Rosie attacks Ripa for Clay Aiken remark

Come on, Rosie.

Who on stage at the time of the "inicident" was homosexual? Or did I miss the People magazine cover where it had the big picture of Clay under the headline, "I'm gay!". As far as I know Clay's a straight man (even though we all know that's not the case).

To me, it didn't seem like Kelly was mad because of germs or because she was homophobic. It actually looked like she was annoyed by him. And I think Kelley handled it well. A lot of people don't like anyone touching their faces. Does he realize what would have happened if he covered,say Flava Flav's mouth? Yeah, he would have got slapped.
Ew. Having a (basically) stranger put his hands over your mouth, or anywhere near your mouth is pretty gross. You don't know what they've touched, how recently they've washed their hands (and aren't men notorious for not washing their hands in the loo?), etc. Plus I think the most common way of getting sick is hand to mouth (germs on hand, then touching something that goes near your mouth).

I was surprised that Rosie thought it was a homophobic remark. While I was reading the top post I couldn't understand what the link was at first.


We don't know where that hand has been! Tori Spelling and Clay Aiken, who introduced John Mayer's performance at the AMAs, poke fun at the American Idol star's recent trouble with talk-show host Kelly Ripa.
Wow Rosie...I'm sure Clay really appreciates it.

She overreacted. Perhaps it's because she herself is a homosexual?
I think this is the most ridiculous thing ever. Clay and Kelly were supposed to be interviewing the people from Dancing with the Stars, and since Clay's never really done an actual interview, he was wondering when he'd get to ask a question because Kelly just kept firing them off. To be funny, he put his hand over her mouth to let him have a turn to ask, and Kelly's response was done jokingly too. The comment she made was in no-way related to his sexuality... Augh I hate when dumb stuff like this is blown out of proportion! :huh:
I don't like Clay, and quite like Kelly. I was with her until she started on about germs as an excuse - why go there when it's obvious to anyone that's watched Live that it's not true? Just say you're skeeved out by him and didn't want him touching you. That's enough. But germs? I have seen this woman take a cough drop from someone's mouth and put it in her own, chew Regis' chewed gum, share food from the same utensil, and lick her shoes.

And, put her hand over a mouth:


I guess germs aren't a factor when you're the one doing the giving.

She has every right to be upset, I would have been furious. But don't make up flimsy excuses. I also don't think her remark was homophobic (though the snide 'honey' was a little pointed), but she did make a big deal of his sexuality in the Halloween show (dressing as Clay and coming on to Regis' Bo Bice), and it was after they showed the Halloween clip on Friday that things started going down hill.

Rosie was absolutely right in that if it were Mario Lopez, Kelly would not have minded. She probably would have started licking his palm and sucking his fingers, based on her past behavior. But not because he is straight, but because he wasn't in the process of pissing her off, probably because he was pissed at her apparent mockery of him and his sexuality on Halloween.

Pic from Our Daily Ripa
Barbara Walters: Rosie, Kelly Feud Is Over

Barbara Walters, who often helps keep the peace among her View cohosts, attempted to close the door on the feud involving Rosie O'Donnell, Kelly Ripa and Clay Aiken on Wednesday's show.

"I love this show to be lively, and yesterday it certainly was lively," said Walters, who had taken the day off on Tuesday. "This is what I want to say. Rosie O'Donnell is one of the kindest, most sensitive people I know. And so is our friend Kelly Ripa. And Rosie and Kelly talked yesterday after the show. Rosie and Clay Aiken have talked. And all is well with the world, and all is well with them. So let's move on."

Calling herself "Mama Bear," Walters said that her speech was not rehearsed and that O'Donnell didn't know it was coming.

When Walters finished, O'Donnell said, "The sheriff is back in town! There you go."

Walters, an executive producer of The View, was returning to a show that saw plenty of fireworks in her absence. On Tuesday, O'Donnell accused Ripa of making a homophobic remark about Aiken on Live With Regis & Kelly , when Ripa told Aiken, who'd tried to cover her mouth, "I don't know where that hand's been, honey!"

Ripa called in to The View to say O'Donnell's accusation was "outrageous."

