New Seven Wonders of the World Announced

i don't understand why people are arguing over this, if any of you have been to the Christ Redeemer, you would know why it won, if you didn't I wouldn't say it was a "cheated" vote.
It had little to do with actual merit though and which countries had the most effective marketing. There was the private company in Brazil telling cell phone users and credit card users to vote. There was the fact that Jordan has 7 million citizens and 14 million votes came from that country. There are about 1 million cell phones in Cambodia compared to over 86 million in Brazil and 41,000 internet users in Cambodia compared to 26 million in Brazil, 205 million in the US, etc. How were the citizens of a country like Cambodia supposed to vote? So the vote was completely unscientific and undemocratic. It's upsetting because this vote actually could've had a positive for an undevloped country not to even mention the lack of historical basis.
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I don't know, I mean... The US and France weren't able to win, so I don't think it's that unfair.

(imagine if the statue of liberty was made a wonder of the world, all hell would break loose)
I'm sure the US and France could've made a push, but I honestly didn't even know what this contest was until the actual list was announced and I guess the British were annoyed at the way the vote was held, so they didn't have a campaign or anything. About the SOL it's funny because purely as a statue, the SOL is technically "greater" than CTR, but that's pointless because neither are one of the 7 wonders IMO.
Yes, definitely. :lol: If I awoke to a text message pressuring me to vote for Christ, I'd be worried out of my mind!
Hmm.. the media culture in countries like Mexico or Brazil compared to the one in the US are entirely different... Americans would indeed be creeped out if someone sent them a text message asking them to vote for the Statue of Liberty which is competing in some event they know nothing about and couldn't care less for but they'd be less surprised if, instead, it was just some American Idol promotion. I used to call people in California promoting McDonalds new menu!, I'm sure that would be considered way creepier in most countries south of the border, if not the rest of the world!.
I don't want to make this political and hence, prohibited post but there are just different priorities for every government, they're reflected in the way they manipulate their own media, you can't compare them, especially when they're remarkably different like in this continent where there isn't a middle ground and it's either first or just third-world, and the former struggles to keep everyone distracted, happy and devoted on growing debts on whatever they advertise just as long as they don't get on the way of their policies (tourism NOT being one of them), while the latter gets the same benefits through their tycoon-managed networks like Televisa and Rede Globo (not worse than their American counterparts, like NBC or Fox, though, just richer :innocent:), plus takes advantage of their viewers to shove in their desperate foreign investment ambitions turning stupid events like 'World Wonders' into a once in a lifetime chance to get EVERYONE (even those deprived of cell phones and internet found a way to participate!) to push their chances further as a country ideally special for its so-called one-in-seven-gifted attraction. because remember, people like Calderon (I'm not sure about Lula), they're not very fond of agriculture or anything that takes annoying things like growing, sitting and waiting and overanalysing (hence the emigration and love for remittances!), they want it quick and luxurious, especially if it goes by the name of Hilton!. :woot:

I hope this makes some sense and doesn't upset anyone here. :(

one more thing :ninja:: I don't think it's snobbism to say the experts are more qualified than the guy next door, they just have colder blood when they do their studies or come up with some results, they rely on their knowledge of how things are constructed, the meaning, blahblahblah, it's pretty simple really, it's like saying that it's snobbery to think a scientist will give a more realistic explanation of H2O just because we all went to school and we all know what H2O is..

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