Prince Albert of Monaco is Married

I don't understand all the "he took his time" commment..I mean The Duke of Cambridge waited 10 years..The Duchess was even called "waity Katie". In 5 years or so Prince Albert knew he wanted Charlene I think and I believe the courtship was so long to actually give her time to prepare for her role. She has been doing a lots of official duties since her engagements and tons of interview. She doesn't seem as protected as the Duchess of Cambridge and people expects a lot more from her than from The Duchess. 2 very different situations.

Oh and btw she doesn't seem unhappy to me at all. It may not be fireworks everyday but it seems like it works for them. Anyway no one knows what is happening behind closed door and unlike Prince Charles, Charlene seems to have a lots of support from Prince Albert family.
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I think the "he took his time" comment as to do with the fact that he is 53 years. That a lot different than getting married at the age of 29
Charlene Wittstock Not a Runaway Bride, Says Palace

By Peter Mikelbank and Dana Kennedy
Update Tuesday June 28, 2011 10:00 AM EDT Originally posted Tuesday June 28, 2011 08:20 AM EDT
Prince Albert and Charlene Wittstock
Amedeo M. Turello/Principality of Monaco

Forget the story that just days before her wedding to Prince Albert of Monaco this weekend, bride-to-be Charlene Wittstock attempted to escape the impending nuptials, as French news sources have been claiming.

According to the website of the news magazine L'Express, last week Albert's fiancée sought to return home to South Africa "only hours after learning that Albert had not been leading the exemplary life she thought."

Only Christiane Stahl, a chief advisor to Prince Albert at the Monaco Palace, told PEOPLE on Tuesday morning that these rumors – and the printed story – are "completely, completely crazy."

"Please believe me, none of this is true, and we think it comes from utter jealousy," Stahl said. "Charlene never left to go to the airport, nothing like that ever happened. She was never upset and never wanted to stop the wedding."

Stahl said both Charlene and Albert were "very disappointed" when they heard the rumors but are "very calm."

Albert's longtime lawyer, Maitre Thierry Lacoste, also addressed the printed rumor, and told the newspaper Le Figaro, "It's madness, everything is false. It's been three weeks these rumors have been running."

Lacoste said he intends to seek an injunction against L'Express.

He also said, "I was with the Prince and Charlene Wittstock in Paris three days ago, and I can promise you that all is well.",,20506072,00.html
Monaco banking on a moment's grace


Charlene Wittstock, a former swimming champion from South Africa, and Prince Albert wave from the palace balcony in Monaco. Picture: AFP Source: AFP

WHEN Prince Albert marries Charlene Wittstock, the former Olympic swimmer from South Africa, in Monaco this week his subjects will pray not only for a happy union but also for a revival of the fairytale glamour that attended his father's 1956 wedding to movie star Grace Kelly.

The early signs are not auspicious for the tiny Riviera principality described by Somerset Maugham as "a sunny place for shady people" and more recently reported to be a haven for fast Russian money and tax cheats.
The lavish celebrations, spread over Friday and Saturday, are expected to cost $68 million and critics are asking how much of the cost will come from the public purse. Guests are expected to include the Prince of Wales and the Duchess of Cornwall, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, King Carl Gustaf of Sweden and fashion designer Karl Lagerfeld.
But many residents compare Ms Wittstock, 33, unfavourably - and unfairly - with the screen goddess Kelly. One told the French magazine VSD that Wittstock was "a future Princess Barbie, as cold as an ice-cube".
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Ms Wittstock has hinted at her own lack of affection for the cramped principality. "Although I have met some wonderful people since I've been living in Monaco, I regard them all as acquaintances," she said. "I only have two people I consider friends here."
She has grown tired of constant comparisons with Kelly, who died in a car crash in 1982. Asked about the blonde hair and natural elegance the two women had in common, she burst out: "You can't compare two individuals because they're unique!"
Albert has not escaped the sneers with his attempt to give the wedding a "green" tinge. The prince - shown in an advertisement last year being towed in a dog sled at the North Pole to draw attention to climate change -- and his bride are due to cross their realm in an open-topped Lexus hybrid after the ceremony.
But sceptics have contrasted the drive with Albert's order for 200 specially made BMW 7-series models to ferry guests around. Observers also point to the sizeable carbon imprint that will be left when the newlyweds and their entourage fly to Ms Wittstock's homeland for a party in Durban. The couple will stay in a $6800-a-night suite.
This week's events will include an open-air mass in Albert's palace, a gala dinner for 500 guests cooked by celebrity chef Alain Ducasse, a free concert by The Eagles, a ball and fireworks.
The principality has been hard hit by the recession and locals hope the celebrations will boost tourism, which has fallen by 9 per cent in two years. Takings at the casinos are down by 14 per cent.
Bernard Lambert, head of the Societe des Bains de Mer, which runs four hotels and five casinos, is optimistic the wedding will stimulate the economy. "The number of cruise ships docking has gone up and our hotels are full," he said.
Bernard Vatrican, a Monaco-born sociologist, was less hopeful. "The people who think they can recapture the lost glamour are deluding themselves. Albert isn't his father and Wittstock is a good girl, but she isn't Kelly," he said. "A wedding isn't enough to change things."
The Sunday Times
A unique full hybrid Lexus LS 600h L Landaulet featuring a one-piece, transparent polycarbonate roof will serve as the official Royal Wedding car on the occasion of the marriage of His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco to Ms. Charlene Wittstock on Saturday 2nd July 2011.

