tho i've yet to see Michelle and Nicole in their "Oscar" movies this year i have to say that Natalie did nothing (emotionwise, awardwise) for me in Black Swan, IMO she was even the weakest link of (an already merely okay) movie. always thought she had an "overrated" image, now next to it i find her talent as dubious.
all of the girls this year are pushing it hard, Portman had luck to get another thing to be talked about and it might just be part of the public that Aronofsky and she herself might've had hard time penetrating up until now, this softens her image quite a bit.
all of the girls this year are pushing it hard, Portman had luck to get another thing to be talked about and it might just be part of the public that Aronofsky and she herself might've had hard time penetrating up until now, this softens her image quite a bit.