I agree with kLm...Just some thoughts...
Sweatshop manufactured clothes are never "reasonable", as the slave labor is part of the price we pay. If you ask me, such a cost is
way too high, no matter the quality.
I don't think overadvertized, logocentric brands are "reasonable" either, unless you actually want to pay money to have your critical skills zapped out...
A reasonable price-tag and a reasonable
buy are two completely different things as well...(although I'll shut my mouth about that...

I'd be able to judge if an item was reasonably priced if I knew exactly what went into the production, with best possible quality and cost performance at the lowest possible price.
I really don't know for sure, but by that criteria...relatively speaking...if we're talking designer, I guess I would go with APC and Dries.
Besides designer and given the choice, I'd go with local, traditional and artisanal clothing anyday!