Equipped with Lexus Hybrid Drive, Prince Albert's LS 600h L offers all the performance and comfort expected from a Lexus flagship, and generates significantly lower CO2, NOx and particulate emissions than any comparable car.

'Lexus is very proud to present this exceptional full hybrid vehicle to H.S.H. the Sovereign Prince of Monaco', said Andy Pfeiffenberger, Vice President of Lexus Europe. 'Our commitment to innovation and sustainable mobility at Lexus matches well with His Serene Highness' keen interest in promoting sustainable development and environmental protection.'

The state-of-the-art conversion was undertaken by renowned Belgian coachbuilders Carat Duchatelet in close collaboration with Lexus engineers based in Brussels. It took over 2000 hours to complete. The fundamental objective of the project was to ensure that the finished car maintained the levels of quality and technological sophistication inherent in every Lexus, whilst preserving all the performance, safety and dynamic attributes of the original LS 600h L.

'We have 40 years experience in making armoured and extended vehicles for Heads of State, Royal Families and VVIPs around the world', explained Benoit Ceulemans, Executive Director Corporate Development, Carat Duchatelet. 'However, this will be a milestone project for us. It is the first time we are publicly associated to such a prestigious project and memorable event.'

The conversion process began with extensive computer-aided design calculations, simulations and 3-D modelling. The reinforcement of the bodyshell required extensive applications of the very latest in honeycomb structures, Kevlar and carbon fibre technology, in order to maintain the vehicle's chassis stiffness and torsional rigidity following the removal of the roof and pillars.

Parts fabricated from composites require very high temperatures for curing. These components were literally 'cooked' onto the bare chassis in a specially prepared oven. As a result, much of the vehicle first had to be completely dismantled, involving the stripping out of some 20,000 mechanical parts, electronic components and interior features and upholstery. Re-assembly occurred under the close supervision of the Lexus engineering team, to ensure consistency with the original vehicle specifications and performance.

Painting and polishing was a key phase before re-assembly. The Royal Wedding LS 600h L is finished in a particularly elegant Midnight Blue livery, which was applied manually using several coats of a bespoke, environmentally-friendly water-based paint.

The transparent roof was a challenge both in its design, as a large single piece with no reinforcements and no pillars, and in its manufacturing, for which Lexus sought the cooperation of a supplier specialising in similar elements for the aerospace industry. The demountable roof has been built in France by one of the world's leading transparent component-production companies. This highly specialised company mainly supplies complex components of an exceptionally high specification such as helicopter windshields and jet fighter canopies.

The roof is a single, lightweight polycarbonate shell, just 8 mm thick and weighing only 26 kg. Fixed to the body of the Lexus through two intermediary parts, it will allow perfect visibility from both inside and outside the vehicle.

Before production of the transparent roof itself, a template in honeycomb structure and carbon fibre was used to validate shape, structural integrity and a perfect fit to the body of the vehicle within tolerances of less than 1 mm. With the design complete, the extreme precision of production was carried out by robotic tools, which machined the final canopy in a completely automated process.

The final conversion stage of this unique LS 600h L, re-assembly and finishing, involved a team of 10 people in conjunction with Lexus engineers, working full time for over two weeks to ensure that every aspect of the vehicle meets the highest levels of quality and sophistication.

On the day of the wedding, the Lexus LS 600h L Landaulet will be used by the royal couple to tour the Principality after the ceremony. The tour will bring them from the Palace on the Rocher down to the harbour, and then along Boulevard Albert I up to the Sainte-Devote Church where, as is the tradition, the princess will leave her bridal bouquet to the waiting Monegasques. For most of this tour, the vehicle will operate in full zero-emission mode, driving under electric-motor power alone, hereby reaffirming Lexus Hybrid Drive's environmental credentials.

With the end of the celebrations, the unique Lexus Landaulet will be displayed first at the Media Centre and subsequently at the Oceanographic Museum, where visitors will be able to view a remarkable reminder of an exceptional occasion.
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Okay, I just ready the NY Times expose on Charlene and all I have to say is...RUN CHARLENE! RUN!

OMG, I had no idea how she was living...dreadful. It appears she may be trapped to lead a deeply unhappy life like her deceased mother-in-law.
i love prince albert news! my aunt, who worked as a buyer for Laura Ashley in the 80's, dated him for some time, and she still receives invites and mail from him.
Okay, I just ready the NY Times expose on Charlene and all I have to say is...RUN CHARLENE! RUN!

