Red Hair

^^ Amethyst your hair is SUCH a lovely colour :D

I'm currently re-hennaing my hair.... it's a long messy process and I've been sitting with a wet mess on my head for the last 3 hours (I leave it on for 4 hours) but it'll make my hair lovely :D
^^ Amethyst your hair is SUCH a lovely colour :D

I'm currently re-hennaing my hair.... it's a long messy process and I've been sitting with a wet mess on my head for the last 3 hours (I leave it on for 4 hours) but it'll make my hair lovely :D

Does henna fade? I already color my hair red, with chemicals, but it's super annoying to keep the color from fading quickly.. The upkeep is a b*tch!
it's supposed to stay better than regular dyes, especially with red, and is less damaging when you re-dye. karen elson is a henna lover
It fades slightly, my hair was still noticably red after 6 months though! its less vibrant after a while though!
This is it now anyway :)

my hair is SO soft :)

The only thing to remember with Henna is you can't use chemical dyes ontop of it for a while, otherwise it messes up your hair.
actually, as long as you get a henna that doesn't have the metallic dye compound in it, you're fine with other dyes...i thought the same thing and hesitated to do it for a long time, but there's certain brands of henna that are safe to use under or on top of chemical dyes...
I'm really confused by the whole red hair thing.

I have been interested in going red for a while now, but keep on getting actively discouraged to do so by every salon professional that I meet.

I am medium, ashy blonde with no previous dye experience, and my hair is longish with a fringe. I have a slightly pale face and blue eyes. Not sure why the pro's keep telling me not to go red, for they all give me different reasons.
Some of them are as follows:

* Your roots will be dreadful even though theyre blonde, it will cost you a fortune to upkeep.

* It will make your slightly pink cheeks look ridiculous and clash with your complexion (one salon says i'm warm toned, the other says i'm cool....figure that out!)

* I was offered, as the only alternative, some hideous orange streaks that would sit on top of my blonde.

* Was warned never to dye with a kit at home for the chemicals would destroy my hair. Conversely, i was told that salon chemicals with semi/perm dyes would actually not do this.

So, over all i am really confused, and will likely just remain my natural colour for the time being. Colouring for the first time is always a bit nerve wracking, so all of the negative advice I have been given has scared me off a bit.

If anyone here has any kind advice I would be so grateful!.
for images of me and my hair, this blog post of mine is a probably the best example ive got.

And hell, you all have exquisite hair!
Lapin de Lune - Hi! this is so weird, but I literally--just minutes ago--right-click saved your before-and-after bangs pic from the bang thread! I absolutely loved your transition and decided I might go that way this weekend when I visit my stylist!

Anyway, I'm so sorry you've had so many nay-saying stylists. Frankly, it sounds to me they have absolutely no business being stylists in the first place giving such shoddy advice and all.
Can I tell you what I think?
Firstly, you'd be PERFECT for red! :woot: You have the porcelain skin, blue-green colored eyes and light hair that all natural redheads have! So with that out of the way, all that's left is finding a stylist who gets this! Try googling salons that cater to "extreme" color, those are the places that are going to be the most open minded, experienced and able to give you the right shade of red. In the world of color, especially at salons, red is horribly under stocked. There are one zillions shades of blonde, brown and black (blue-black!) but maybe five for red--and they're usually brown-based, ruddy or auburn. :yuk: For your gorgeous coloring, the natural choice would be a carrot-orange red shade. Think baby blonde golden orange. That color will be absolutely ravishing on you and, really, is only a shade different from your natural blonde color. Blonde-based red (orange) will be so lovely on you, I wish I could reach through the computer screen and do it for you! :lol:

Be sure to take pictures of the exact color you want with you to the salon, and emphasize what you're looking for: natural looking, blonde-based, not brown based. If they still say no, for whatever reason, keep looking for another salon. The trick is to find the right stylist-- someone who's truly experienced in the realm of color, especially red!