Aiken hasn't commented publicly on the incident – but did participate in a mini-skit about it during the American Music Awards on Tuesday night. As Aiken and Tori Spelling were introducing John Mayer, Spelling put her hand over Aiken's mouth and said, "I'll tell you where that hand's been later."
Well. My friend whom is a heterosexual woman said that she took it as homophobic...I was like "Im the first person to start screaming homophobic, please, she would've said that to anyone...She's too dumb to be prejudice anyway, for godsake, her husband is gay!"
clay was so silly,for putting his hand on her mouth
I would have hit him lol
^ :ninja: :lol: ... i don't think it's homophobic ... i'm bored with this already
First of all it is Kelly's show and Clay was merely the guest host. For him to stick his hand on her mouth was rude and just plain disrespectful. I don't want anyone, let alone some guy I don't know very well sticking his hand on my face. As my mother pointed out, lots of guys aren't very good at washing their hands after they've used the washroom so her remark could be interpreted that way.

I don't know why Roise chose to get involved. I think it's laughable she was slamming the likes of Perez Hilton for outing celebs the other week and now she's done it to Clay. I guess different standards for different folks.
^I agree. I can't believe how some people's mind would automatically think "homophobic". It sure tells you how politically correct we've become.
meh, couldve been homophobic, couldve not been, its really very fine line and rosie jumped to conclusions but dayum that kelly girl looked BITCHY and really really ticked off like he should be lucky sitting next to her.
^ It's because Clay is well-known in the industry to be a royal pain-in-the a**!! He's rumoured to be really awful and diva-like.
I can't stand Rosie O'Donnell full stop. And I have an embarrassing penchant for Hope And Faith. So that is where I stand.
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SiennaInLondon said:
And I have an embarrassing penchant for Hope And Faith.

Karma for sharing my shame ^_^

I sooooooooooo wish Kelly had just said, "Look, I didn't want him touching me because he creeps me out and that's my right." She's getting a lot of flack for being a hypocrite when there are pics of her with Simon Cowell's hand over her mouth, and there's a series from just this October 30th where she sticks her fingers in her mouth, sucks on them, then climbs on top of Regis and forces them in his mouth. I've had a soft spot for Kelly since Haley Vaughn hooked up with Charlie Brent (the Mateo/Comavision/Tanner/Salsa years were haaaard, believe me, but I had Arlene and Alec to comfort me) and don't like to see her criticized like this, even if she deserves it ;)
I think what Clay did was totally inappropriate. On Live sometimes Regis and Kelly ask more questions than the other, thats just how it goes, Clay could have done many other things than what he did. He has no sense of propriety.
Its Kelly's right to object to someone who is basically a stranger to her putting his hand on her mouth. It's completely different to compare it to her letting Reg stick his hand on his mouth or vice versa.

I may not object to a friend or family member sticking their hand over my mouth but that doesn't mean I give up the right to object when a stranger sticks his hand over my mouth.

Clay was rude. Rosie shouldn't have gotten involved.
I don't consider her statement homophobic whatsoever. I've said almost those same words to guys before, including ones that I was even attracted to! I don't like being touched by 97% of people I come across including ones I like, not even a hand on my arm. I also don't like people trying to shut me up in a rude, dismissive, or fake authorative manner. I am also a germaphobe.

Where I live at least retorting with "I don't know where your hands have been." after someone, even a friend suddenly grabs you or something is a common teasing phrase. I have a co-worker I get along well with that I charge fines for poking my stomach with his finger when he walks by me. The fine is 1,000 Monopoly dollars, I've said that phrase to him before too.

Only my closest friends could put their hand over my mouth without :boxer:.

Strangers or virtual strangers touching me = :sick:

It's rude to attempt to out people too, someone tried to do that with one of my friends, so not good. When it gets right down to it people's sexual preferences aren't my business unless I'm dating them.

Maybe her reason was as some speculated neither homophobia nor germaphobia and maybe people who look for something in nothing need more hobbies. And journalists that consider an old unsolved murder irrelevant compared to a ridiculous gossip story need to be kicked. :rolleyes:
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