I really don't know where to start on my first post about Nirvana...
They've been part of my life for basically my whole life. I remember when I was a little kid in 1991- early 1992, my older sister and my cousin turning into grungers basically over night! They would play Nevermind over and over and over again in my sisters bedroom, to the point that by the time I was five years old I could probably sing the whole album from start to finish... and I still can.
I remember that feeling, when I first bought Nevermind for myself in probably 1998-1999 and listened to it again for the first time since 1994-95', and it all came flooding back to me. " Come as You Are" was the one that really got me. I could still remember every word, ever note. It was a really profound moment.
My sister also had a tape version of Bleach that had been made for her by a boyfriend, with a little drawing of a dopey grunger boy on the front. I still have the tape, and it still works perfectly!

Anyway, I think Kurt was right when he said that grunge was a fight against the destruction of rock, and that there would be no great rock movements after it... IMO he was right. Today, rock music is dead.
I also don't believe that popular theory that Courtney had anything to do with Kurt's death, and I haven't believed it since I was about eleven. I won't go into that though, since it's such a gross area.
My favorite Nirvana tunes of all times are:
1. Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle.
2. Something in The Way
3. Come as You Are
4. Smells like Teen Spirit ( The story of this song titles creation is amazing

5. I Hate Myself and Want To Die
6. Territorial Pissings
I'm also a huge fan of The Melvins, The Vaselines, Daniel Johnston, The Meat Puppets, Flipper... if you've not heard these bands and you like Nirvana, you should get a hold of some of there songs. You'll probably love them!
I also think Nirvana have a real Black Flag feel to a lot of their heavy three-chord grunge songs.
" The worst crime is faking it." -- Kurt Cobain