings me back.
Things I was attracted to as a child.....
Fringe. Like in the '80s (when I was a kid) sometimes I saw a lady wearing a leather jacket that had leather or suede fringe running along the seam of the arms and across the yoke. I always wanted to touch it and thought it looked so cool. Of course now I wouldn't want anything to do with those jackets but then it looked so cool and fun to play with.
Dangly earrings. That's what I called them. They just seemed so cool to me. I guess I liked swingy things that looked like you could play with them. Maybe I liked playing with my mom's.
Stick-out bathing suits. This is what I called two-piece bathing suits because when you wear them your belly button sticks out.
My pink patent mary-janes. I think I still have some in a box of baby things too. I loved them and would get another of the exact same kind when I grew and had to go up a size too.
Jelly shoes. Except I called them glass slippers and pretended I was cinderella. Hated how stones always go stuck in the bottom though.
Wearing dresses. All all the time. I think this lasted until about second grade (age 7ish) when got less hardcore girly somehow. When I was old enough to go to school, I learned to wear bike shorts under them so I could still go on the swings and monkey bars and no one would see my underwear.
Pink everything and anything. Even things like foods. It didn't matter what it was if there was a pink option in anything that was what I wanted. And if there was no pink but there was red, I called it pink and chose that.
That's all that stands out that I was attracted to off the top of my head.
One thing I hated: saddle shoes. I had pink and white ones. I don't know why but to this day I still hate them. Maybe someone I didn't like wore them? Maybe that pair just hurt my feet and to this day I still hate all saddle shoes.