The World Welcomes a New Pope

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I, as a roman apostolic catholic, am very happy with our new Pope. I have great faith in the election the cardinals made and in Joseph Ratzinger. I don't like to bash other people religions nor their leaders and so I hope people refrain from making ignorant and hurtful comments on ours....
^... wow... that was way harsh.
The term Hitler should not be used as frequently as it is :shock:
GoofyTampico said:
I, as a roman apostolic catholic, am very happy with our new Pope. I have great faith in the election the cardinals made and in Joseph Ratzinger. I don't like to bash other people religions nor their leaders and so I hope people refrain from making ignorant and hurtful comments on ours....

Thank you for wording that so nicely... I dont know how to be nice when people feel its cool to talk sh*t on Catholics.
So thank you for what you said Goofy, I agree 100%.
I would also like to add that tho Pope Ratzinger does not have a friendly face, its still not cool to call him evil.
Apparently he "wasn't a very enthusiastic member of the Hitler Youth". Just a mildy enthusiastic member then? And it's not like he made a habit of being a deserter, he only did it once.
Ummm...but do what you think his ideals are? When somebody says,the only real religion is Roman Catholicism(referring particularly and in a very arrogant manner to Muslims),don't you find that rather ignorant and hateful? Or the things he's said about gays and women...there is a Hitler-like hatred there. Whether you want to see it or not that's your business. But my statement remains. Harsh or not one must in these times because conservatism is ruling and when people like that become leaders people think those feelings are okay. There is a complete lack of equality...and it continues to go increasingly backwards when people like that get voted in.
Plastic'sWife said:
no IMO, honestly dont belive that him being Nigerian had anything to do with it...
Since he was representative of a country that deals with high HIV rates, there was fear that he would encourage the use of condoms- which is something that currently the church doesnt allow...
Very valid point.

I don't believe in having a Pope at all, it's just a way to control the masses with their backwards, conservative views.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Beliefnet:
"His [Benedict XVI] views on the subordinate role of women in the Church and society, the marginalization of homosexuals (he once argued that violence against them was predictable if they kept pushing for rights), the impermissibility of any sexual act that does not involve the depositing of semen in a fertile uterus, and the inadmissability of any open discourse with other faiths reveal him as even more hardline than the previous pope."
How can people listen to such bs?
Scott said:
Ummm...but do what you think his ideals are? When somebody says,the only real religion is Roman Catholicism(referring particularly and in a very arrogant manner to Muslims),don't you find that rather ignorant and hateful? Or the things he's said about gays and women...there is a Hitler-like hatred there. Whether you want to see it or not that's your business. But my statement remains. Harsh or not one must in these times because conservatism is ruling and when people like that become leaders people think those feelings are okay. There is a complete lack of equality...and it continues to go increasingly backwards when people like that get voted in.

I agree
^^ i know hon, and that's really not the issue look just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean he's hitler like (or still), that could be one of the saddest and cruelest things to say about somebody who really did not understand the depths of evilness of nazism. Oh so that's what happens when you don't like like someone, "hey he's still the nazi." That sh*t is so tired, it's just amazing how the some of the media and others have already started character assassination. I mean the guy was in his early teens and when you ddon't have others around you to protect you from them just rounding up confused teens for their own agendas to fight for them, than what the hell else can you say. It's jsut like those kids in the KKK, do they know what they're doing and don't you say in response that he was a little older, hell there are plenty of peeps even older who still didn't understand so whatever you say.. :innocent:
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revised message here:

^^ i know hon, and that's really not the issue look just because you don't like the guy doesn't mean he's hitler like (or still), that could be one of the saddest and cruelest things to say about somebody who really did not understand the depths of evilness of nazism. Oh so that's what happens when you don't like like someone, "hey he's still the nazi." That sh*t is so tired, it's just amazing how the some of the media and others have already started character assassination. I mean the guy was in his early teens and when you ddon't have others around you to protect you from them just rounding up confused teens for their own agendas to fight for them, than what the hell else can you say. It's jsut like those kids in the KKK, do they know what they're doing and don't you say in response that he was a little older, hell there are plenty of peeps even older who still didn't understand so whatever you say.. :innocent:

and even though i'm a demo, i'm not gonna get all pissy sh*t about some dude who refuses to accept or atone to my lifestyle. That would be different from every pope before him. Oh no, if i did, then i would seriously have life f*cked up. It's harder to keep thins hard one lined than it is to go a different approach. Think about it, what would harder than having even more peeps gunning for your head saying that you're not a progressor than "you don't hold to the true testament nor faith, you're not being a true pope", think about it now.

damn it, since when did they start giving time limits on editing messages and sh*t like that? blasphemy lol :lol:
Whatever people might say about this pope or any other is up to them, what we need to understand is as a Catholic (or Christian) you have to follow God's law that has been written down in the bible and it is the duty of the pope to enforce these rules no matter what.
If then someone thinks the pope should compromise what the rules of the church are to benefit them, then there's really no point in them becoming a Catholic.

If popes decided to bend the rules so people will like them, then I have a feeling the Catholic chirch would not be what it is today. We should just give him time to do his job then judge if we want.
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that is what i was tyring to say, especially the last part, i probably just came off too wacky lol
I can't help but wonder: if Ratzinger was, indeed, a Nazi in belief, how could he have become so close to John Paul II, who, as we all know, was a native Pole, and personally hurt by Nazis...
Wow,I never would have expected some of you to be so keen on fascist idealism. Especially from some of whom I would assume are gay too. That just shocks the hell out of me. And in a "fashion" forum too.

I mean,going back to Ella's quote about gay's pushing for rights. That's like saying we f*cking deserve everything we get! And it contradicts everything the church believes in...or supposedly believe's in. Do you seriously think that's right? Stop living in a peaceful,vacuumed mirage of what religion is supposed be because it isn't that peaceful and serene.
Scott, we hear you loud and clear... but youre not gonna convince any Christians or Catholics that youre right... we have grown up with these teachings since we were young. Just like I will not condem you for thinking the way you do, you should seriously stop with the hating...
Scott said:
Wow,I never would have expected some of you to be so keen on fascist idealism.
That's an unnecessary and unfair offence. Coming from a person who fights against prejudiced labels it's even more sad...
*EllaH said:
the marginalization of homosexuals (he once argued that violence against them was predictable if they kept pushing for rights)
He said what??? :o :o that is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard - it's like saying that violence against African-Americans was completely justified in the 1960s because of the civl rights movement. Not cool.

I really do respect religion, but I wish religious institutions would focus more on the "love thy neighbour" aspect, as opposed to condemnation of ways of life they disagree with :unsure:
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