i love love LOVE vintage clutches especially... i go searching for them all the time. I'm pare-ing down my collection right now to make room for new bags, but i cannot let go of some of them. My faves are a wine red patent leather clutch with a gold clasp, a silver metal mesh clutch from the 1930s, a long sleek floral beaded clutch from the 50s, a bright orange silk small clutch with gold filigree frame, a large blue suede flat clutch (OMG the suede on this one...) and a really long, skinny clutch that I painted orange (used to be a dingy yellow). i should take some pics sometime...
i've had a lot of fun refurbishing vintage clutches too! for a lot of fabric clutches with frame tops, you can just pry (carefully) the frame open and release the old fabric body of the clutch ad then carefull undo the fabric body and use it as a pattern using new fabric. then reattatch the new fabric body by slipping the fabric back into the frame top and (carefully, i use a washcloth inbetween the frame and the pliers) press the frame closed again.
its a stressful process though, its easy to ruin the frame if you arent careful and very patient. i bought a lot of vintage muumuu fabric at a garage sale a few years ago and keep using it to make crazy clutches with it using this technique!