Now if you can't find a salon, I would happily PM you all the necessary ingredients you'd need to do it on your own (really easy, NOT harsh on the hair at all! it's not necessary, your hair is already so light so there's no need to lift with peroxide). If so, just let me know!

Good luck and please post pics if you do end up going red!
Amethyst, thanks so much for such a thoughtful reply! I'm glad the silly fringe pics were useful to you, i was a bit embarrassed after putting them up;)

You have certainly cheered me with regards to colouring, and I will definitely ask around more, there are a few town centre salons which i ought to check out before giving up. Your advice is really helpful though, and I agree with you about the carroty shades.
I am still quite wary about the root issue, but i suppose this is a problem for anyone considering colouring their hair. I was just so surprised that the salons made such a deal of that for me, considering they must turn brunettes into blondes every day. Nobody likes regrowth, but i was shocked to hear that it would be so expensive to maintain - i had thought the initial full colour would be more expensive than a root touch up, surely?

Lots to think about!
I will certainly post pics if i ever have the courage to do it - and thanks again for your help:)
^you could try a semi permanent and see if you like it.

Just dyed my hair with henna last night. went for Lush's caca marron and its come out the perfect shade of auburn. love it ^_^
Lapin - d'oh, I knew I'd forgotten something. YES! you're right-- there's no need for root touch up to be even remotely "expensive" or exhuastive to upkeep. To be perfectly honest, I really don't understand why these stylists didn't jump at the opportunity to take your money. I mean, really...there are hundreds of women every day who walk into salons with brown/black hair and walk out with skunk striped brassy blonde highlights that looks neither natural, nor flattering... so why not take a chance with red? Especially when you have the perfect coloring and virgin hair?! :blink:

You really don't need to throw cash down the drain at the salon for re-growth because it's so easy to do on your own, at home. Anyway, your roots will be virtually unnoticeable because your color is so light, but once you do have roots it should be easy to find an at-home color box at the drugstore to match the rest of your newly red locks. I don't know what brands and shades are available to you in the UK but there are actually quite a few brands here that offer that perfect blonde-orange shade (with several shades in that range, darker and lighter). Do you have L'Oreal brands in the UK? Once you finally do go red, it'll be easier to pick out the right dye to match. The great thing is since you're natural color is blonde, you won't have to leave on the dye for more than 5 mins!
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I completely agree with amethyst_sparkle. I first dyed my ashy blonde hair a rusty red when I was 11 years old and even then I didn't have any problems doing the root touching up myself, it's really that easy :lol: Dark blonde / ash blonde is actually a great natural color to have when you dye your hair because unless you dye your hair black or platinum blonde you'll never have any drastic roots showing (maybe that is because ash blonde is actually a mix of many different shades?)
And also, I never understand why people want to dye their hair a different color and are really desperate for it to look natural. Chances are, since it's NOT your natural hair color that it will most likely not be a shade that is most flattering to your skin type, hair color, etc. But who cares? I personally think if you want it to look natural, then don't change anything. If you're in to try something new and want a radiant new color, go for it. It can still look awesome even if it's not similar to your natural hair color. Sure, there are combinations that really don't work but in the end it's always about trying and seeing what you like most on yourself.

I have pale skin with rosy cheeks, brown eyes, blonde hair and dark brown eyebrows naturally and I was still able to pull off any shade from honey blonde to dark red to purple to black ^_^ It's all about confidence and being creative with your new shade. Complimenting the new shade with new make up colors and the way you dress and having fun with it is a huge factor, IMO.
thanks for the additional info - amethyst you are a star!
We do have Loreal here, too.
I am planning a visit to another salon (or basically any reputable one that will have me!) and may very well go ahead with it.

My hair is actually getting darker, like dirty dishwater these days, and stylists always seem to want me to have blonde highlights to brighten it up. I'm just not into the idea of me with the two tone/stripe hair though, i would rather have a more sold block of colour.

