Perez Hilton Gets His Own TV Show on VH1

I really can't understand why people support him. The guy feels it his job - he said it - to get famous people out of the closet. His constant ridiculing of children, etc., just isn't right. I really can't stand people who like him.
oh as much as i hate that miami queen, i'll be watching it religiously, cause im so all about that trashy pop culture :lol:

i dont know how long i could sit there lisening to his voice though, it gets annoying.
And that Hedda Hopper and Louella Parsons had a long-running fued?

Actually, you probably did know that.

Yeah, I read this really great book called The Stork Club that was a bit about those two gossipmongers, the whole locale, time & place of the Stork Club, and Walter Winchell, too. I must admit, today's shamelessness must be so much more preferable to the celebrities of their day and age. I mean, today you'd have to roast a baby on a spit and eat it to worry enough to keep it on the QT. It's like the big crime these days is to grow fat and old.

As for Perez, I really haven't read much of his stuff. It seems to be more about appearances, snit-fits, sexual preferences, and minor drama rather than unlocking the key to anyone's celebrated, horrible, private heart. Whereas Louella, man, she probably could have had you killed if she had the whim.

So Perez gotta TV show. Good on him!
I really can't understand why people support him. The guy feels it his job - he said it - to get famous people out of the closet. His constant ridiculing of children, etc., just isn't right. I really can't stand people who like him.

I'm not sure why he picks on really young kids..having said that there are only one or two that he does pick on. There are also some kids he's super nice to and says how beautiful they are it does go the other way. Not that it excuses calling a kid fugly on the internet, but still.

However I think people like Rumer Willis aren't children anymore...having said that I'm not sure why he's so mean to her :innocent:
VH1 has to be host to the some of the trashiest, most degenerate shows on t.v. right now so this whole "Perez Hilton" thing is no surprise.
this seems like a bad move.

he is ugly, sloppy, and disgusting. while his jabs may seem clever or OK from behind a computer screen, it will be a totally different story when the masses see him on tv. he isn't the best thing to look at, and to see him rip on people because of their looks is a true hoot, imho.
this seems like a bad move.

he is ugly, sloppy, and disgusting. while his jabs may seem clever or OK from behind a computer screen, it will be a totally different story when the masses see him on tv. he isn't the best thing to look at, and to see him rip on people because of their looks is a true hoot, imho.

Yeah, as they say to DJs- "You have the perfect face for radio." Perez is left best unseen. He'd be better unheard too, but we can't have everything I guess...
Maybe VH1 will pressure him to change his appearance a bit. Who knows. Besides, this show could flop, I wonder how he will keep up having a show and doing his website.

P.s. to a certain member " I really can't stand people who like him."

Thanks babe, I can assure you though, I don't breathe fire and I don't molest children. I do have some redeeming features believe it or not.
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I'm trying to figure out if he looks more like butch from the Little Rascals or Barney Rubble from the Flintstones. I would say he is a decent candidate for Fred, but much like his criticism of Rumer Willis, he is not quite attractive enough to be a leading man. Plus, he's not butch enough to play Fred.

Actually, I saw the clip of him on the view and his helplessness in the face of those four ladies was almost endearing. I guess because they are what he aspires to be...four strong women (well, three if you exclude Elisabeth) who get to take witty jabs at and dish about celebrities and get paid well to do it.

sources:,,, respectively


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Forget about Fred... did you see the orange hair that he donned while on The View? More like Wilma if you ask me.

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