RIP Whitney Houston - 1963-2012

One of my favorite Whitney films was Waiting to Exhale. She was so wonderful and so gorgeous in that film.

And a picture of her with her daughter that I love

filmfreeze, usatoday
I can't even recall the number of times I've watched Waiting to Exhale over the years. Both the movie and soundtrack are some of my all-time favourites.

A few more photos of Whitney, some from her modelling days.



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Entertainment Weekly Feb 24 2012 – Special Tribute to Whitney Houston

The late Whitney Houston is featured in the February 24 2012 issue of Entertainment Weekly.

In the issue:

Whitney Houston’s tragic death on the eve of the Grammy Awards was a shock to the music community and the world. Her fans and colleagues have struggled with her legacy in the days since her passing, reconciling her one-of-a-kind talent with her battle with substance abuse and troubled personal life. In this week’s issue of EW, we explore Houston’s life, her influences, and how she will be remembered.

At the Grammys, Houston’s impact was apparent. Bonnie Raitt, Diane Warren, and other major music industry figures spoke to EW about her influence on their own work and on the music business as a whole. ”She broke the glass ceiling for female R&B singers to cross over,” Raitt said.

Houston’s music is what will live on. From “How Will I Know” to “I Will Always Love You,” we’ve compiled an ultimate Whitney playlist, featuring 25 of Whitney Houston’s best songs, as well as a collection of her life in photos.

For more on Whitney Houston and our complete Grammys coverage, pick up the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on stands this Friday.


Aw goodness. I'm still bummed and I'm not quite sure why. I think everybody was rooting for her.

My favorite song of hers is "You Give Good Love." :heart: :heart:
^ who was rooting for her? for years, much of the media's focus was "she is a crkhd." now she dies, and everyone is suddenly so sad and remembering her music.
yeah -- i've been an incredibly huge Whitney fan since for about 20 years. literally, she was a part of every single day, whether it was listening to music, participating in her discussion forums, or just bringing her up in conversation. I was rooting for her, but it was really tough being a fan for the past 10 years because it felt like a constant battle to defend her against terrible media stories and to try and remind people of her astonishing accomplishments.

even still - i do appreciate the way people are showing so much love these days. it helps us fans grieve.
oh sh*t...
i didn't watch the whole funeral but...
i will always love you couldn't be a more perfect way to say goodbye...

so sad....
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Love's In Need Of Love Today was such a special moment because of the energy and Alicia Keys sang her heart out, but the ending with I Will Always Love You was absolutely heartbreaking. I felt really sad for her daughter and mother.
I agree with Erin about people rooting for her, everyone was happy to hear of a waiting to exhale and bodyguard sequel which were signs that she was on the toad to recovery. I dont think the media speaks for the people, it only tries to influence them
Seen her funeral, it was such a beautiful and incredibly moving tribute. Kevin Costners speech was so touching, had me in tears. Such beautiful heart felt words. When they brought the casket out to "I Will Always Love You" i had goose bumps, such a poignant and sad moment.

Rest in Peace Whitney.
I will always love you, Whitney :(
i thought it was such an absolutely perfect and beautiful way to honour the life of Whitney Houston. people who knew her on deep personal levels sharing their stories of the woman, the mother, the sista -- not just the star.

the constant running theme was how generous and thoughtful and caring she was to the people in her life. i just loved it.
still feeling sad about's hard to believe how attached you can get to these people you never really knew. :heart: i didn't get a chance to watch the funeral but i keep reading how beautiful it was. seems a bit morbid to ask....but does anyone know if there is anywhere i could watch some of the speeches from the funeral?
Kevin Costner gave one of the most touching speeches at Whitney Houston‘s funeral at the New Hope Baptist Church in Newark, New Jersey on Saturday (February 18).

“You weren’t just pretty,” said the 57-year-old actor, who co-starred in 1992′s The Bodyguard with Whitney. “You were as beautiful as a woman could be. And people didn’t just like you Whitney. They loved you.”

Watch Kevin‘s tribute below.
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Photos of a young Whitney when she was a teenage model. She was modeling for Seventeen Magazine on 1981. Photo credits: uk
flawless face :cry:
I just hope her daughter can live by herself now and not with bobbi cause hes all kind of messed up

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