Once Upon A Time

^I can't see the writers killing Emma at the end-that wouldn't really mesh well with the happy endings of fairytales. I honestly think that Emma's last name doesn't mean anything story-related.

Here are the sneak peeks for this week's ep:

I think this will be a fantastic ep!
Last nights episode was good! :woot:
-I liked how the Mad Hatter came to be!!! (A sad story, as usual...)
-It was interesting how Wonderland was portrayed too. (Though I thought the special effects in Wonderland were really obviously fake, I think it was meant to look that way).
-I think that when Jefferson (aka Mad Hatter) fell out the window, he fell into the hat that Emma made and went back to the fairytale world. That's why only the hat was there after. Did anyone else think that?
-So Mr. Gold is really still on Regina's side? (I wonder if the appearance of Belle in Storybrooke will make him change his mind).
-Emma was looking at Henry's book at the end of the episode. She was looking at the pictures in the Alice in Wonderland section... It seemed like she noticed how much the Mad Hatter and Jefferson looked alike. Right down to the scar where he had his head chopped off in the fairytale world. Is something finally clicking in Emma's head?!

Anyway, I am interested to see the next episode!!! ^_^
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I didn't really love this episode like I have so many others. I thought the Mad Hatter story was really interesting but at the same time it didn't really excite me. Also, I found it interesting that they used the story of the Mad Hatter (which makes me wonder if Alice will make an appearance... maybe she'll help reunite him with Grace? Or is Grace, Alice?) especially since it's not really a fairytale per-say. Well... not in the same way that Little Red Riding Hood or Snow White is I guess.

Although I definitely think he made it back to his world when Mary Margaret pushed him out the window through the hat. But it makes me wonder if he's still stuck in Wonderland in that world (so it's like a world-inside a world, inside another world... trippy, eh?). If he's still in Wonderland then which world would be better to suffer in... Wonderland or "the real world?"

It definitely looks like Emma's starting to connect the dots... hopefully she doesn't brush it off as uncanny details (like the Matter Hatters stitches on his neck in the book and in real life).
(so it's like a world-inside a world, inside another world... trippy, eh?).
I believe they call that 'Inception.':lol:

This episode was okay. It was good enough for me.

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^:) You girls are after my own heart, talking about Inception--how could anyone not be floored by that film?

Anyway, I did enjoy the Mad Hatter ep, too, and I am SO eager to see next week's ep! We'll finally learn why the Evil Queen hates Snow! I really hope my theory about the EQ no being able to have kids and little Snow letting that secret out is true. It would explain a lot and it would be in line thematically with what the writers have done so far. Can't wait to see it!
I think the pace of this show has begun to pick up again after there was an 'awakening' in Emma! I think she's going to be a believer of this fairytale world very soon and the final battle will begin for good :D
^I know! That was one of my favorite parts of the ep! Emma starting to believe is VERY significant.

BTW, I also loved when Mary Margaret kicked the Hatter out the window.
Emma: Have you been taking kickboxing and not telling me?
Mary Margaret: I have no idea where that came from.

Also, VERY spoilery pics from the finale shooting have been on lots of OUAT Tumblr blogs. Mary Margaret and David fans seem to have something to look forward to! :)
Here are the sneak peeks for tomorrow's ep! They look so dramatic, and though I think we're supposed to sympathize with Regina a bit, a snooty mother isn't enough for me to forgive what she's done to Mary Margaret. Look at that first sneak peek below! I don't even think whatever secret Snow couldn't keep--which we'll find out tomorrow!--will be enough to make me even come close to feeling empathy for her. I think Emma is going to finally find clear proof to free Mary Margaret at the end of the ep, somehow. Can't wait to see it!

Such a great show! I loved how the last episode ended!

The true love things shows up a bit too often for my taste, but maybe I'm just a bitter old spinster. :p
^Yep, that surprise ending was great! The return of Kathryn opens up a LOT of questions--how are they going to explain the DNA test on the heart? Did she escape or did someone let her out?, etc.--but mostly it lets Mary Margaret off the hook for something she didn't do which is GREAT. FINALLY, something in a positive direction for that character. In fact, the whole ep was great. They cast the perfect child Snow White, and Barbara Hershey was great. I am disappointed my theory was wrong--I thought the secret being that Regina couldn't have kids would work really well thematically with the rest of the show, but the writers have emphasized the true love thing as well, so they way they did it works too.

I can't wait to see where things go from here. I'm hoping the heart wasn't Kathryn's and that her fairytale counterpart Abigail didn't somehow get it ripped out of her by the Evil Queen before the curse because that might mean Regina controls her now. I guess we'll have to wait and see. The next ep is Rumple-focused and seems to feature a lot of August so I am eager to see it...but we have to wait 3 WEEKS!!! That will be ep 19, so there are four eps left of the season and the writers have said that they all focus on the core characters--no more guest character eps like the Mad Hatter one--so there should be a LOT of information and great stuff in them. I think this show just keeps getting better!
True, the kid playing Snow White looked so much like Ginnifer Goodwin that at first I wondered if they hadn't pulled a Benjamin Button kind of trick.

I'm also really happy about how the show evolves, with all those ready-made characters my fear was that it was going to get stuck really fast, and so far the character's backstories have been really good.
I enjoyed the last episode. When they showed the queen's back story, it gave me some mixed feelings. I thought Kathryn was Belle escaped from prison (before she turned around).
^I have a feeling that may actually happen yet. :p

Mr.Gold/Rumpelstiltskin would freak if he knew that Regina/Evil Queen was holding Belle hostage. It would be the perfect way for him to turn against Regina for good.
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^SO true, wickedcrazyness! I don't think Rumple is truly on Regina's side anyway, but if he knew about Belle...

Add to that the fact that Regina just tipped her hand to Mary Margaret by admitting she knew Mary Margaret was innocent but still hated her, and Regina is NOT being really smart about her evilness. Plus, there have to be some people in Storybrooke who had no dealings with Regina in the fairytale world--who wants to bet they'll all be ANGRY when they all remember and realize what she did to their lives with the curse? Regina is really digging herself into a hole!
^Though the title on YouTube is calling that a promo for episode 19 'The Return" (which airs Sunday!!), it clearly includes scenes from all four episodes left in this season.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT SCENE AT THE END OF THE PROMO!! Is it possible that this is really happening?!?!? I have faith that the writers can think of plenty of drama for Storybrooke if the Evil Queen is neutralized this early, I just didn't expect them to do it so soon. I guess we'll have to see what happens. (I LOVE seeing Mary Margaret and David holding hands in the background!) I just have a feeling this show has a LOT of great stuff in store to end the season. CAN'T WAIT.
Here are the sneak peeks for the new ep (FINALLY!) on Sunday!

The David and Kathryn scene is so sweet--loving her character now! SO intrigued by the August clip, too. CAN'T WAIT FOR SUNDAY!
Tonight's episode was okay.

- So, August (might) possibly be Pinocchio?
- If August isn't Mr. Gold's son...then...what happened to his real son?
- Henry: "I got you a bell." -- Was that a hint?
- I thought a beanstalk was going to shoot out of the ground, not a vortex.

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