Poll: Most Reasonably Priced Designer?

I think Emma Cook is pretty reasonable too. Even alot of her more designed pieces have generous price points.

I must comment though...stilettogirl,honestly,I've been to some of those places you mentioned and frankly I've seen things in these mass market stores that cost just as much as some of the more accessible things in designer collections. Frankly,I would rather put 100-200 dollars toward something of better quality that would last me for ages...not something that will fall apart in months time. And not everything costs 1000 dollars or more.

Though I was never poor, when my parents got divorced in the late 80s, I went through a financial shuffle. Now, I am very fortunate financially, but I inherited the *get the cheapest! get the cheapest!!* attitude from my (uber rich) grandfather. I am just starting to shake that, and think that I *do* deserve nice things.

But then the definition of nice comes in. I think that there is mind trickery involved with designer goods- an implied quality and luxury that simply does not exist as it once did. But the prices have risen, rather than fallen (most likely to due to personal economics, as people tend to bring home far more money in the modern day than their grandparents).

I feel extremely guilty when I buy anything over about £20. I know than sounds silly, but it's true.

Back on topic, I think good for the money designers tend to by smaller designers, like Laundry by Shelli Segal, Karen Millen, Rebecca Taylor, MarieMarie, etc. They make *original* but quality designs, for the most part under $500.

Sorry, but things with fraying seams, made of middle quality silk, is NOT worth thousands, and I am tired of designers trying to convince me otherwise.

JMO :innocent:
Helmut Lang was pretty good overall in terms of pricing ceiling for most items (I rarely saw pieces that were more than $2k), though most everything was at least $150.

I'm going to have to echo the pricing sentiments shared by many people in this thread... Retail pricing is getting insane.
alaia i think is reasonably priced.
Anyone who is producing pieces for Target, Tara Jarmon, Issac Mizerahi, etc. Otherwise, Escada is pretty reasonable, they have frequent sales
None of it is reasonably priced. The whole industry works against reasonable pricing, because that would undermine exclusivity, which is the gold standard of designer clothing--it isn't _supposed_ to be accessible to everyone. Not only that, but what is reasonable to you isn't reasonable to me, and vice versa. Personal tastes play into it too much.

What's reasonable is what you are willing to stomach.
For the overall product I think Bruno Pieters isn't to high
lucy92 said:
alaia i think is reasonably priced.

:shock: :D
well, considering the quality.. but still :shock:

redridinghood is very reasonably priced and few pieces from margela are ok
It all depends on what you compare to, doesn't it? JPG usually is very good quality at a very good price if you compare designer labels... Good quality as in fabrics, cuts and finishes.
Not a "designer", but..

I might get beat down for saying this, but Im gonna say BananaRepublic, especially in recent years..True, they're not high-fashion, and true, it is very commercial and definitely in the mass-market category, but I havent bought anything that left me asking in disappointment, "I paid x-amount of dollars for THIS?" (which is more than I could say for some of the MJ pieces Ive bought in the past). Ive (only) purchased many solid-colored l/s t's, mainly for layering, and more "dress-up" items for my office-job days, and I havent had any problems w/ poor fabric that shrinks & fades (Gap?), or shoddy construction that renders the garment unwearable after, say, 3 wears (H&M?)...From what Ive seen, Ive always felt like I got what I paid for..
kLm said:
None of it is reasonably priced. The whole industry works against reasonable pricing, because that would undermine exclusivity, which is the gold standard of designer clothing--it isn't _supposed_ to be accessible to everyone. Not only that, but what is reasonable to you isn't reasonable to me, and vice versa. Personal tastes play into it too much.

What's reasonable is what you are willing to stomach.

very well said
Write another one down for Benetton .. great for basics ... the colors wont ever fade and where else can you get a good leather jacket for $200 aprx?
lingerieweb said:
I`d add too Boss and Zegna even though it's for men it has reasonably prices
For men, I have to disagree about Boss. It's cheap for a reason.

Zegna is alright. The Z line and sports line are questionable at best. Their shirts, at least the $175 pricepoint ones, suck. They do have nice shoes though.

I actually like Ralph Lauren blue label and purple label stuff, which is overpriced at retail, but there's so much of it, you can usually pick it up at amazing discounts.

A.P.C. jeans definitely are worth the money. I live in mine. Slim but not skin tight.
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Lena said:
:shock: :D
well, considering the quality.. but still :shock:

redridinghood is very reasonably priced and few pieces from margela are ok

OMG! I completely forgot my favourite label,Lena!! LRRH is indeed extremely reasonable (and unpretentious,I might add) with their price points. Especially considering the amonts of detail/handwork + overall design.

Marjan Pejoski is another one I can think of. His pieces and accessories are extremely accessible.
Actually,I'm sitting here thinking if we're talking reasonable in a general sense,alot of Belgian designers have a very down-to-earth approach to their pricing range. Not mass market cheap-but not overly or arrogantly expensive like the majority of the big names or houses either. They're really quite affordable if you think about it!
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