Paris Hilton July 2004 - March 2010

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I was watching her on Larry King Live just now. You know, I've sometimes noticed her lazy eye in photos, but it wasn't until this interview, where the camera was consistently close up-that I really could tell.

I agree with those who said she looked nice without all the makeup when she was released. I thought the same.
OK, taking into account that she was nervous, I will let these little gems slide...

Larry: What is your favorite Bible passage? (asking after she claims to read it everyday)
Paris: Ummm....(looks away and smiles nervously) don't really have one....

Larry: What does attention deficit disorder mean for you? (after she claims to have it)
Paris: It means that I cannot pay attention.

Larry: What is your worst flaw?
Paris: Sometimes my voice gets squeaky when I am nervous or shy. That is the only thing I don't like that I do.

It was very boring... I am over it. :lol:
I was watching her on Larry King Live just now. You know, I've sometimes noticed her lazy eye in photos, but it wasn't until this interview, where the camera was consistently close up-that I really could tell.

I agree with those who said she looked nice without all the makeup when she was released. I thought the same.

I just saw a small clip of that interview on CNN. I do have to admit, she does look much better without all that gunck on her face. Plus, I noticed her eyes. No blue contacts? :blink::huh:
On people who doubt that she will change after her jail experience:
“They’re wrong and they don’t know me. I’m a good person. I’m a compassionate person. I have a big heart. I’m sincere, and they’ll see.”

when you have to tell people you are a good person, you know its not a true.
Did someone bring her clothes? How did she change so fast? Last time I got out ( :innocent: ) I didn't even have a shirt! I was cuffed without one, it looked like a scene out of COPS. Where was MY media crew? :cry:
Omg :lol: Good luck cleaning up your act, Paris, but don't go around spreading lies when there are evidence all over.
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did anyone watched anderson cooper?? you could tell he was soo annoyed by all these people saying she's sincere and truthful now. i LOVE anderson.
Anderson was definitely not having any of it. He seemed really annoyed at the others who believed her story! He also really thought that her interview was boring. :lol:

I don't think that Larry King really thought she was being genuine either. He did try to throw some trick questions at her.
Larry King has no credibility left anyway!

And BTW, Michael Moore and his new documentary Sicko were bumped off the show for Paris!

Good priorities CNN.
i love this gem:

LARRY KING: Why are you doing this interview?

PARIS HILTON: I consider you an icon and I really respect you and it’s an honor for me to be here today.

um, wasn't he her third or fourth choice? :innocent: :lol:
Larry King has no credibility left anyway!

And BTW, Michael Moore and his new documentary Sicko were bumped off the show for Paris!

Good priorities CNN.

Yeah, Michael Moore was royally p.o.'ed about that. I think he is on the show tonight instead. CNN definitely lost a bit of street cred by choosing to do a Paris interview. I mean, even US WEEKLY won't do any more stories on her!!!! Pretty sad when US Weekly won't even touch it... :lol:
^ I bought that US Weekly as soon as I saw it was Paris free!
I want to encourage them.

I wish Larry had the balls to call her on her lying...
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^^ Yeah, Michael Moore was on the Daily Show last night! It's sad when the "fake news" show has better priorities than the "real" news programs! John Stewart always has on politically relevant guests and the best CNN can do is Paris Hilton. SAD.
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