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I've read both of them as I'm a massive Lee McQueen devotee.
"Blood Beneath the Skin" is a very basic story that tells you how Lee McQueen grew up and how he came to be who he was based on very thorough research.
It follows his life almost chronologically, but I felt like some parts of his life had been left out.
I really liked how the author wrote the last part of the book though, where I couldn't help sobbing.
"Gods and Kings" is probably more crude. Alex Fury in fact criticised Dana Thomas for revealing too much about their private lives, but as a reader I have to say that I really enjoyed such raw anecdotes of two of the greatest designers of all time and they really helped me deepen the knowledge I had learnt in "Blood".
I read "Gods and Kings" after "Blood Beneath the Skin" If you are going to read both of them, I'd recommend you do the same as you might find "Blood" a bit disappointing otherwise.
The Beautiful Fall by alicia drake about ysl and lagerfeld in the 70's is worth a read.
Thank you so much Lucy for your recommendation. I am getting it for sure, also trying to get some of the other recommendationa by the rest of the contribitors.The Beautiful Fall by alicia drake about ysl and lagerfeld in the 70's is worth a read.
i liked "my paris dream" by kate betts. This covers the journalists/editor's fairchild publications years. The years covering her tenure at vogue and bazaar are glossed over.
i'd recommend it if you can find a cheap used copy.
Hey, does anybody know anything re: an interior design book w/ an intro written by John Galliano? I recall seeing it years ago, but can't find it for the life of me.