Paris Hilton July 2004 - March 2010

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Paris Hilton Calls Kim Kardashian's...

On Las Vegas Radio Paris Hilton called a piece of Kim Kardashian's body a
"trashbag filled with cottage cheese"
I don't like Paris or Kim
Yawns. If Kim's is a trash bag filled with cottage cheese, then what's Paris'? :innocent: Sorry. That's mean but that comment made it too easy for me to go there.
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In Touch Exclusive: Paris Apologizes to Kim


Paris Hilton has apologized to Kim Kardashian after insulting her former best friend's most famous asset. "I would not want [Kim's butt] - it's gross!" Paris told a Las Vegas radio show on April 14. "It reminds me of cottage cheese inside a big trash bag."

However, after a portion of the Kim-bashing interview was posted on [voldemort].com, a devastated Paris realized she went too far. "I was just joking around and I made a stupid joke," Paris tells In Touch exclusively. "I felt really bad afterward, so I contacted Kim and apologized. It was a silly thing to say. Kim's hot!"

Kim accepts the apology, telling In Touch, "Paris and I have been friends since we were kids and I'm glad she made the effort to say she's sorry."

Both are talentless, PR seekers, I thought the comment was funny and probably true, but mean.
first off i'm in shock that crap like this gets coverage.

secondly i'm in even more shock thats there's a website call

and thirdly i'm in even more shock that seven people are looking at this thread right now. (myself included) :ninja:

the isn't real, right? :unsure:
Both are talentless, PR seekers, I thought the comment was funny and probably true, but mean.

:lol: But of course, Paris is right!! Kim is looking rough lately..Pretty girl, really, but letting herself go...Imagine 15 years from now with a couple of kids!!?? She'll be a sight... :shock:
paris is just jealous that kim is getting more spotlight now.

and she should be, paris is over.
really? noses never stop growing? :huh:

first off i'm in shock that crap like this gets coverage.

secondly i'm in even more shock thats there's a website call

and thirdly i'm in even more shock that seven people are looking at this thread right now. (myself included) :ninja:

:lol: my reactions exactly
why oh why are they even famous, her *** is filled with more chemicals than a toxic dump, i heard she has had a lift, implants amongst other things.

It does look like cottage cheese with lots of creases

Paris Hilton is taking a stab at the music industry again.
The socialite/entrepreneur is going to be teaming up with her boyfriend Benji Madden to start writing her own songs.
Yes. We're not kidding.
Paris and Benji have been working out of her new recording studio inside her Beverly Hills mansion.
She's serious!
The pair have been working hard writing songs together. They're even going to write the theme song for her new MTV reality show, My New BFF.
Paris says, "Benji and I have been working hard on it. He's helping me write the lyrics for the song and then I'll sing it, too."
Aside from singing her own theme song, Paris is also set to come out with her second album.
Her fist album, Paris, was released about two years ago.
She adds, "Definitely. I'll have another album come out, for sure. I just don't know when yet. I only have the summer off, then I'll be taping another season of BFF. But an album is something I'll do."
Uh oh, did Paris just slip up?!?! She'll be taping Another season of BFF?

Does that mean she didn't find a best friend forever this time? Does she just want two friends? Or maybe a BFF for her new BFF?
Wait, a first season of her show already aired? Nicole isn't her bff anymore? I'm so confused.

In a way I miss the crazy and more sluttier Paris from the early 2000's.
I can't believe her mother had the nerve to complain about that Ad, you know Paris loves it!
I like her 100000x more now after that video on funnyordie LOL
im surprised she responded that fast. also, i don't think she is a dumb and air headed as we think. she is laughing all the way to the bank.
what airhead would memorize all of that?
^ By reading off signs.

I've seen her film a commercial and a guy next to the camera was holding her lines in big words on a large sign for her to read.....
There is a articel in the newspaper today that paris and benji have splitted up?
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