Psylocke is right, any colour would be 'unnatural', so im not too sure about getting blonde highlights just to appear more so.
Lots to think about.

Thanks again x
Lapin - I think the difference between natural looking color and highlights is that, as you so adeptly pointed out, no one has naturally two-toned striped hair. That's what drives me nuts about highlights and those god-awful skunk's so glaringly unnatural, they might as well wear a sign that says "I had to use chemicals to achieve this". Even the very very thin/skinny hi-lights are obvious, because natural hair varies in color and shade from strand to strand, not chunk to chunk.

I agree with you wholeheartedly that highlights would do nothing for your already gorgeous, perfect hair (and I know what you mean about dishwater blonde-- that's my natural color too!). When doing all-over color, there's no need for highlights because your hair's own natural highlights/variations in color will stay exactly the same, except they will take on the new color. So if you're blonde with shades of baby blonde, dark blonde, etc, a carrot-y red color will be carrot with shades of light gold, dark amber, etc.

Also, I don't agree that "any color" would look unnatural just because you weren't born with it. I don't think anyone would believe that Nicole Kidman, Bette Davis and Marilyn Monroe aren't natural blondes, or that Rita Hayworth, Lucile Ball, Marcia Cross, Amy Adams, Kate Walsh, and Cynthia Nixon aren't natural redheads. Of course when we're talking about unnatural hair color, meaning color humans are not naturally born with, yes of course that's going to look "unnatural"...cuz, that's the point. Nobody's born with atomic pink or neon blue hair.
It's when certain people of certain decent dye their hair a color that isn't naturally found within their race that makes for an obvious and unnatural look. For example, when hispanic/asian/black/indian/naturally brunette women get blonde highlights, it looks terrible (in my opinion) because brunettes don't have blonde highlights naturally. Sure, they can have shades of lighter browns in their hair, but come on. If you have black/brown eyes and black/brown hair, blonde anything is never going to look natural, whether it be all-over or highlights.

I think most people fail to realize that true blonde or red hair is a recessive gene that automatically pairs with blue or green eyes, also recessive genes and fair skin.
There are no naturally tan, brown eyed-platinum blondes, or brown eyed-red heads.
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You guys have been infinitely more helpful than any stylist I have encountered.

Honestly, thanks so much x

I will be making an appointment with a new salon this week. Will see how it goes.
I am still quite wary about the root issue, but i suppose this is a problem for anyone considering colouring their hair. I was just so surprised that the salons made such a deal of that for me, considering they must turn brunettes into blondes every day. Nobody likes regrowth, but i was shocked to hear that it would be so expensive to maintain - i had thought the initial full colour would be more expensive than a root touch up, surely?

I'm naturally a dark brunette, I think it's safe to say my roots should be done once a month. It costs me $110 every time (for 1 inch of hair!), so I try to go every 6-8 weeks. I also bleach my eyebrows a few shades lighter and use a redhead brow pencil. If you have naturally blonde hair though the roots won't contrast as badly.

Going red is addictive (you'll get a TON of unexpected attention), and it can get costly. If budgeting is an issue for you just go 2 or 3 times and really pay attention to what products the stylist uses, then buy them on Ebay and do it yourself at home (unless she mixes several shades or highlights - that gets complicated). It's definitely worth trying once though - life is too short B)
Fabulyss, thanks for the advice. That is certainly pretty expensive for just the roots. I will keep all this in mind.

Here is a picture of how my hair looks at present (to get an idea of the colour). I have recently cut it into a bob and will be growing the fringe out:

I am really fond of these shades of red:
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^That's my shade of red ^_^ Ohhh it's going to be gorgeous with your eye color!
i visited toni&guy today and it went very well.
was told that the carroty shades would suit me perfectly, and chestnut, for some odd reason! i will be thinking it over this weekend.

i also feel as though i have hijacked this poor thread. apologies for that. these kind of decisions send me a bit loopy;)

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