Orlando Bloom and Claire Danes???

Anastasia said:
Supposedly they are. I hope someday karma smacks the two of them right upside the head.

I don't like Orlando, but hope this isn't true, for Kate's sake.

I think Claire is a great actress, but ever since the Billy thing, I cannot take her. Granted I only know what the media presented on that subject, but it was enough to put me on team Kate.
billy split with mary louise when she was eight months pregnant or so, and it was a big deal with her banning him from the hospital, etc.

OUCH!!! 8 months preg? Jeez if I were her I'd ban him from ever seeing the kid.
woo! I had no clue about how Claire is with Billy who broke up with a pregnant Mary Louise. That's terrible. More terrible on Billy's part, but I don't understand how Claire could do that. I know I could never do something like that!!
They were probably just standing next to each other :rolleyes:
It's amazing how the power of the media. When Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt hooked up, there was a frenzy about Jen and all, with Jen playing the victmim role and a circus built around it. Not that I find that case pretty, but Claire-Billy-Mary Louise was far worse, and there wasn't that big of a frenzy around it. Come on, he could've waited at least until the baby being born to go, that kind of trauma on the mother is really dangerous for the fetus. Still, if it weren't for Kate, I'd hope that Claire left him for Orlando.
RobertaCastello said:
It's amazing how the power of the media. When Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt hooked up, there was a frenzy about Jen and all, with Jen playing the victmim role and a circus built around it. Not that I find that case pretty, but Claire-Billy-Mary Louise was far worse, and there wasn't that big of a frenzy around it. Come on, he could've waited at least until the baby being born to go, that kind of trauma on the mother is really dangerous for the fetus. Still, if it weren't for Kate, I'd hope that Claire left him for Orlando.

I agree with you, but have to point out that Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were Jen and Brad (insert choir of angels :rolleyes: ) to the media, and Angelina was the Hollywood Bad-It-Girl. Claire, Billy, and Mary Louise are all very good actors and well-respected in Hollywood, but they just don't have the same pull to those buying Star magazine and all that. :flower:

It was still awful of Billy to do that, new love or not :yuk:
swizzlekiss0125 said:
I agree with you, but have to point out that Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt were Jen and Brad (insert choir of angels :rolleyes: ) to the media, and Angelina was the Hollywood Bad-It-Girl. Claire, Billy, and Mary Louise are all very good actors and well-respected in Hollywood, but they just don't have the same pull to those buying Star magazine and all that. :flower:

It was still awful of Billy to do that, new love or not :yuk:

I agree, Brad/Jen/Angelina definitely have more of a buzz around them in general, more "on the scene". Jen was so famous from Friends, and Brad from being Brad Pitt the hottest man on earth. (and that little acting gig he sometimes does too;)) Claire/Mary Louise/Billy haven't been tabloid fodder or huge "red carpet favorites" type of deal.
bluedolphin said:
kate b. is a nice girl~~but i hope Orlando Bloom IS GAY

:lol: :lol: :lol: I hope so too because that would be a rational reason for why he doesn't want to be with ME! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yes, that's what I was saying. That Angelina got a worst name for herself cause the involved ones were three mega famous people. But, about the homewrecker of the decade award, a new contender arrived!
Ok enough with the Billy bashing! He is so hot. And we don't really know what happened -even though facts point a certain way. I am just saying because it amazes me (in a really bad way) how people have cast Angelina when there is clearly nothing but kindness in her eyes.
^Uh...well I've never been up that close to see her eyes nor do I think I can see 'kindness' radiating from people's eyes.

But I'll take your word for it. *winks*.
well kate had an affair with some guy working on superman in sydney. but kate and orlando are still together

i really like claire. it must have been hard to take all the media stuff about billy and his pregnant wife
I love Orlando Bloom, but if he is dating Claire Danes, then that's find with me.
I heard that Billy and Mary were having relationship problems long before Claire entired the picture. It ended badly, but we don't and won't know the whole story. Anyway Orlando and Claire seems like an odd match.
eternitygoddess said:
^Uh...well I've never been up that close to see her eyes nor do I think I can see 'kindness' radiating from people's eyes.

But I'll take your word for it. *winks*.


Hee hee
silk skin paws said:
I heard that Billy and Mary were having relationship problems long before Claire entired the picture. It ended badly, but we don't and won't know the whole story. Anyway Orlando and Claire seems like an odd match.

I definately agree on both counts; Billy Crudup doesn't seem at all like the kind of guy to up and leave a good relationship for some hot young thing, and he and Claire never seemed anything but happy, though obviously media shy. That's why I think it's a bit surprising to hear about Claire and Orlando. Though then again, I'm still suspicious of how "close" he's always been with the hobbits :p

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