Mr-Dale said:As much as this a perfectly correct post stylegurrl, I must say that I disagree on certain points made by you. You say that caucasian people who blame this on coincidence are only saying this because they know that their kind will be represented anyway. That is sheer nonsense. I am causasian and I think that it's just coincidence, but I sure as hell do not think "Whatever, white people will be all over the place anyway" I love black and Asian models just as much I love caucasian models. Even more so, Ai is in my top 5 and Oluchi is definetly in my top 10. I love to see them both and all other models that are black or Asian. To top that, Beyoncé is my favourite singer and Halle Berry is one of my fave actresses. I made a list the other day with 48 models that would make the perfect runway show to me and it included: Jaunel, Oluchi, Liya, Yasmin, Hye and Ai. Yes, it's not a staggering amount of girls compared to the other 42, but I just felt that these girls were beautifull enough to be on my list. And just fyi, Daria or Gisele were not on the list. I think I have made my point now: I don't judge on skincolour nor do I only want to see caucasian people.
Also, perhaps you haven't noticed, but the stereotype of only white people can be rich and full of status has blurred in the past few years. Think of all the hiphop-artist that are making a difference now to all those who now share how they used to live. They are the proof that things can change and aren't only for the 'white'. Not only hiphop artists, but R&B as well. Actors and actresses. Sportspeople i.e Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan. Politicians, I'm thinking of Condoleca Rice (sp?) and one that has many many followers here in Holland Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
My last point is that the brainwash thing is a oneway-statement. So Asians like white models. My caucasian brother likes black singers, that's in a way the same. Lots of Asian people may associate white brands with luxury, but isn't that what they just are? I mean Dior, Chanel, Vuitton...all 'white' and definetly luxury. So it isn't just association. And I think that the Japanese royal house is just as luxurious as the Dutch one.
Thanks for reading!![]()
If it's perfectly correct, how on Earth can you disagree with it? <edit-rude>
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