Our fashion resolutions for 2015


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2014
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I sort of want to dress (for fall and winter) like this one character in a story I made up. Her style is post-apocalyptic modern goth, like Rick Owens and Gareth Pugh. She wears a lot of black and neutral tones. A lot of boots, lots of leather, minimal corsets, layering, black or deep red lipstick, black lip gloss, red eyeliner, though usually she has on no make-up at all. Although I wouldn't go that far, I'm not that confident.
I admit that I'm a hoarder.
The old doesn't go but yet there is still new purchases every month:cry:
I'm finally moving overseas next year to finally pursue my studies after saving , I want to clear all my clothes for extra $$$ and lighter luggage.
Major closet overhaul! Major style change!

I will be moving to a desert, resort community after the first of the year, so I will be working on editing everything I own and figuring out what I need to buy. Need to find a way to look fashionable in a super hot climate. And I'd like to do it before I move ... stupid to move stuff that you don't need.
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My first one was to find a pair of black ballerinas, but I may get that done this year. My go-to label has changed their design, and I'm not a fan of the changes, so I've already returned one pair. I'm considering black, grey, metallic, and purple. Sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult ...

I want to continue to support my favorite designer and acquire additional pieces of his.

I want to continue to limit my acquisitions to 4-5 key pieces per season. I want every piece (that I keep!) to be successful in my wardrobe.

I don't know that it will happen in 2015, but for some time I've been looking for a great pair of purple, as well as pink, shoes. (Separately ... two pairs of shoes.) I have a pair that kind of walks the line between purple and blue. They are woven slingback flats, and really only work in the summer.

Recently I've bought a lot of basics, so a few fun pieces are in order for 2015. Probably something polka-dotted.

I wouldn't mind finding another pair of blue denim trousers. This too is easier said than done.
I want to be a little less refined and take a rock 'n' roll type of route. I'd say my new fashion icon now will be Kate Moss
Buy less, spend less money on clothing in general and be happy with what I've got.
my #1 fashion resolution this year is to invest in more quality pieces rather than spend that money on something that will fall apart in a few months. I don't waste my money necessarily but I do need to invest in better items because it's well worth it. in 2014 I found myself getting frustrated a lot at the quality of my clothing.

also I want to wear more colour. usually I'm all about wearing tons of black/grey/etc (still am) but I would like to explore colour a bit more, like blue and red.
I want to continue making well thought out purchases and avoid impulse shopping like I did in 2014. Last year was all about basics for me, and so this year I want to make room for some more interesting pieces. At the same time, stick to what works for me, especially in regards to shape (most importantly a defined waist and nothing oversized).

I also want to focus more on my summer wardrobe this year. Since summers are so short where I live it's a part of my wardrobe that tends to get neglected. I did make some progress last year, but I need some dresses and skirts.
Spend less money on clothes, gamble less on Ebay, stick to my color scheme, and try to buy what I can locally (even if having it imported is $5 cheaper...):)
My main resolution is to buy less clothes and shoes and accessories...but there are so many good sales! Have you seen the sale on net a porter? Uh, I could have a Rick Owens Lillies dress!....but yea, I REALLY need to save up my money or start working more. I've become quite the impulse shopper this past year. I keep thinking "well if I don't buy it now, it's gonna be gone and I'll never find something it like it at a good price like this so I should buy it now rather than later". I'm trying to get rid of that habit
My resolution is to wear what I want with confidence, regardless of what anyone thinks of it. It has brought me great joy, and when people see the confidence, they realize that the style is actually possible.
i haven't made a single one...


i guess i have to finish my closet edit before i can do anything else...
but i keep getting interrupted...

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