OMG, I had no idea how she was living...dreadful. It appears she may be trapped to lead a deeply unhappy life like her deceased mother-in-law.

So agree with you !
According to some rumours she tried to escape to South Africa but was stopped to do so by police officer and her passport was confiscated. Probably just a rumour though.
Still, she looks unhappy and uncomfortable.
Princess Grace was so unhappy with her marriage too. Just look at the wedding image back then. They argue her sad face was due to the press but I don't buy that. And now Charlene taking the same path.
Anyway, most people in France think that the Grimaldis are just a big mafia company
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So agree with you !
According to some rumours she tried to escape to South Africa but was stopped to do so by police officer and her passport was confiscated. Probably just a rumour though.
Still, she looks unhappy and uncomfortable.
Princess Grace was so unhappy with her marriage too. Just look at the wedding image back then. They argue her sad face was due to the press but I don't buy that. And now Charlene taking the same path.
Anyway, most people in France think that the Grimaldis are just a big mafia company

I have to admit that I don´t feel sorry for her ! She is a grown-up - over 30 years old with a normal background and hopefully some brains so she is entering knowing what is expecting her - if she felt uncomfortable until now she won´t feel much better with even more responsibility.

If she didn´t want to eventually become a "princess" than she should have thought about education and getting a job...I feel way more sorry for people who are working at a supermarket and have kids and have to get by on a daily basis especially today when so many countries are in a financial crisis or young people with degrees who are trying to find a job that would be "appropiate" in their field of interest but have to take on jobs like in the construction business etc. for a few bucks because times are hard...

becoming a "princess" nowadays is a free choice and not a Diana-naive-19-year-old-in-love-melodrama-story.
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I totally get your point Jomarlushka. Myself I'm struggling with my ****ty reception desk job while I have a master degree in litterature and everyone seems to tell me that I should be happy to have a job at all.
Sure Charlene is the one to blame if she's stuck in a situation that make her unhappy. She's not from a 3rd world country with no perpectives. Even if her background is middle class she won medals as a swimmer. She could have taken the opportunity to get an education after she ended her carreer as an athlete, which she didn't.
My point is that this wedding is so unglamourous and uninteresting since this couple seem weird and Monaco is just a f... rock !
I totally get your point Jomarlushka. Myself I'm struggling with my ****ty reception desk job while I have a master degree in litterature and everyone seems to tell me that I should be happy to have a job at all.!Sure Charlene is the one to blame if she's stuck in a situation that make her unhappy. She's not from a 3rd world country with no perpectives. Even if her background is middle class she won medals as a swimmer. She could have taken the opportunity to get an education after she ended her carreer as an athlete, which she didn't.
My point is that this wedding is so unglamourous and uninteresting since this couple seem weird and Monaco is just a f... rock !

keep your head up Lola Montès :heart::flower:
and you´re right: nobody really cares about that wedding and this rather weird couple , I totally agree!!!
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My point is that this wedding is so unglamourous and uninteresting since this couple seem weird and Monaco is just a f... rock !
At least Monaco have a real royal family, unlike the "Windsor":rolleyes:. Seriously, check your history.
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The Grimaldi's are probably my favorite royals...they have glamour, beauty, mystery and A LOT of drama. Of course, Grace Kelly gave all that to them, but still...they're a fabulous, motley crew.
Okay, I just ready the NY Times expose on Charlene and all I have to say is...RUN CHARLENE! RUN!

OMG, I had no idea how she was living...dreadful. It appears she may be trapped to lead a deeply unhappy life like her deceased mother-in-law.
you got that? up till i read that article, with all the stories about her trying to escape i felt bad to an extend for her, but after reading that first page of the article in which it's explained how she waited and despite all the kids he made with different women she continued to hang out in monaco and only after his decision to go along with it she was put in "golden cage", i seriously have little simpathy for her now that she's full on "stuck" with him. don't get me wrong, she has the right to flee her wedding (and if she was indeed caught and actually coerced at the airport it's really ill and wrong from the royals), but i'm not buying she knows how the royal stuff works just for the past year or just appears the things aren't the way she thought they would look and that she's unsure of everything, including herself, but then again, she's been with him for ages now so...

on the other hand, if she was put under control the minute she started mingling with him (if that's the real case which i really doubt to tell you the truth) then i'd feel bad for her.

what is mindboggling for me is the fact that, usually royal peeps keeps their stuff tight and oversecretely, i don't get how this stuff about her running away and all got out....:huh:
I'm happy that he finally decided to marry someone, at least he'll have some official successors. I'm not a fan of his wife already(the civil ceremony took place today), I mean she's so different from all those amazing Grimaldi girls. Even if his mom wasn't a princess she looked like she was one. Well, we'll see the results of the wedding in some years. I'm going to watch it as royal weddings are always amazing!

From Hollywoodlife, gettyimages
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